868 research outputs found

    Statistical Traffic State Analysis in Large-scale Transportation Networks Using Locality-Preserving Non-negative Matrix Factorization

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    Statistical traffic data analysis is a hot topic in traffic management and control. In this field, current research progresses focus on analyzing traffic flows of individual links or local regions in a transportation network. Less attention are paid to the global view of traffic states over the entire network, which is important for modeling large-scale traffic scenes. Our aim is precisely to propose a new methodology for extracting spatio-temporal traffic patterns, ultimately for modeling large-scale traffic dynamics, and long-term traffic forecasting. We attack this issue by utilizing Locality-Preserving Non-negative Matrix Factorization (LPNMF) to derive low-dimensional representation of network-level traffic states. Clustering is performed on the compact LPNMF projections to unveil typical spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of network-level traffic states. We have tested the proposed method on simulated traffic data generated for a large-scale road network, and reported experimental results validate the ability of our approach for extracting meaningful large-scale space-time traffic patterns. Furthermore, the derived clustering results provide an intuitive understanding of spatial-temporal characteristics of traffic flows in the large-scale network, and a basis for potential long-term forecasting.Comment: IET Intelligent Transport Systems (2013

    A Review of Traffic Signal Control.

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a starting point for the future research within the SERC sponsored project "Gating and Traffic Control: The Application of State Space Control Theory". It will provide an introduction to State Space Control Theory, State Space applications in transportation in general, an in-depth review of congestion control (specifically traffic signal control in congested situations), a review of theoretical works, a review of existing systems and will conclude with recommendations for the research to be undertaken within this project

    Traffic modeling, estimation and control for large-scale congested urban networks

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    Part I of the thesis investigates novel urban traffic state estimation methods utilizing probe vehicle data. Chapter 2 proposes a method to integrate the collective effect of dispersed probe data with traffic kinematic wave theory and data mining techniques to model the spatial and temporal dynamics of queue formation and dissipation in arterials. The queue estimation method captures interdependencies in queue evolutions of successive intersections, and moreover, the method is applicable in oversaturated conditions and includes a queue spillover statistical inference procedure. Chapter 3 develops a travel time reliability model to estimate arterial route travel times distribution (TTD) considering spatial and temporal correlations between traffic states in consecutive links. The model uses link-level travel time data and a heuristic grid clustering method to estimate the state structure and transition probabilities of a Markov chain. By applying the Markov chain procedure, the correlation between states of successive links is integrated and the route-level TTD is estimated. The methods in Part I are tested with various probe vehicle penetration rates on case studies with field measurements and simulated data. The methods are straightforward in implementation and have demonstrated promising performance and accuracy through numerous experiments. Part II studies network-level modeling and control of large-scale urban networks. Chapter 4 is the pioneer that introduces the urban perimeter control for two-region urban cities as an elegant control strategy to decrease delays in urban networks. Perimeter controllers operate on the border between the two regions, and manipulate the percentages of transfer flows between the two regions, such that the number of trips reaching their destinations is maximized. The optimal perimeter control problem is solved by the model predictive control (MPC) scheme, where the prediction model and the plant (reality) are formulated by macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFD). Chapter 5 extends the perimeter control strategy and MFD modeling to mixed urban-freeway networks to provide a holistic approach for large-scale integrated corridor management (ICM). The network consists of two urban regions, each one with a well-defined MFD, and a freeway, modeled by the asymmetric cell transmission model, that is an alternative commuting route which has one on-ramp and one off-ramp within each urban region. The optimal traffic control problem is solved by the MPC approach to minimize total delay in the entire network considering several control policies with different levels of urban-freeway control coordination. Chapter 6 integrates traffic heterogeneity dynamics in large-scale urban modeling and control to develop a hierarchical control strategy for heterogeneously congested cities. Two aggregated models, region- and subregion-based MFDs, are introduced to study the effect of link density heterogeneity on the scatter and hysteresis of MFD. A hierarchical perimeter flow control problem is proposed to minimize the network delay and to homogenize the distribution of congestion. The first level of the hierarchical control problem is solved by the MPC approach, where the prediction model is the aggregated parsimonious region-based MFD and the plant is the subregion-based MFD, which is a more detailed model. At the lower level, a feedback controller tries to maximize the network outflow, by increasing regional homogeneity

