8 research outputs found

    Deriving a Generic Energy Consumption Model for Network Enabled Devices

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    Abstract-Energy saving has become a global issue when people use network enabled equipment in the office or at home. However few methods exist to measure and monitor energy use per user or per application, or to control equipment power states. We propose a generic energy consumption model that is based on the power state of network attached equipment, and that supports power management capabilities. This includes measures for each power state (on/off/sleep) and for per bit energy consumption, per interface, per application and at the network QoS (Quality of Services) level. Given the power state of a network device, a network manger could remotely inspect the energy consumption and make changes to the power management setting; for this to happen we introduce a new MIB (Management Information Base) schema to capture the attributes of relevance. Using an agent based modeling framework, we introduce the overall autonomic architecture that makes it possible to minimize energy consumption of network enabled equipment

    ECO-friendly distributed routing protocol for reducing network energy consumption

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    Abstract—The growth of Internet traffic has led to an increase in energy consumption by network equipment such as routers and switches. Consequently, energy consumption is becoming a key environmental, social, political and cost issue. Focusing on energy consumption by Internet Service Provider networks, the energy bottleneck is routers. Thus, it is imperative for us to reduce the energy consumption of routers. In this paper, we propose a new ECO-friendly distributed routing protocol (ECO-RP) based on OSPF. In our proposal, an ECO-RP entity periodically checks the amount of traffic forwarded by the ECO-RP entity. Moreover, an ECO-RP entity floods information on the amount of traffic to other entities such as the OSPF Link State Advertisement. This allows each ECO-RP entity to obtain information on traffic in the network, and to dynamically change OSPF link weights based on the information. For example, when the amount of overall network traffic is small, the entity changes link weights so that the traffic can be routed only through a subset of routers, and unneeded routers can shift into sleep mode. Several simulation studies, which assume two ECO-RP enabled networks, are conducted. The result shows that the proposed protocol is able to reduce energy consumption by about 18.5% at maximum without network congestion. I

    Architecture of an end-to-end energy consumption model for a cloud data center

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    Estimates show that a significant proportion of future ICT related energy consumption will be from Cloud Computing. Based on detail analysis and survey of energy consumption and optimization trends in cloud computing, this research presents a comprehensive end-to-end energy consumption model of a cloud facility extending from the end-user equipment to the data center facility. The model is subdivided into three planes and four associated layers and depicts the cross-plane and cross-layer relationships between the components in terms of energy consumption and potential optimization areas and provides a reference framework for planning power optimization strategies at a cloud facility

    Refined Overlay Power Management in the Home Environment

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    International audienceThe reduction of power consumption plays a key role in numerous environmental and economic issues. Since home network appliances are widely used, residential power consumption makes up a large part of global energy consumption. These home appliances are not only interconnected with each other to provide collaborative services, but are also integrally turned on to contribute to these collaborative services. Faced with this situation, we propose a refined overlay power management system in which appliances can be partially turned on depending on the services, and can be turned on at the moment they are required. In addition, user activities are critical information for the service launch, and so the proposed system has the capacity to learn information about the collaborative service in order to provide efficient power management

    PerfBound: Conserving Energy with Bounded Overheads in On/Off-Based HPC Interconnects

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    Energy and power are key challenges in high-performance computing. System energy efficiency must be significantly improved, and this requires greater efficiency in all subcomponents. An important target of optimization is the interconnect, since network links are always on, consuming power even during idle periods. A large number of HPC machines have a primary interconnect based on Ethernet (about 40 percent of TOP500 machines), which, since 2010, has included support for saving power via Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE). Nevertheless, it is unlikely that HPC interconnects would use these energy saving modes unless the performance overhead is known and small. This paper presents PerfBound, a self-contained technique to manage on/off-based networks such as EEE, minimizing interconnect link energy consumption subject to a bound on the performance degradation. PerfBound does not require changes to the applications and it uses only local information already available at switches and NICs without introducing additional communication messages, and is also compatible with multi-hop networks. PerfBound is evaluated using traces from a production supercomputer. For twelve out of fourteen applications, PerfBound has high energy savings, up to 70 percent for only 1 percent performance degradation. This paper also presents DynamicFastwake, which extends PerfBound to exploit multiple low-power states. DynamicFastwake achieves an energy-delay product 10 percent lower than the original PerfBound techniqueThis research was supported by European Union’s 7th Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under the Mont-Blanc-3 (FP7-ICT-671697) and EUROSERVER (FP7-ICT-610456) projects, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (TIN2012-34557 and TIN2015-65316), Generalitat de Catalunya (FI-AGAUR 2012 FI B 00644, 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the HiPEAC-3 Network of Excellence (ICT-287759), and the Severo Ochoa Program (SEV-2011-00067) of the Spanish Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Performance-aware energy optimizations in networks for HPC

