6 research outputs found

    Production of Estonian quantity contrasts by Japanese speakers

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    Estonian and Japanese are quantity languages both exploiting the duration cue to implement phonological contrasts. However, the quantity systems of the two languages are different – Estonian features a three-way quantity contrast while Japanese has a binary contrast. This paper studies how L2 subjects with Japanese-language background (L2-JP) produce the Estonian quantity contrasts. For the acoustic analysis the speech recordings by six L2-JP subjects and 12 native Estonian (L1-EE) subjects were used. The material analyzed consists of read sentences comprising triplets of segmentally identical disyllabic target words in the quantities Q1 (short), Q2 (long) and Q3 (overlong). In their production, the L2-JP subjects successfully produced the Q1/Q2 contrast but failed in contrasting vocalic Q2 and Q3 (CVVCV vs. CVVːCV) oppositions; however, the subjects managed to produce the Q2/Q3 consonantal quantity contrasts (CVCCV vs. CVCːCV). The L2-JP subjects’ segment durations differing from those of the L1-EE subjects, reveal the role of native durational patterns on the acquisition of Estonian quantity oppositions.KokkuvĂ”te. Einar Meister, Rena Nemoto, Lya Meister: Eesti vĂ€lted jaapani emakeelega keelejuhtide hÀÀlduses. Eesti ja jaapani keel on kvantiteedikeeled, st mĂ”lemad keeled kasutavad kestust fonoloogiliste vastanduste vĂ€ljendamiseks. KvantiteedisĂŒsteemid kahes keeles on siiski erinevad – eesti keelt iseloomustab kolmene vĂ€ltevastandus, jaapani keeles on kestusvastandus binaarne. Artiklis uuriti eesti vĂ€ldete hÀÀldust jaapani emakeelega keelejuhtide kĂ”nes ja vĂ”rreldi seda eesti emakeelega keelejuhtide hÀÀldusega. Akustiliseks analĂŒĂŒsiks kasutati kuue eesti keelt vÔÔrkeelena kĂ”neleva jaapanlase ja 12 eesti emakeelega keelejuhi etteloetud lausete salvestusi, milles esinesid vĂ€ltevastandusi kandvad kahesilbilised sĂ”nad. Tulemused nĂ€itasid, et jaapani keelejuhid hÀÀldasid kontrastiivselt esma- ja teisevĂ€ltelisi sĂ”nu, kuid ei eristanud teise- ja kolmandavĂ€ltelisi vokaalikeskse vastandusega (CVVCV vs CVVːCV) sĂ”nu. Samas hÀÀldasid nad erinevalt teise- ja kolmandavĂ€ltelisi konsonandikeskse vastandusega (CVCCV vs CVCːCV) sĂ”nu. Leitud segmendikestuste erinevused jaapanlaste ja eestlaste kĂ”nes peegeldavad emakeelsete kestusmustrite erinevusi kahes keeles.MĂ€rksĂ”nad: eesti keel, jaapani keel, aktsendiga kĂ”ne, fonoloogiline kestus, vĂ€lte

    Evolution of the non-initial vocalic length contrast across the Finnic varieties of Ingria and adjacent areas

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    The paper traces the evolutionary path of the non-initial vocalic length contrast in the Finnic varieties of Ingria and adjacent areas, from long vs. short vowels to short vs. no vowels. On the material from living varieties of the Ingrian, Votic, Finnish and Estonian languages, this sound change can be modeled very precisely, with statistical phonetic data analyzed for each stage of it. Among other things, the changes in various types of ratios between long and short vowels are described in more innovative varieties, as compared to Standard Finnish, which represents the most conservative stage. A special section describes a phonetic study on the reflexes of short vowels in Southern Lower Luga Ingrian, as well as in a mixed Siberian Ingrian/Finnish dialect. In these two varieties, vowel reduction, devoicing and elision occur at the most advanced level before the complete vowel loss. Also, a correlated study on phonemic categorization of these vowels by the native speakers is discussed. Both experiments indicate that in Southern Lower Luga Ingrian short vowel reflexes still retain the vocalic phonemic status, while in Siberian Ingrian/Finnish they should already be treated as consonantal features of palalization and labialiazation

