236,875 research outputs found

    Dynamic sharing of a multiple access channel

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    In this paper we consider the mutual exclusion problem on a multiple access channel. Mutual exclusion is one of the fundamental problems in distributed computing. In the classic version of this problem, n processes perform a concurrent program which occasionally triggers some of them to use shared resources, such as memory, communication channel, device, etc. The goal is to design a distributed algorithm to control entries and exits to/from the shared resource in such a way that in any time there is at most one process accessing it. We consider both the classic and a slightly weaker version of mutual exclusion, called ep-mutual-exclusion, where for each period of a process staying in the critical section the probability that there is some other process in the critical section is at most ep. We show that there are channel settings, where the classic mutual exclusion is not feasible even for randomized algorithms, while ep-mutual-exclusion is. In more relaxed channel settings, we prove an exponential gap between the makespan complexity of the classic mutual exclusion problem and its weaker ep-exclusion version. We also show how to guarantee fairness of mutual exclusion algorithms, i.e., that each process that wants to enter the critical section will eventually succeed

    Transmitter Optimization in Multiuser Wireless Systems with Quality of Service Constraints

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    In this dissertation, transmitter adaptation for optimal resource allocation in wireless communication systems are investigated. First, a multiple access channel model is considered where many transmitters communicate with a single receiver. This scenario is a basic component of a. wireless network in which multiple users simultaneously access the resources of a wireless service provider. Adaptive algorithms for transmitter optimization to meet Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements in a distributed manner are studied. Second, an interference channel model is considered where multiple interfering transmitter-receiver pairs co-exist such that a given transmitter communicates with its intended receiver in the presence of interference from other transmitters. This scenario models a wireless network in which several wireless service providers share the spectrum to offer their services by using dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio (CR) technologies. The primary objective of dynamic spectrum access in the CR approach is to enable use of the frequency band dynamically and opportunistically without creating harmful interference to licensed incumbent users. Specifically, CR users are envisioned to be able to provide high bandwidth and efficient utilization of the spectrum via dynamic spectrum access in heterogeneous networks. In this scenario, a distributed method is investigated for combined precoder and power adaptation of CR transmitters for dynamic spectrum sharing in cognitive radio systems. Finally, the effect of limited feedback for transmitter optimization is analyzed where precoder adaptation uses the quantized version of interference information or the predictive vector quantization for incremental updates. The performance of the transmitter adaptation algorithms is also studied in the context of fading channels

    A Dynamic Game with Adaptive Strategies For IEEE 802.15.4 and IoT

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    © 2016 IEEE. This is the accepted manuscript version of a conference paper which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1109/TrustCom.2016.0099The problem of selfishness and misbehaviour in wireless networks is well known, as are the associated solutions that have been proposed for it in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and Wireless Sensory Network (WSN). However, tackling such problem in relation to the Internet of Things (IoT) is relatively new since the IoT is still under development. The central communication infrastructure of IoT is the IEEE 802.15.4 standard which defines low-rate and low energy wireless personal area networks. In order to share the medium fairly and efficiently in a beacon-enabled mode, the standard uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) in the Contention Access Period (CAP), and Guarantee Time Slot (GTS) in the Contention Free Period (CFP) of a super-frame. These channel sharing mechanisms are known to be vulnerable to selfishness, misbehaviour and channel capture as a result of nodes disobeying the communication rules. Most of the existing game theoretic solutions were designed for IEEE 802.11 WLAN and WSN. In this work, we present a dynamic game in which nodes can select and adapt their strategies of play according to the 'state of the game' and their energy level in order to increase their utility whenever their utility declined. Our model enables resources constrained nodes to optimised their strategies individually based upon the current state of the game and their available resources. Our analysis and simulation results suggest an improvement in utility, and fairness in channel sharing, as well as efficiency in energy usage in our dynamic model and hence performance and security in our scheme over the default IEEE 802.15.4 access mechanism

    A dynamic distributed multi-channel TDMA slot management protocol for ad hoc networks

