759 research outputs found

    Improving the Energy Efficiency of Mobile Terminals Using Dynamic Multilevel Priority Packet Scheduling in Cooperative Communication

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    Cooperative communication is an efficient method for reducing the energy consumption of mobile terminal in wireless cellular network. However, it is hard to implement due to the lack of motivations for the Mobile terminals to cooperate. For this scenario as the benchmark case, where the information of the helping mobile terminals such as the channel and battery conditions is completely known by the source node terminal, the problem is formulated as a relay selection problem. Efficient algorithms based on dichotomous search and alternative optimizations are proposed to solve the problem for the cases of split and non-split data at the source MT, respectively. The cooperative communications scheme with pricing mechanism can decrease both the battery outages and communications for the mobile node, and can also increase the average battery level during the mobile terminals operation. In this paper, we state a Dynamic Multilevel Priority (DMP) packet scheduling scheme. In the proposed system, each node, except those which are at the last level of the virtual hierarchy in the zone based topology of Wireless sensor network , have three levels of priority queues. Real-time packets are placed in the highest-priority queue and can preempt data packets in other queues. Non-real-time packets are placed in other two queues based on a certain threshold of their estimated processing time. Leaf nodes will have two queues for real-time and non-real-time data packets since they do not receive data from other nodes and so this reduce end to- end delay. The performance of the proposed Dynamic multilevel priority packet scheduling scheme through simulations for real-time and non-real-time data packet. Simulation results shows that the DMP packet scheduling scheme outperforms conventional schemes interms of average data waiting time and end-to-end delay

    A Survey on Scheduling Schemes with Security in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    AbstractWireless Sensor Network (WSN) is highly distributed network of small and light weight node. The node has the limited battery lifetime. Packet scheduling is important in WSN to maintain fairness based on priority of the data and to reduce the end to end delay. Existing packet scheduling algorithm used were First Come First Served (FCFS), Preemptive, Non-Preemptive.In this paper Dynamic Multilevel Priority (DMP) Packet Scheduling Scheme with the Bit Rate classification is proposed. The threshold value check mechanism is also proposed to prevent the deadlock situation. To provide security we will be implementing the RC6 security algorithm

    An Energy Efficient Multilevel Priority Packet scheduling scheme for WSN

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    Wireless sensor network(WSN) consist of compact distributed self-organizing wireless nodes with small amount of CPU memory, low processing power and low battery capacity. The wireless nodes generates different types of data packets such as real time and non-real time data packets because it sense environmental situations. WSN uses most existing packets scheduling system i.e. First come first serve(FCFS).In FCFS concept the data packets which enter the node first will leave the node first. In this process there might be starvation of real time data packets because data packets are processed according to the time but they are not processed according to priority. Scheduling different type of package in WSN is highly important since it ensure deliver of different type of packets based on their priority and fairness with minimum latency

    QoS Supportive MAC Protocols for WSNs: Review and Evaluation

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    The use of wireless sensor networks technology is growing in different applications of monitoring. Since it is a relatively new technology, the interest of researchers to improve the network performance and behaviour has been enormous. In this context, new resource allocation scheme that takes into account traffic priority and load has been introduced. The evaluation of this scheme is intended to be achieved by implementing a custom simulator. This report discusses and evaluates all the important concerns needed to be considered during the development of this project. Moreover, this work also reviews the related literature in order to afford optimisations to the scheme

    Enhanced Buffer Management Policy and Packet Prioritization for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Limited storage of the sensor node is one of the main causes of packet drop in the Wireless sensor network (WSN).   Frequent link disconnection is also another cause of packet drop.  Due to lack of continues end-to-end connection; two nodes may not be able to communicate with one another. Thus, communication may be established with the help of store and forward approach between the source and destination node. In that case, the sensor node may not be capable of storing a chunk of data since the buffer is available in a small amount. In order to store the data packets in the buffer when the link is down, an effective buffer management scheme is highly needed to keep the data packets for a long time until the link is re-established. This paper proposes a new buffer management scheme called Packet Priority Heterogonous Queue (PPHQ), which based on prioritizing and classifying the packets into different categories to minimize the loss of important packets. Unlike the existing Multi-layer WSN, that treats the data packets differently; we considered the data packets such as; temperature, humidity, and pressure to be same. However, the classification of different packet types is based on the sensor’s information value.  We completely divide the whole buffer into different queues, and thus the newly arrived packets are inserted in their corresponding queue. The buffer will then prioritize and schedule on which packet to be stored or transmit first when the buffer is overloaded. Our result exhibits that PPHQ scheme indeed provides minimum packet drop as well as maximum throughput compared to existing Multi-layer WSN buffer management schemes

