752,020 research outputs found

    A correlation between the IRAS infrared cirrus at 60 or 100 microns and neutral atomic hydrogen in the outer galaxy

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    A linear correlation was found between the infrared cirrus at 100 or 60 microns and neutral atomic hydrogen near the galactic plane. Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) Sky Brightness images were compared to the 0.5 deg resolution Weaver-Williams HI survey in two regions of the outer Galaxy near l = 125 deg and l = 215 deg. The dust temperature inferred is nearly uniform and in reasonable agreement with theoretical predictions of thermal dust emission


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    The Moon Lit Affair

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    Graduate Recital: Alan Dust, Percussion

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    Graduate Recital: Alan Dust, percussion

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    Motivational Influences to Pursue Graduate Studies in Secondary Music Education

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    Motivational influences on the decision to pursue graduate studies in secondary music education were investigated. The population of secondary music education graduate students in one large Canadian university (N=13) completed a survey that included both open-ended and closed-ended response items. The greatest motivational influences to pursue graduate studies were found to be: (a) intellectual development, (b) personal development, and (c) professional development. The motivational influence Need to Refresh showed the most diversity and elicited the most prose response. Standard deviations indicated that on most items the response group was homogeneous. All results were consistent across gender and degree program, master’s or doctoral. In contrast to similar studies of educators in general, the influence of Potential Monetary Gain was not identified as important. Demographic information supplied by respondents indicated that the typical secondary music education graduate student in this university was 30 or more years of age and had five to 14 years of teaching experience. Results of this study cannot be generalized beyond the population from which the data were collected.Cette recherche porte sur les motivations qui influencent la décision de poursuivre des études supérieures en enseignement de la musique au secondaire. Des étudiants aux études supérieures inscrits à une grande université canadienne (N=13) en enseignement de la musique au secondaire ont complété une enquête impliquant des questions ouvertes et fermées. Les facteurs qui influencent le plus la décision de poursuivre des études supérieures se sont avérés être les suivants : (a) développement intellectuel, (b) développement personnel, et (c) développement professionnel. Les réponses les plus longues et les plus diversifiés évoquaient l’influence de « Need to Refresh ». Les écarts-types indiquent que pour la plupart des questions, les réponses du groupe de sujets étaient homogènes. Tous les résultats étaient cohérents pour les variables du sexe et du programme (maîtrise ou doctorat). Contrairement à d’autres études semblables auprès d’enseignants, l’influence du facteur « gain monétaire potentiel » ne s’est pas avéré important. Les données démographiques fournies par les répondants démontrent que l’étudiant diplômé type en enseignement de la musique à cette université était âgé de 30 ans ou plus et avait entre 5 et 14 années d’expérience en enseignement. Les résultats de cette recherche ne peuvent être appliqués qu’au groupe expérimental à l’étude

    Pilot of an Educational Module for an Adolescent Congenital Heart Transition Program in the Pediatric Setting

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    Abstract PURPOSE:The purpose of this project was to pilot an educational module on a new congenital heart transition program to be instituted at a large Midwest medical system.The transition program is meant to assist pediatric cardiology patients in transferring from pediatric to adult care. An educational module was developed for inpatient health disciplines who will be involved in the transition program. Before offering the program throughout the medical system, a pilot was conducted to determine if the education was at the appropriate level. The educational module was modeled after the Got Transition Six Core Elements designed by the National Health Care Transition Center. METHODS:A prospective pretest posttest design and a Readiness Ruler was utilized for this pilot along with an interview conducted after the posttest. A group of five healthcare providers (four nurses and one non nurse) participated in this pilot. RESULTS:The participants scored a mean of 60% on the pretest and 90% on the posttest. The more experienced staff scored lower on the posttest. All reported increased readiness for program initiation after receiving education. Qualitative data revealed a two-sided response from participants in regards to the transition program. All subjects praised the independence provided to patients with the program. They expressed concerns regarding the amount of time needed to provide education to patients as well as hesitancy that may present from patients and caregivers. CONCLUSION:The results of this pilot verified the learning module provided effective education to staff and could be delivered throughout the entire hospital. Potential barriers should be considered prior to initiation of the program. A more complete readiness tool should be incorporated in the program. Once the program is initiated there will need to be follow up across all levels of participating staff

    Agarose gel serum protein electrophoresis in cats with and without lymphoma and preliminary results of tandem mass fingerprinting analysis

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    <b>Background</b>: Serum electrophoretic profiles in cats are poorly characterized with respect to the protein components of the globulin fractions, and interpretation of the electrophoretograms has routinely been done in ignorance of the identity of the proteins found within each fraction. <b>Objectives</b>: To compare the protein fractions from serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) in healthy cats and those with lymphoma and to confirm some component proteins in the major fractions after feline SPE, using tandem mass fingerprinting analysis (TMFA). <b>Methods</b>: Total protein was measured and agarose gel SPE performed on blood collected from 14 healthy cats and 14 with lymphoma. The absolute protein concentration within each fraction was compared between the two groups. Bands corresponding to the SPE fractions were excised from two controls and a lymphoma cat and analysed by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Results were compared to sequences in the NCBI protein database. <b>Results</b>: Median albumin concentrations were significantly decreased in lymphoma cats and median beta globulin concentrations were elevated. Narrow electrophoretic spikes were present in the beta/gamma fraction in 3 lymphoma cats. Following TMFA, multiple proteins were identified from each fraction and their mobility agreed with results from previous studies generated using alternative techniques. Inter–alpha (globulin) inhibitor 4 was identified in feline serum for the first time. <b>Conclusions</b>: Cats with lymphoma had lower median albumin and higher beta globulin concentrations than healthy cats. Despite the limitations of 1D agarose gel SPE, TMFA provided preliminary data to confirm the protein components of the various fractio
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