47,712 research outputs found

    Grain-size optimization and scheduling for distributed memory architectures

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    The problem of scheduling parallel programs for execution on distributed memory parallel architectures has become the subject of intense research in recent, years. Because of the high inter-processor communication overhead in existing parallel machines, a crucial step in scheduling is task clustering, the process of coalescing heavily communicating fine grain tasks into coarser ones in order to reduce the communication overhead so that the overall execution time is minimized. The thesis of this research is that the task of exposing the parallelism in a given application should be left to the algorithm designer. On the other hand, the task of limiting the parallelism in a chosen parallel algorithm is best handled by the compiler or operating system for the target parallel machine. Toward this end, we have developed CASS (for Clustering And Scheduling System), a. task management system that provides facilities for automatic granularity optimization and task scheduling of parallel programs on distributed memory parallel architectures. In CASS, a task graph generated by a profiler is used by the clustering module to find the best granularity al which to execute the program so that the overall execution time is minimized. The scheduling module maps the clusters onto a. fixed number of processors and determines the order of execution of tasks in each processor. The output of scheduling module is then used by a code generator to generate machine instructions. CASS employs two efficient heuristic algorithms for clustering static task graphs: CASS-I for clustering with task duplication, and CASS-II for clustering without task duplication. It is shown that the clustering algorithms used by CASS outperform the best known algorithms reported in the literature. For the scheduling module in CASS, a heuristic algorithm based on load balancing is used to merge clusters such that the number of clusters matches the number of available physical processors. We also investigate task clustering algorithms for dynamic task graphs and show that it is inherently more difficult than the static case

    Dynamically Iterative MapReduce

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    [[abstract]]MapReduce is a distributed and parallel computing model for data-intensive tasks with features of optimized scheduling, flexibility, high availability, and high manageability. MapReduce can work on various platforms; however, MapReduce is not suitable for iterative programs because the performance may be lowered by frequent disk I/O operations. In order to improve system performance and resource utilization, we propose a novel MapReduce framework named Dynamically Iterative MapReduce (DIMR) to reduce numbers of disk I/O operations and the consumption of network bandwidth by means of using dynamic task allocation and memory management mechanism. We show that DIMR is promising with detail discussions in this paper.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    ReSHAPE: A Framework for Dynamic Resizing and Scheduling of Homogeneous Applications in a Parallel Environment

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    Applications in science and engineering often require huge computational resources for solving problems within a reasonable time frame. Parallel supercomputers provide the computational infrastructure for solving such problems. A traditional application scheduler running on a parallel cluster only supports static scheduling where the number of processors allocated to an application remains fixed throughout the lifetime of execution of the job. Due to the unpredictability in job arrival times and varying resource requirements, static scheduling can result in idle system resources thereby decreasing the overall system throughput. In this paper we present a prototype framework called ReSHAPE, which supports dynamic resizing of parallel MPI applications executed on distributed memory platforms. The framework includes a scheduler that supports resizing of applications, an API to enable applications to interact with the scheduler, and a library that makes resizing viable. Applications executed using the ReSHAPE scheduler framework can expand to take advantage of additional free processors or can shrink to accommodate a high priority application, without getting suspended. In our research, we have mainly focused on structured applications that have two-dimensional data arrays distributed across a two-dimensional processor grid. The resize library includes algorithms for processor selection and processor mapping. Experimental results show that the ReSHAPE framework can improve individual job turn-around time and overall system throughput.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables Submitted to International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'07

    Microgrid - The microthreaded many-core architecture

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    Traditional processors use the von Neumann execution model, some other processors in the past have used the dataflow execution model. A combination of von Neuman model and dataflow model is also tried in the past and the resultant model is referred as hybrid dataflow execution model. We describe a hybrid dataflow model known as the microthreading. It provides constructs for creation, synchronization and communication between threads in an intermediate language. The microthreading model is an abstract programming and machine model for many-core architecture. A particular instance of this model is named as the microthreaded architecture or the Microgrid. This architecture implements all the concurrency constructs of the microthreading model in the hardware with the management of these constructs in the hardware.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    Divided we stand: Parallel distributed stack memory management

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    We present an overview of the stack-based memory management techniques that we used in our non-deterministic and-parallel Prolog systems: &-Prolog and DASWAM. We believe that the problems associated with non-deterministic and-parallel systems are more general than those encountered in or-parallel and deterministic and-parallel systems, which can be seen as subsets of this more general case. We develop on the previously proposed "marker scheme", lifting some of the restrictions associated with the selection of goals while keeping (virtual) memory consumption down. We also review some of the other problems associated with the stack-based management scheme, such as handling of forward and backward execution, cut, and roll-backs

    Relating goal scheduling, precedence, and memory management in and-parallel execution of logic programs

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    The interactions among three important issues involved in the implementation of logic programs in parallel (goal scheduling, precedence, and memory management) are discussed. A simplified, parallel memory management model and an efficient, load-balancing goal scheduling strategy are presented. It is shown how, for systems which support "don't know" non-determinism, special care has to be taken during goal scheduling if the space recovery characteristics of sequential systems are to be preserved. A solution based on selecting only "newer" goals for execution is described, and an algorithm is proposed for efficiently maintaining and determining precedence relationships and variable ages across parallel goals. It is argued that the proposed schemes and algorithms make it possible to extend the storage performance of sequential systems to parallel execution without the considerable overhead previously associated with it. The results are applicable to a wide class of parallel and coroutining systems, and they represent an efficient alternative to "all heap" or "spaghetti stack" allocation models

    Dynamic resource allocation in a hierarchical multiprocessor system: A preliminary study

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    An integrated system approach to dynamic resource allocation is proposed. Some of the problems in dynamic resource allocation and the relationship of these problems to system structures are examined. A general dynamic resource allocation scheme is presented. A hierarchial system architecture which dynamically maps between processor structure and programs at multiple levels of instantiations is described. Simulation experiments were conducted to study dynamic resource allocation on the proposed system. Preliminary evaluation based on simple dynamic resource allocation algorithms indicates that with the proposed system approach, the complexity of dynamic resource management could be significantly reduced while achieving reasonable effective dynamic resource allocation

    Garbage collection auto-tuning for Java MapReduce on Multi-Cores

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    MapReduce has been widely accepted as a simple programming pattern that can form the basis for efficient, large-scale, distributed data processing. The success of the MapReduce pattern has led to a variety of implementations for different computational scenarios. In this paper we present MRJ, a MapReduce Java framework for multi-core architectures. We evaluate its scalability on a four-core, hyperthreaded Intel Core i7 processor, using a set of standard MapReduce benchmarks. We investigate the significant impact that Java runtime garbage collection has on the performance and scalability of MRJ. We propose the use of memory management auto-tuning techniques based on machine learning. With our auto-tuning approach, we are able to achieve MRJ performance within 10% of optimal on 75% of our benchmark tests