    A critical analysis of research potential, challenges and future directives in industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) have emerged as an important research theme with applications spanning a wide range of industries including automation, monitoring, process control, feedback systems and automotive. Wide scope of IWSNs applications ranging from small production units, large oil and gas industries to nuclear fission control, enables a fast-paced research in this field. Though IWSNs offer advantages of low cost, flexibility, scalability, self-healing, easy deployment and reformation, yet they pose certain limitations on available potential and introduce challenges on multiple fronts due to their susceptibility to highly complex and uncertain industrial environments. In this paper a detailed discussion on design objectives, challenges and solutions, for IWSNs, are presented. A careful evaluation of industrial systems, deadlines and possible hazards in industrial atmosphere are discussed. The paper also presents a thorough review of the existing standards and industrial protocols and gives a critical evaluation of potential of these standards and protocols along with a detailed discussion on available hardware platforms, specific industrial energy harvesting techniques and their capabilities. The paper lists main service providers for IWSNs solutions and gives insight of future trends and research gaps in the field of IWSNs

    Cross Layered Network Condition Aware Mobile-Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Routing Protocol for Mission Critical Communication

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    The high pace emergence in wireless technologies have given rise to an immense demand towards Quality of Service (QoS) aware multimedia data transmission over mobile wireless multimedia sensor network (WMSN). Ensuring reliable communication over WMSN while fulfilling timely and optimal packet delivery over WMSN can be of great significance for emerging IoT ecosystem. With these motivations, in this paper a highly robust and efficient cross layered routing protocol named network condition aware mobile-WMSN routing protocol (NCAM-RP) has been developed. NCAM-RP introduces a proactive neighbour table management, congestion awareness, packet velocity estimation, dynamic link quality estimation (DLQE), and deadline sensitive service differentiation based multimedia traffic prioritization, and multi-constraints based best forwarding node selection mechanisms. These optimization measures have been applied on network layer, MAC layer and the physical layer of the protocol stack that eventually strengthen NCAM-RP to enable QoS-aware multimedia data transmission over WMSNs. The proposed NCAM-RP protocol intends to optimize real time mission critical (even driven) multimedia data (RTMD) transmission while ensuring best feasible resource allocation to the non-real time (NRT) data traffic over WMSNs. NCAM-RP has outperform RPAR based routing scheme in terms of higher data delivery, lower packet drops and deadline miss ratio. It signifies that NCAM-RP can ensure minimal retransmission that eventually can reduce energy consumption, delay and computational overheads. Being the mobility based WMSN protocol, NCAM-RP can play significant role in IoT ecosystem

    Survey: energy efficient protocols using radio scheduling in wireless sensor network

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    An efficient energy management scheme is crucial factor for design and implementation of any sensor network. Almost all sensor networks are structured with numerous small sized, low cost sensor devices which are scattered over the large area. To improvise the network performance by high throughput with minimum energy consumption, an energy efficient radio scheduling MAC protocol is effective solution, since MAC layer has the capability to collaborate with distributed wireless networks. The present survey study provides relevant research work towards radio scheduling mechanism in the design of energy efficient wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The various radio scheduling protocols are exist in the literature, which has some limitations. Therefore, it is require developing a new energy efficient radio scheduling protocol to perform multi tasks with minimum energy consumption (e.g. data transmission). The most of research studies paying more attention towards to enhance the overall network lifetime with the aim of using energy efficient scheduling protocol. In that context, this survey study overviews the different categories of MAC based radio scheduling protocols and those protocols are measured by evaluating their data transmission capability, energy efficiency, and network performance. With the extensive analysis of existing works, many research challenges are stated. Also provides future directions for new WSN design at the end of this survey

    Dynamic priority based reliable real-time communications for infrastructure-less networks

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    This paper proposes a dynamic priority system at medium access control (MAC) layer to schedule time sensitive and critical communications in infrastructure-less wireless networks. Two schemes, priority enabled MAC (PE-MAC) and optimized PE-MAC are proposed to ensure real-time and reliable data delivery in emergency and feedback systems. These schemes use a dynamic priority mechanism to offer improved network reliability and timely communication for critical nodes. Both schemes offer a notable improvement in comparison to the IEEE 802.15.4e low-latency deterministic networks. To ensure more predictable communication reliability, two reliability centric schemes, quality-ensured scheme (QES) and priority integrated QES, are also proposed. These schemes maintain a pre-specified successful packet delivery rate, hence improving the overall network reliability and guaranteed channel access

    A Multilevel Scheduling MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks(UASN)

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    Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) have attracted great attention in recent years and utilizes as a part of oceanic applications. This network has to deal with propagation delay, energy constraints and limited bandwidth which are strenuous for designing a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for underwater communication. There also exists an idle channel listening and overhearing problem which sets down the energy into starvation in the contention-based MAC protocols. Alternatively, lengthy time slots and time synchronization equated by schedule-based MAC protocols, outcomes the variable transmission delay and degrades the network performances. To iron out these problems, we propose a cluster-based MAC protocol, tagged as Multilevel Scheduling MAC (MLS-MAC) protocol for UASN in the paper. The cluster head is a decision maker for packet transmission and aids to inflate the lifetime of sensor nodes. To reinforce the channel efficiency, the multilevel scheduling in data phase is initiated with two queues depending on the applications fixed by the cluster head. The simulation result shows that the MLS-MAC has increased the network throughput and has decreased energy consumption
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