    Comparative Assessment on Static O-D Synthesis

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    Recognizing the benefits of data and the information it provides to travel demand is pertinent to network planning and design. Technological advances have led the ability to produce large quantities and types of data and as a result, many origin-destination (O-D) estimation techniques have been developed to accommodate this data. In contrast to the abundant choices on data types, data quantity and estimation procedures, there lacks a common framework to assess these methods. Without consistency in a baseline foundation, the performances of the methodologies can vary greatly based on each individual assumption. This research addresses the need for techniques to be tested on a common framework by establishing a baseline condition for static O-D estimation through a synthetic Vissim model of the Sioux Falls network as a case study area. The model is used to generate a master dataset, representing the ground-truth, and a subset of the master dataset, emulating the data collected from real world technologies. The subset of data is used as the input for the O-D estimation techniques where the input is varied to evaluate the effects of different levels of coverage/penetration of each data type on estimation results. A total of five estimation techniques developed by Cascetta and Postorino (2001), Castillo et al. (2008b), Parry and Hazelton (2012), Feng et al. (2015) and X. Yang et al. (2017) are tested with three data types (link counts, partial traces, and full traces) and two traffic assignment conditions (all-or-nothing and user equilibrium). The result of this research highlights the uniqueness of each network situation and highlights the outcomes of each approach. The wealth of data does not directly equal better information for every methodology. The insights that each data type provides each estimation technique reveals different results. The findings of this research demonstrate and supports that an established testbed framework supports and enhances future O-D estimation scenarios as it pertains to general O-D estimation and extensions of existing techniques

    Dynamic Modeling for Intelligent Transportation System Applications

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    Special Issue on Dynamic Modeling for Intelligent Transportation System Applicationspostprin

    Traffic modeling, forecasting and assignment in large-scale networks

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    Today, the development and evaluation of traffic management strategies heavily relies on microscopic traffic simulation models. In case detailed input (i.e. od matrix, signal timings, etc.) is extracted and incorporated in these simulators, they can provide valuable traffic state predictions. However, as this type of information is almost never available at the large-scale and traffic represents chaotic behavior in saturated networks, microscopic simulation models remain intractable and unstable. An alternative is a recently discovered network traffic model; macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD). Nevertheless, large-scale traffic management strategies remain a big challenge partly due to unpredictability of choices of travelers (e.g. route, departure time and mode choice). Part I of the thesis is an attempt to fill this gap. Chapter 2, 3 and 4 elaborate new aspects of large-scale traffic modeling, and integrate route choice behavior into the modeling. Chapter 2 proposes a dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model to establish equilibrium conditions in multi-region urban networks where the modeling is done through MFD dynamics. The method handles the stochastic components of the aggregated model through a sampling approach. In addition, the assignment model enables us to consider the response of drivers to changing traffic conditions in an aggregated modeling framework. Chapter 3 extends the DTA model presented in Chapter 2 to a route guidance system, where drivers are given a sequence of subregions to follow. Two aggregated models, region- and subregion-based models, are introduced to develop the guidance scheme and to test its effect, respectively. Notably, the challenge here is to translate certain variables across the traffic models without a loss of significance and assure certain degree of consistency. Chapter 4 extracts and reconstructs aggregated route choice patterns through an extensive GPS data set from taxis in a mega city. Observed GPS trajectories are first grouped together to provide a physical evidence for consistent route patterns. Second, in order to investigate the consistency of equilibrium assumptions considered in Chapter 2, observed trajectories are replaced with shortest path trajectories, and aggregated route choice patterns are reconstructed. Part II introduces novel travel time prediction and variability models. Travel time is a crucial performance measure in assessing the efficiency of transportation systems, and it provides a common index for both practitioners and travelers. Chapter 5 develops a travel time prediction model that jointly exploits traffic flow fundamentals and advanced data mining techniques. The prediction method detects the congestion patterns through the identification of active bottlenecks, and clusters the days with similar traffic patterns. This approach basically allows the model to train its predictions with relevant historical data sets. The method is applicable in oversaturated conditions and consistent with physics of traffic flow. Nevertheless, travelers not only consider travel time on average, but also value its variation. Day-to-day travel time variability, addressing the travel time variations of vehicles crossing the same route at the same period of time on different days, reveals interesting patterns. Departure time periods with similar mean travel times in the onset and offset of congestion exhibit quite different variance values. This phenomenon causes counter-clockwise hysteresis loops on the mean-variance curves. Chapter 6 investigates the empirical implications of hysteresis shape within the context of day-to-day travel time variability

