1,473 research outputs found

    From Who and What to How and Why – The Future of Online Encyclopaedias

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    This paper discusses changes in the structure of knowledge, the increasing demand for abilities of search and retrieval, assessment and evaluation, organization and creative use of relevant information. It is a review of the topic intended to serve as a basis for further research aimed at answering the many questions that arise from this paper. Today, users are finding content through search engines. This requires a different approach to the organization of encyclopaedias and other lexicographical issues. All can be found, but it is also important to know where and how to look for it. The conducted research centered around the quality of "coverage" of some, in Croatia well known, lexical units, in different Wikipedias: four regional languages and editions (Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian), and four world languages (English, French, German and Spanish). We observed the presence of writers and athletes in those languages. None of the selected writers had an article in every language/edition. For instance our writers are almost non-existent in Spanish and French editions, and the situation is only slightly better when it comes to German. The representation of athletes was much better, almost all of them occurring in the selected world languages. At the end we come to a few questions, such as whether it is more important to write "for yourself", i.e. to work on creating the best possible encyclopaedia intended for audiences in Croatia, and all those who use the Croatian language, or should we systematically work on the presentation of "our" issues in the publications in other languages; whether it be persons or texts from the sphere of politics, history, or (most widely understood) culture and art. If we agree that we will get relatively successful answers to questions starting with who, what, where, when, and much less successful to those beginning with how or why, then this answers the question on the role of the online encyclopaedia in the transfer of knowledge. The value of the knowledge contained in the answer to the question posed with how or why is "value added" to the encyclopaedia; it is what distinguishes it from a dictionary or a search engine

    Principles for the selection and integration of educational multimedia materials

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    This paper sets out to clarify the decision framework for the selection and integration of educational multimedia material into courses. Two main areas are discussed. The first involves matching the educational principles inherent in the multimedia artefact to the aims of the course. The opposition between instructionist and constructivist approaches is particularly highlighted. The second area concerns the models used to integrate the multimedia component into the overall course. The models are classified in terms of how they distribute the balance of responsibility for explicit educational structuring between the multimedia system and the course tutor. The paper does not set out prescriptive rules; it aims rather to inform and articulate the decision space for the tutor


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    Evolution of E-learning phenomenon exceeded all expectations in recent years.As a result of development of IT&C technologies and, on the other hand, due to support decision-makers at European level, the assimilation of virtual learning platforms in schools and universities hasbecome a normal phenomenon.The E-learning 2.0 concept seeks to revolutionize traditional learning methods and requires majorchanges in the perception of the educational process of teaching and learning.This article tries to create an overview of the main development directions and emphasizes the impactthat computer-assisted instruction technologies have on teaching and learning methods, with a directconnection to distance learning and blended learning concepts. Also, we have tried to open aperspective on the concept of e-Assessment and related technologiese-learning 2.0, computer based training, e-assessment, blended learning, distance learning

    Democratising Organisational Knowledge: The Potential of the Corporate Wiki

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    Attempts to impose knowledge management often ignore the vast organisational resource of workrelated tacit knowledge possessed by knowledge workers. Our research reveals that activities supported by social technologies such as Wikis, may provide a more appropriate capability for tacit knowledge management where a network centric focus is adopted. A corporate Wiki has the potential to engage the collective responsibilities of knowledge workers to transfer their collective experience and skills into a dynamic shared knowledge repository. However, the traditional organisational culture can be reluctant to allow this power shift which surrenders the monopolistic control of the few over the creation and management of organisational knowledge. In order to frame the theoretical perspectives of these new processes of creation, accumulation and maintenance of tacit knowledge in organisations, this paper uses Activity Theory to analyse the Wiki as a tool that mediates employee-based knowledge management activities leading to the democratisation of organisational knowledge

    Electronic Publishing: An Overview

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    Zapotec Language Activism And Talking Dictionaries

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    Online dictionaries have become a key tool for some indigenous communities to promote and preserve their languages, often in collaboration with linguists. They can provide a pathway for crossing the digital divide and for establishing a first-ever presence on the internet. Many questions around digital lexicography have been explored, although primarily in relation to large and well-resourced languages. Lexical projects on small and under-resourced languages can provide an opportunity to examine these questions from a different perspective and to raise new questions (Mosel, 2011). In this paper, linguists, technical experts, and Zapotec language activists, who have worked together in Mexico and the United States to create a multimedia platform to showcase and preserve lexical, cultural, and environmental knowledge, share their experience and insight in creating trilingual online Talking Dictionaries in several Zapotec languages. These dictionaries sit opposite from big data mining and illustrate the value of dictionary projects based on small corpora, including having the flexibility to make design decisions to maximize community impact and elevate the status of marginalized languages

    Not Business as Usual: The Lexicography of Economics in the 21st Century. Introduction to the thematic section

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    The Wheel of Business Model Reinvention: How to Reshape Your Business Model and Organizational Fitness to Leapfrog Competitors

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    In today's rapidly changing business landscapes, new sources of sustainable competitive advantage can often only be attained from business model reinvention, based on disruptive innovation and not incremental change or continuous improvement. Extant literature indicates that business models and their reinvention have recently been the focus of scholarly investigations in the field of strategic management, especially focusing on the search for new bases of building strategic competitive advantage, not only to outperform competitors but to especially leapfrog them into new areas of competitive advantage. While the available results indicate that progress is being made on clarifying the nature and key dimensions of business models, relatively little guidance of how to reshape business models and its organizational fitness dimensions have emerged. This article presents a systemic framework for business model reinvention, illustrates its key dimensions, and proposes a systemic operationalization process. Moreover, it provides a tool that helps organizations to evaluate both existing and proposed new business models.

    Personalised trails and learner profiling within e-learning environments

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    This deliverable focuses on personalisation and personalised trails. We begin by introducing and defining the concepts of personalisation and personalised trails. Personalisation requires that a user profile be stored, and so we assess currently available standard profile schemas and discuss the requirements for a profile to support personalised learning. We then review techniques for providing personalisation and some systems that implement these techniques, and discuss some of the issues around evaluating personalisation systems. We look especially at the use of learning and cognitive styles to support personalised learning, and also consider personalisation in the field of mobile learning, which has a slightly different take on the subject, and in commercially available systems, where personalisation support is found to currently be only at quite a low level. We conclude with a summary of the lessons to be learned from our review of personalisation and personalised trails

    The Advantages of the Network-based Electronic Teaching Package by the Implementation of English for Specific Purposes Course

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    The article analyses the advantages of English for Specific Purposes teaching of the fourth year students majoring in "Electrical and Power Engineering" at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University by means of the network-based electronic teaching package. This paper analyzes the structural content of the network-based electronic teaching package, shows the key approaches used to develop this tool and focuses on the description of its main components. The conclusions made are based on the results obtained over a three year period (2012-2015) of the network-based electronic teaching package use