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    With the emergence of new technologies and standards for wireless communications and an increase in application and user requirements, the number and density of deployed wireless ad hoc networks is increasing. For deterministic ad hoc networks, Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a popular medium access scheme, with many distributed TDMA scheduling algorithms being proposed. However, with increasing traffic demands and the number of wireless devices, proposed protocols are facing scalability issues. Besides, these protocols are achieving suboptimal spatial spectrum reuse as a result of the unsolved exposed node problem. Due to a shortage of available spectrum, a shift from fixed spectrum allocation to more dynamic spectrum sharing is anticipated. For dynamic spectrum sharing, improved distributed scheduling protocols are needed to increase spectral efficiency and support the coexistence of multiple co-located networks. Hence, in this paper, we propose a dynamic distributed multi-channel TDMA (DDMC-TDMA) slot management protocol based on control messages exchanged between one-hop network neighbors and execution of slot allocation and removal procedures between sender and receiver nodes. DDMC-TDMA is a topology-agnostic slot management protocol suitable for large-scale and high-density ad hoc networks. The performance of DDMC-TDMA has been evaluated for various topologies and scenarios in the ns-3 simulator. Simulation results indicate that DDMC-TDMA offers near-optimal spectrum utilization by solving both hidden and exposed node problems. Moreover, it proves to be a highly scalable protocol, showing no performance degradation for large-scale and high-density networks and achieving coexistence with unknown wireless networks operating in the same wireless domain

    Key Issues in Wireless Transmission for NTN-Assisted Internet of Things

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    Non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) have become appealing resolutions for seamless coverage in the next-generation wireless transmission, where a large number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices diversely distributed can be efficiently served. The explosively growing number of IoT devices brings a new challenge for massive connection. The long-distance wireless signal propagation in NTNs leads to severe path loss and large latency, where the accurate acquisition of channel state information (CSI) is another challenge, especially for fast-moving non-terrestrial base stations (NTBSs). Moreover, the scarcity of on-board resources of NTBSs is also a challenge for resource allocation. To this end, we investigate three key issues, where the existing schemes and emerging resolutions for these three key issues have been comprehensively presented. The first issue is to enable the massive connection by designing random access to establish the wireless link and multiple access to transmit data streams. The second issue is to accurately acquire CSI in various channel conditions by channel estimation and beam training, where orthogonal time frequency space modulation and dynamic codebooks are on focus. The third issue is to efficiently allocate the wireless resources, including power allocation, spectrum sharing, beam hopping, and beamforming. At the end of this article, some future research topics are identified.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The role of SIC on the design of next generation multiple access

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    The interplay of physical layer enhancements and classic random access protocols is the objective of this paper. Successive interference cancellation (SIC) is among the major enhancements of the physical layer. Considering the classic representatives of random access protocols, Slotted ALOHA and Channel Sensing Multiple Access (CSMA), we show that two regimes can be identified as a function of the communication link spectral efficiency. In case of high levels of spectral efficiency, multi-packet reception enabled by SIC is of limited benefit. Sum-rate performance is dominated by the effectiveness of the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. On the contrary, for low spectral efficiency levels, sum-rate performance is essentially dependent on physical layer SIC capability, while the MAC protocol has a marginal impact. Limitations due to transmission power dynamic range are shown to induce unfairness among nodes. However, the unfairness issue fades away when the system is driven to work around the sum-rate peak achieved for low spectral efficiency. This can also be confirmed by looking at Age of Information (AoI) metric. The major finding of this work is that SIC can boost performance, while still maintaining a fair sharing of the communication channel among nodes. In this regime, the MAC protocol appears to play a marginal role, while multi-packet reception endowed by SIC is prominent to provide high sum-rate, low energy consumption, and low AoI

    Wideband Channel Sounding Techniques for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks

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    In recent years, cognitive radio has drawn extensive research attention due to its ability to improve the efficiency of spectrum usage by allowing dynamic spectrum resource sharing between primary and secondary users. The concept of cognitive radio was first presented by Joseph Mitola III and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr., in which either network or wireless node itself changes particular transmission and reception parameters to execute its tasks efficiently without interfering with the primary users [1]. Such a transceiving mechanism and network environment is called the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) network. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows any type of transmission in unlicensed bands at any time as long as their transmit power level obeys specific FCC regulations. Performing channel sounding as a secondary user in such an environment becomes a challenge due to the rapidly changing network environment and also the limited transmission power. Moreover, to obtain the long term behavior of the channel in the DSA network is impractical with conventional channel sounders due to frequent changes in frequency, transmission bandwidth, and power. Conventional channel sounding techniques need to be adapted accordingly to be operated in the DSA networks. In this dissertation, two novel channel sounding system frameworks are proposed. The Multicarrier Direct Sequence Swept Time-Delay Cross Correlation (MC-DS-STDCC) channel sounding technique is designed for the DSA networks aiming to perform channel sounding across a large bandwidth with minimal interference. It is based on the STDCC channel sounder and Multicarrier Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (MC-DS-CDMA) technique. The STDCC technique, defined by Parsons [2], was first employed by Cox in the measurement of 910 MHz band [3{6]. The MC-DS-CDMA technique enables the channel sounder to be operated at different center frequencies with low transmit power. Hence, interference awareness and frequency agility are achieved. The OFDM-based channel sounder is an alternative to the MC-DS-STDCC technique. It utilizes user data as the sounding signal such that the interference is minimized during the course of transmission. Furthermore, the OFDM-based channel sounder requires lower sampling rate than the MC-DS-STDCC system since no spreading is necessary

    Intelli MAC Layer Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    According to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) [11], the utilization of the spectrum has been increasing rapidly over a wide range of frequency bands. There are various reasons that cause this dynamic growth. One reason is increase in network capacity. Another reason is increase in mobile services needed to carry over the spectrum. In order to overcome the shortage of spectrum due to increased usage, Cognitive Radio (CR) technology has been introduced. Cognitive Radios can utilize idle spectrum holes that are not occupied by the Primary Users (PUs) for performing temporary wireless communication tasks. PUs are licensed users which own and have access to certain spectrum bands. Challenging issues that need to be addressed by the CRs are spectrum sensing, spectrum sharing, spectrum management and spectrum mobility. The main contribution of this thesis is to design a new MAC layer protocol in order to determine the behavior of Secondary Users (SUs) based on PUs transmission history while taking into account both PUs and SUs. SUs are non licensed users which transmit only on those spectrum bands that are unutilized by the PUs. SUs usually observe the activity of PUs on spectrum bands. This new protocol allows the CR nodes to sense, share and manage access of the nodes to the spectrum. This protocol prevents any damage caused by SUs to the PUs transmission. Also, the new MAC protocol will negotiate the spectrum by assisting the CRs to identify the underutilized spectrum based on channel conditions such as channel throughput, channel data rate, channel score, channel utilization and packet error rate (PER). The Intelli MAC layer protocol measures transmission time among PUs and reduces channel sensing time for SUs. For managing the entire network, this protocol uses the concept of Harmonious Channel (HC). This protocol uses multiple half duplex transceivers for carrying data communication among users

    Optimal Pricing Effect on Equilibrium Behaviors of Delay-Sensitive Users in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    This paper studies price-based spectrum access control in cognitive radio networks, which characterizes network operators' service provisions to delay-sensitive secondary users (SUs) via pricing strategies. Based on the two paradigms of shared-use and exclusive-use dynamic spectrum access (DSA), we examine three network scenarios corresponding to three types of secondary markets. In the first monopoly market with one operator using opportunistic shared-use DSA, we study the operator's pricing effect on the equilibrium behaviors of self-optimizing SUs in a queueing system. %This queue represents the congestion of the multiple SUs sharing the operator's single \ON-\OFF channel that models the primary users (PUs) traffic. We provide a queueing delay analysis with the general distributions of the SU service time and PU traffic using the renewal theory. In terms of SUs, we show that there exists a unique Nash equilibrium in a non-cooperative game where SUs are players employing individual optimal strategies. We also provide a sufficient condition and iterative algorithms for equilibrium convergence. In terms of operators, two pricing mechanisms are proposed with different goals: revenue maximization and social welfare maximization. In the second monopoly market, an operator exploiting exclusive-use DSA has many channels that will be allocated separately to each entering SU. We also analyze the pricing effect on the equilibrium behaviors of the SUs and the revenue-optimal and socially-optimal pricing strategies of the operator in this market. In the third duopoly market, we study a price competition between two operators employing shared-use and exclusive-use DSA, respectively, as a two-stage Stackelberg game. Using a backward induction method, we show that there exists a unique equilibrium for this game and investigate the equilibrium convergence.Comment: 30 pages, one column, double spac
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