    Typology, chronology, and phonetic mechanisms of Finnic secondary gemination in the light of Soikkola Ingrian acoustic data

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    Secondary gemination is a remarkable but little-known phonological process of singleton consonant lengthening into geminates in certain prosodic positions in Finnic languages. Its phonetic premises, typology, and chronology are still understudied. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, it summarises the main facts about secondary gemination and its place within general prosodic tendencies observed in Finnic languages. Second, it uses acoustic data from Soikkola Ingrian, which manifests one of the most developed Finnic systems of secondary gemination, to argue about the relative chronology and phonetic mechanisms of this gemination. The conclusion is that the phonetic duration of phonologised secondary geminates cannot be used as an argument for their age, because, as our acoustic data in [1] showed, their duration is regulated by compensatory stress-induced shortening as a function of the foot structure. On the other hand, the atypical prosodic positions of trisyllabic secondary gemination in Soikkola Ingrian can indeed suggest the younger age of this particular type of gemination

    Communicative function and prosodic form in speech timing

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    Listeners can use variation in speech segment duration to interpret the structure of spoken utterances, but there is no systematic description of how speakers manipulate timing for communicative ends. Here I propose a functional approach to prosodic speech timing, with particular reference to English. The disparate findings regarding the production of timing effects are evaluated against the functional requirement that communicative durational variation should be perceivable and interpretable by the listener. In the resulting framework, prosodic structure is held to influence speech timing directly only at the heads and edges of prosodic domains, through large, consistent lengthening effects. As each such effect has a characteristic locus within its domain, speech timing cues are potentially disambiguated for the listener, even in the absence of other information. Diffuse timing effects – in particular, quasi-rhythmical compensatory processes implying a relationship between structure and timing throughout the utterance – are found to be weak and inconsistently observed. Furthermore, it is argued that articulatory and perceptual constraints make shortening processes less useful as structural cues, and they must be regarded as peripheral, at best, in a parsimonious and functionally-informed account

