183,515 research outputs found

    Dynamic computing random access memory

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    The present von Neumann computing paradigm involves a significant amount of information transfer between a central processing unit and memory, with concomitant limitations in the actual execution speed. However, it has been recently argued that a different form of computation, dubbed memcomputing (Di Ventra and Pershin 2013 Nat. Phys. 9 200–2) and inspired by the operation of our brain, can resolve the intrinsic limitations of present day architectures by allowing for computing and storing of information on the same physicalplatform. Here we show a simple and practical realization of memcomputing that utilizes easy-to-build memcapacitive systems. We name this architecture dynamic computing random access memory (DCRAM). We show that DCRAM provides massively-parallel and polymorphic digital logic, namely it allows for different logic operations with the same architecture, by varying only the control signals. In addition, by taking into account realistic parameters, its energy expenditures can be as low as a few fJ per operation. DCRAM is fully compatible with CMOS technology, can be realized with current fabrication facilities, and therefore can really serve as an alternative to the present computing technology

    Scalable quantum memory in the ultrastrong coupling regime

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    Circuit quantum electrodynamics, consisting of superconducting artificial atoms coupled to on-chip resonators, represents a prime candidate to implement the scalable quantum computing architecture because of the presence of good tunability and controllability. Furthermore, recent advances have pushed the technology towards the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter interaction, where the qubit-resonator coupling strength reaches a considerable fraction of the resonator frequency. Here, we propose a qubit-resonator system operating in that regime, as a quantum memory device and study the storage and retrieval of quantum information in and from the Z2 parity-protected quantum memory, within experimentally feasible schemes. We are also convinced that our proposal might pave a way to realize a scalable quantum random-access memory due to its fast storage and readout performances.Comment: We have updated the title, abstract and included a new section on the open-system dynamic

    LightRW: FPGA Accelerated Graph Dynamic Random Walks

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    Graph dynamic random walks (GDRWs) have recently emerged as a powerful paradigm for graph analytics and learning applications, including graph embedding and graph neural networks. Despite the fact that many existing studies optimize the performance of GDRWs on multi-core CPUs, massive random memory accesses and costly synchronizations cause severe resource underutilization, and the processing of GDRWs is usually the key performance bottleneck in many graph applications. This paper studies an alternative architecture, FPGA, to address these issues in GDRWs, as FPGA has the ability of hardware customization so that we are able to explore fine-grained pipeline execution and specialized memory access optimizations. Specifically, we propose {LightRW}, a novel FPGA-based accelerator for GDRWs. LightRW embraces a series of optimizations to enable fine-grained pipeline execution on the chip and to exploit the massive parallelism of FPGA while significantly reducing memory accesses. As current commonly used sampling methods in GDRWs do not efficiently support fine-grained pipeline execution, we develop a parallelized reservoir sampling method to sample multiple vertices per cycle for efficient pipeline execution. To address the random memory access issues, we propose a degree-aware configurable caching method that buffers hot vertices on-chip to alleviate random memory accesses and a dynamic burst access engine that efficiently retrieves neighbors. Experimental results show that our optimization techniques are able to improve the performance of GDRWs on FPGA significantly. Moreover, LightRW delivers up to 9.55x and 9.10x speedup over the state-of-the-art CPU-based MetaPath and Node2vec random walks, respectively. This work is open-sourced on GitHub at https://github.com/Xtra-Computing/LightRW.Comment: Accepted to SIGMOD 202

    CoNNeCT Baseband Processor Module

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    A document describes the CoNNeCT Baseband Processor Module (BPM) based on an updated processor, memory technology, and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The BPM was developed from a requirement to provide sufficient computing power and memory storage to conduct experiments for a Software Defined Radio (SDR) to be implemented. The flight SDR uses the AT697 SPARC processor with on-chip data and instruction cache. The non-volatile memory has been increased from a 20-Mbit EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read only memory) to a 4-Gbit Flash, managed by the RTAX2000 Housekeeper, allowing more programs and FPGA bit-files to be stored. The volatile memory has been increased from a 20-Mbit SRAM (static random access memory) to a 1.25-Gbit SDRAM (synchronous dynamic random access memory), providing additional memory space for more complex operating systems and programs to be executed on the SPARC. All memory is EDAC (error detection and correction) protected, while the SPARC processor implements fault protection via TMR (triple modular redundancy) architecture. Further capability over prior BPM designs includes the addition of a second FPGA to implement features beyond the resources of a single FPGA. Both FPGAs are implemented with Xilinx Virtex-II and are interconnected by a 96-bit bus to facilitate data exchange. Dedicated 1.25- Gbit SDRAMs are wired to each Xilinx FPGA to accommodate high rate data buffering for SDR applications as well as independent SpaceWire interfaces. The RTAX2000 manages scrub and configuration of each Xilinx