    Models and Solution Algorithms for Asymmetric Traffic and Transit Assignment Problems

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    Modeling the transportation system is important because it provides a “common ground” for discussing policy and examining the future transportation plan required in practices. Generally, modeling is a simplified representation of the real world; however, this research added value to the modeling practice by investigating the asymmetric interactions observed in the real world in order to explore potential improvements of the transportation modeling. The Asymmetric Transportation Equilibrium Problem (ATEP) is designed to precisely model actual transportation systems by considering asymmetric interactions of flows. The enhanced representation of the transportation system by the ATEP is promising because there are various asymmetric interactions in real transportation such as intersections, highway ramps, and toll roads and in the structure of the transit fares. This dissertation characterizes the ATEP with an appropriate solution algorithm and its applications. First, the research investigates the factors affecting the convergence of the ATEP. The double projection method is applied to various asymmetric types and complexities in the different sizes of networks in order to identify the influential factors including demand intensities, network configuration, route composition between modes, and sensitivity of the cost function. Secondly, the research develops an enhancement strategy for improvement in computational speed for the double projection method. The structural characteristics of the ATEP are used to develop the convergence enhancement strategy that significantly reduces the computational burdens. For the application side, instances of asymmetric interactions observed in in-vehicle crowding and the transit fare structure are modeled to provide a suggestion on policy approach for a transit agency. The direct application of the crowding model into the real network indicates that crowd modeling with multi user classes could influence the public transportation system planning and the revenue achievement of transit agencies. Moreover, addition of the disutility factor, crowding, not always causes the increase of disutility from the transit uses. The application of the non-additive fare structure in the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) network addresses the potential of the distance-based fare structure should the UTA make a transition to this fare structure from their current fare model. The analysis finds that the zero base fare has the highest potential for increasing the transit demand. However, collecting less than $0.50 with a certain buffer distance for the first boarding has potential for attracting the users to UTA\u27s transit market upon the fare structure change

    A lossless spatial aggregation procedure for a class of capacity constrained traffic assignment models incorporating point queues

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    In this paper two novel spatial aggregation procedures are proposed. A network aggregation procedure based on a travel time delay decomposition method and a zonal aggregation procedure based on a path redistribution scheme. The effectiveness of these procedures lies in the fact that they, unlike existing aggregation methods, exploit available information regarding the application context and the characteristics of the adopted traffic assignment procedure. The context considered involves all applications that require path and inter-zonal travel times as output. A typical example of such applications are quick-scan methods, which have become increasing popular in recent years. The proposed procedures are compatible with a class of traffic assignment procedures incorporating (residual) point queues. Furthermore, one can choose to combine network aggregation with zonal aggregation to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Results are demonstrated via theoretical examples as well as a large-scale case study. In the case study it is shown that network loading times can be reduced to as little as 4% of the original situation without suffering any information loss
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