    Konsonandikeskne vĂ€ltesĂŒsteem eesti ja inarisaami keeles

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKolme pikkuskategooriaga konsonandikeskne vĂ€ltesĂŒsteem esineb vĂ€ga vĂ€hestes keeltes, teadaolevalt ainult soome-ugri keeltes: eesti, liivi ja inarisaami keeles ning veel mĂ”ningates saami keeltes. Doktoritöö keskendub neist kahele – eesti ja inarisaami keelele, millest esimene kuulub soome-ugri keelte lÀÀnemeresoome ja teine saami keelterĂŒhma. Eesti keeles esineb keerukas kolmevĂ€ltesĂŒsteem, kus vastandus moodustatakse nii vokaalide, konsonantide kui ka mĂ”lema pĂ”hjal. Inarisaami keeles leiab kolm pikkuskategooriat vaid konsonantide puhul, vokaalidel esineb kahene vastandus. Eksperimentaalfoneetiline vĂ€itekiri uurib, kuidas kolmene konsonandikeskne kvantiteedisĂŒsteem nendes keeltes foneetiliselt avaldub kĂ”netaktis. Vaadeldakse omadusi, mis kolme vĂ€ldet ĂŒksteisest eristavad. Teise suurema teemana kĂ€sitleb doktoritöö segmentaalse konteksti rolli eesti keele konsonandivĂ€lte avaldumisel. Töö tulemused nĂ€itavad, et kolme konsonandikeskset vĂ€ldet eristab nii eesti kui ka inarisaami keeles konsonandi enda kestus, mis on suuremas vĂ€ltes pikem. Keeltevahelised erinevused tulevad vĂ€lja kategooriate omavaheliste kestussuhete kaudu: eesti keeles eristuvad teineteisest rohkem esimene ja teine vĂ€lde, inarisaamis aga teine ja kolmas vĂ€lde. Kui eesti keeles lĂŒheneb konsonandile jĂ€rgnev rĂ”hutu silbi vokaal vastavalt konsonandivĂ€lte kasvades, siis inarisaamis lĂŒhenevad mĂ”lemad, nii konsonandile eelnev rĂ”hulise silbi vokaal kui ka sellele jĂ€rgnev rĂ”hutu silbi vokaal. PĂ”hitoonikontuurid inarisaami eri struktuuriga kahesilbilistes sĂ”nades mĂ€rkimisvÀÀrselt ei varieeru, kuid konsonandivĂ€lte kasvades intensiivsuse vÀÀrtuste erinevus esimese ja teise silbi vokaali vahel suureneb. Samas eri vĂ€ltes oleva vokaalidevahelise helilise konsonandi enda intensiivsus ei muutu. PĂ”hitoon on eesti keeles oluline teise ja kolmanda vĂ€lte eristamisel, kuid klusiilide puhul, kus pĂ”hitooni liikumist jĂ€lgida ei saa, on ka leitud, et vĂ€lte tajumiseks piisab kestuslikest tunnustest. Doktoritöö eesti keele artikulatsioonikatse tulemused nĂ€itavad, et kolmese konsonandikeskse vĂ€lte avaldumisel on oluline osa segmentaalsel kontekstil. Kui mĂ”ningate artikulatoorsete liigutuste puhul saab nĂ€ha vĂ€ltega seotud kolmeseid mustreid (huulte sulgemisliigutuse kestuses konsonandi hÀÀldamisel, keeleliigutuste kestuses ĂŒleminekul konsonandile eelnevalt vokaalilt jĂ€rgnevale), siis erineva sĂ”naalgulise konsonandi ja ĂŒmbritseva vokaalikonteksti tĂ”ttu esineb varieerumist, kus esimene ja teine vĂ€lde vastanduvad kolmandale vĂ”i vastandub esimene vĂ€lde teisele ja kolmandale. Ka spontaankĂ”ne materjali pĂ”hjal tehtud akustiline analĂŒĂŒs nĂ€itas, et erinevate konsonantide puhul realiseerub kolmene vĂ€lde mĂ”nevĂ”rra erinevalt ning sealjuures on oluline seos konsonandi ja seda ĂŒmbritsevate vokaalide omaduste vahel.Quantity systems with three length categories for consonants can be found in a small number of languages, all of which belong to the Finno-Ugric languages: Estonian, Livonian, Inari Saami, and some other Saami languages. The focus of this dissertation is on two of them, Estonian and Inari Saami, the former belonging to the Finnic and the latter to the Saamic branch. Estonian exhibits a complex quantity system forming ternary length categories with vowels, consonants, or combinations of both. In Inari Saami, ternary length distinction is found for consonants, while vocalic quantity shows binary oppositions. This thesis comprises experimental phonetic studies answering two main questions: how is ternary consonantal quantity in Estonian and Inari Saami realized phonetically, and how does quantity interact with segmental context. The results showed that, in both languages, the three-way consonantal quantity is manifested in consonant durations that are longer in higher quantity degrees. While Estonian first and second quantity are further apart from each other, in Inari Saami second and third quantity are more distinct. Cross-linguistic differences also appear in the relations between intervocalic consonants and neighboring vowels. In Estonian, the vowel following the consonant is shorter after a long and overlong consonant than after a short one. Quantity differences in Inari Saami are realized in shorter durations of both vowels in terms of increasing consonantal quantity. Fundamental frequency contours in Inari Saami are roughly the same in words with different structures. Intensity measures, however, show greater differences between the vowels surrounding the consonant when the quantity of the consonant increases. The intensity of the sonorant consonant does not change in different quantities. The results of the articulatory study of this thesis show variation in quantity manifestations in Estonian geminate consonants due to varied segmental context. Some articulatory movements exhibit three-way patterns associated with quantity categories (in the duration of the lip closing gesture for the consonant and tongue transition gesture from the preceding vowel to the following vowel); for others the first and second quantity are opposed to the third quantity or the first quantity degree is opposed to the second and third ones. Similar patters were found in the acoustic data from spontaneous speech. The durational properties of ternary quantity are realized differently for different intervocalic consonants, and variation is also caused by coarticulatory effects of the surrounding vowels.https://www.ester.ee/record=b524109

    Durational patterns in Northern Estonian and Northern Finnish

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