    Radiation Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack (RTIMS)

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    The Radiation Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack (RTIMS), suitable for both geostationary and low earth orbit missions, has been developed. The memory module is fully functional and undergoing environmental and radiation characterization. A self-contained flight-like module is expected to be completed in 2006. RTIMS provides reconfigurable circuitry and 2 gigabits of error corrected or 1 gigabit of triple redundant digital memory in a small package. RTIMS utilizes circuit stacking of heterogeneous components and radiation shielding technologies. A reprogrammable field programmable gate array (FPGA), six synchronous dynamic random access memories, linear regulator, and the radiation mitigation circuitries are stacked into a module of 42.7mm x 42.7mm x 13.00mm. Triple module redundancy, current limiting, configuration scrubbing, and single event function interrupt detection are employed to mitigate radiation effects. The mitigation techniques significantly simplify system design. RTIMS is well suited for deployment in real-time data processing, reconfigurable computing, and memory intensive applications

    Virtual Machine Allocation Policy in Cloud Computing Environment using CloudSim

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    Cloud computing has been widely accepted by the researchers for the web applications. During the past years, distributed computing replaced the centralized computing and finally turned towards the cloud computing. One can see lots of applications of cloud computing like online sale and purchase, social networking web pages, country wide virtual classes, digital libraries, sharing of pathological research labs, supercomputing and many more. Creating and allocating VMs to applications use virtualization concept. Resource allocates policies and load balancing polices play an important role in managing and allocating resources as per application request in a cloud computing environment. Cloud analyst is a GUI tool that simulates the cloud-computing environment. In the present work, the cloud servers are arranged through step network and a UML model for a minimization of energy consumption by processor, dynamic random access memory, hard disk, electrical components and mother board is developed. A well Unified Modeling Language is used for design of a class diagram. Response time and internet characteristics have been demonstrated and computed results are depicted in the form of tables and graphs using the cloud analyst simulation tool

    Flexible Memory Protection with Dynamic Authentication Trees

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    As computing appliances increase in use and handle more critical information and functionalities, the importance of security grows even greater. In cases where the device processes sensitive data or performs important functionality, an attacker may be able to read or manipulate it by accessing the data bus between the processor and memory itself. As it is impossible to provide physical protection to the piece of hardware in use, it is important to provide protection against revealing confidential information and securing the device\u27s intended operation. Defense against bus attacks such as spoofing, splicing, and replay attacks are of particular concern. Traditional memory authentication techniques, such as hashes and message authentication codes, are costly when protecting off-chip memory during run-time. Balanced authentication trees such as the well-known Merkle tree or TEC-Tree are widely used to reduce this cost. While authentication trees are less costly than conventional techniques it still remains expensive. This work proposes a new method of dynamically updating an authentication tree structure based on a processor\u27s memory access pattern. Memory addresses that are more frequently accessed are dynamically shifted to a higher tree level to reduce the number of memory accesses required to authenticate that address. The block-level AREA technique is applied to allow for data confidentiality with no additional cost. An HDL design for use in an FPGA is provided as a transparent and highly customizable AXI-4 memory controller. The memory controller allows for data confidentiality and authentication for random-access memory with different speed or memory size constraints. The design was implemented on a Zynq 7000 system-on-chip using the processor to communicate with the hardware design. The performance of the dynamic tree design is comparable to the TEC-Tree in several memory access patterns. The TEC-Tree performs better than a dynamic design in particular applications; however, speedup over the TEC-Tree is possible to achieve when applied in scenarios that frequently accessed previously processed data