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    Energy efficiency is an important challenge in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC). High energy requirements not only limit the potential to realize next-generation machines but are also an increasing part of the total cost of ownership of an HPC system. While at large HPC systems are becoming increasingly energy proportional in an effort to reduce energy costs, interconnect links stand out for their inefficiency. Commodity interconnect links remain ¿always-on¿, consuming full power even when no data is being transmitted. Although various techniques have been proposed towards energy- proportional interconnects, they are often too conservative or are not focused toward HPC. Aggressive techniques for interconnect energy savings are often not applied to HPC, in particular, because they may incur excessive performance overheads. Any energy-saving technique will only be adopted in HPC if there is no significant impact on performance, which is still the primary design objective. This thesis explores interconnect energy proportionality from a performance perspective. In this thesis, first a characterization of HPC applications is presented, making a case for the enormous potential for interconnect energy proportionality with HPC applications. Next, an HPC interconnect with on/off based links, modeled after the IEEE Energy Efficient Ethernet protocol, is evaluated. This evaluation while presenting a relationship between performance impact and energy over HPC applications also emphasizes the need for performance focused designs in energy efficient interconnects. Next, an adaptive mechanism, PerfBound, is presented that saves link energy subject to a bound on application performance overheads. Finally this evaluation structure is applied into an intermediate link power state, in addition to the traditional on and off states. Results of this study, over 15 production HPC applications show that, compared to current day always-on HPC interconnects, link energy can be reduced by unto 70%, while application performance overhead is bounded to only 1%.La eficiencia energética es un gran reto en el área de la Supercomputación (HPC), las grandes necesidades de energía no solo limitan el potencial de las computadoras de nueva generación, sino que también aumentan el coste de funcionamiento de estos sistemas. Mientras que los sistemas HPC tienden a ser cada vez más energéticamente proporcionales en un empeño por reducir costes, los enlaces de interconexión siguen siendo muy ineficientes. Los enlaces de interconexión comunes funcionan en modo "always-on", es decir, consumiendo energía incluso cuando no transmiten. Aunque se han propuesto algunas técnicas que ayuden a la proporcionalidad energética de los enlaces de interconexión, éstas han sido muy agresivas o poco enfocadas hacia su uso con sistemas HPC. Las técnicas de ahorro energético para los enlaces más agresivas no suelen ser utilizadas en HPC, particularmente porque degradan excesivamente el rendimiento. Cualquier técnica de ahorro energético solo será adoptada en sistemas HPC si no hay un impacto excesivo en el rendimiento, el cual es el principal objetivo de estos sistemas. En esta tesis, primeramente se presenta una nueva caracterización de aplicaciones HPC, remarcando el enorme potencial de la proporcionalidad en los enlaces de interconexión proporcionales para aplicaciones HPC. Seguidamente, se evaluará siguiendo el protocolo "IEEE Energy Efficient Ethernet" un link de interconexión on/off. Esta evaluación presentará una relación de impacto energético y rendimiento en aplicaciones HPC, enfatizando en la necesidad de usar un enlace de interconexión enfocados a la eficiencia. Se continuará con la presentación de un mecanismo adaptivo, PerfBound, que ahorra energía respetando unos límites máximos de impacto en el rendimiento. Finalmente, esta estructura es aplicada a un nuevo estado intermedio de funcionamiento adicional a los estados tradicionales on/off. Los resultados de este estudio, muestran que en más de 15 aplicaciones HPC la energía en los enlaces puede ser reducida en un 70% en comparación con enlaces "always-on", mientras que el impacto en el rendimiento es de tan solo un 1%.Postprint (published version

    Queuing analysis and optimization techniques for energy efficiency in packet networks

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    Energy efficiency in all aspects of human life has become a major concern, due to its significant environmental impact as well as its economic importance. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a dual role in this; not only does it constitute a major consumer itself (estimated 2-10% of the global consumption), but is also expected to enable global energy efficiency through new technologies tightly dependent on networks (smart grid, smart homes, cloud computing etc.). To this purpose, this work studies the problem of energy efficiency in wired networks. As this subject has recently become very active in the research community, there is parallel research towards several research directions. In this work, the problem is being examined from its foundations and a solid analytical approach is presented. Specifically, a network model based on G-network queuing theory is built, which can incorporate all the important parameters of power consumption together with traditional performance metrics and routing control capability. This generalized model can be applied for any network case to build optimization algorithms and estimate the performance of different policies and network designs. Composite optimization goals functions are proposed, comprising both power consumption and performance metrics. A gradient descent optimization algorithm that can run in O(N3) time complexity is built thereof. Using power consumption characteristics of current and future equipment, several case studies are presented and the optimization results are evaluated. Moreover, a faster gradient-descent based heuristic and a decentralized algorithm are proposed. Apart from the routing control analysis, the case of a harsher energy saving solution, namely turning o the networking equipment, is also experimentally explored. Applying a tradeoff study on a laboratory testbed, implementation challenges are identified and conclusions significant for future work are drawn. Finally, a novel admission control mechanism is proposed and experimentally evaluated, which can monitor and manage the power consumption and performance of a network.Open Acces