14 research outputs found

    Stress and rhythm in modern Greek

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D35991/81 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Learning [Voice]

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    The [voice] distinction between homorganic stops and fricatives is made by a number of acoustic correlates including voicing, segment duration, and preceding vowel duration. The present work looks at [voice] from a number of multidimensional perspectives. This dissertation\u27s focus is a corpus study of the phonetic realization of [voice] in two English-learning infants aged 1;1--3;5. While preceding vowel duration has been studied before in infants, the other correlates of post-vocalic voicing investigated here --- preceding F1, consonant duration, and closure voicing intensity --- had not been measured before in infant speech. The study makes empirical contributions regarding the development of the production of [voice] in infants, not just from a surface-level perspective but also with implications for the phonetics-phonology interface in the adult and developing linguistic systems. Additionally, several methodological contributions will be made in the use of large sized corpora and data modeling techniques. The study revealed that even in infants, F1 at the midpoint of a vowel preceding a voiced consonant was lower by roughly 50 Hz compared to a vowel before a voiceless consonant, which is in line with the effect found in adults. But while the effect has been considered most likely to be a physiological and nonlinguistic phenomenon in adults, it actually appeared to be correlated in the wrong direction with other aspects of [voice] here, casting doubt on a physiological explanation. Some of the consonant pairs had statistically significant differences in duration and closure voicing. Additionally, a preceding vowel duration difference was found and as well a preliminary indication of a developmental trend that suggests the preceding vowel duration difference is being learned. The phonetics of adult speech is also considered. Results are presented from a dialectal corpus study of North American English and a lab speech experiment which clarifies the relationship between preceding vowel duration and flapping and the relationship between [voice] and F1 in preceding vowels. Fluent adult speech is also described and machine learning algorithms are applied to learning the [voice] distinction using multidimensional acoustic input plus some lexical knowledge

    Theoretical historical phonology : a unified account of consonant lenition and vowel reduction in English within the framework of element and optimality theory

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis is intended to provide a unified and coherent theoretical analysis of phonological weakening processes of vowels and consonants in English within the framework of Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993). The analysis of weakening phenomena may vary according to the theory you adopt and the language you choose, but in this thesis, vowel reduction and consonant lenition in English will be explored in a constraint-based approach. In addition, most importantly, I seek to show which generalisations can equally be applied to both consonant lenition and vowel reduction in terms of a phonological theory. The key questions to be investigated in this thesis are as follows. 1) How do we represent phonological weakening phenomena in terms of segmental features or elements? 2) How can these representational elements be integrated into the constraint ranking and evaluation mechanisms in Optimality Theory? 3) Do the historical data such as the initial fricative voicing and vowel reduction in Old and Middle English give us any insight in this regard? There seems to be a similarity between consonant lenition and vowel reduction in terms of their phonological behaviour. For instance, both consonant lenition and vowel reduction can be treated as loss of some element or reduction of complexity in Element Theory (e.g. Harris 1994). This is an interesting point of my PhD project because this kind of representational approach to weakening phenomena has rarely been applied in Optimality Theoretic analysis. Therefore, what is intended to do in this thesis is that melodic representation will be used for modelling weakening phenomena within the framework of Optimality Theory. iv In this regard, I suggest a combined theoretic account of weakening phenomena involving the combination of two approaches namely Element Theory and Optimality Theory, which differentiates this account from previous analyses. I argue that the constraint *COMPLEX[Element], where ‘element’ refers to one of the primitives of Element Theory, plays a central role in analysing phonological weakening processes in this thesis. In addition, it will be shown throughout the thesis that these processes can be accounted for within the constraint interaction between positional faithfulness constraints such as IDENT[Element] and the integrated constraint *COMPLEX[Element] which I propose in this thesis

    Cross-language perception and production of English vowels by Portuguese learners: the effects of perceptual training

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    Doctoral Dissertation in Language Sciences Specialization in English LinguisticsSeveral studies have demonstrated that second/foreign language (L2/FL) speech learning is a challenge to late learners (i.e., adolescents or adults) in terms of perception and production of certain non-native phonemic and phonetic contrasts (Moyer, 2013). The interaction of different factors might explain learners’ difficulties, namely age of onset of learning (AOL), amount of native (L1) and non-native language (NNL) use over time, quantity and quality of NNL input, and the interference from the L1 phonological system (Piske, 2007). The Speech Learning Model (SLM), proposed by Flege (1995), hypothesizes that difficulties in perceiving and, consequently, in producing non-native contrasts are due to the (dis)similarities between the L1 and the NNL phonological systems. The L1 sound system is likely to hinder the formation of new non-native (L2/FL) phonological categories. However, a considerable number of cross-language studies has revealed that phonological learning is attainable for late learners, and their abilities in perceiving and producing segmental and suprasegmental non-native contrasts can improve, since the mechanisms used in the acquisition of the L1 sound system remain intact over the lifespan and can be applied to L2/FL learning (Flege, 1995). Experimental studies that investigated the effects of perceptual training on non-native speech sound perception and production reported its success not only in the modification of adult learners’ perceptual patterns, but also in the improvement of their pronunciation accuracy, confirming, thereby, the plasticity of L2/FL learners’ mature perceptual system (e.g., Aliaga-Garcia, 2013; Pereira & Hazan, 2013; Wang, 2008; Wang et al., 2003). Difficulties in the perception of non-native vowel contrasts have been widely described as a significant part of the problems learners have in L2/FL phonological acquisition/learning (Strange, 2007). Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of perceptual training on the learning of three English contrasts (/i/-/ɪ/; /ɛ/-/æ/; /u/-/ʊ/) by a group of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. This set of vowel contrasts was selected due to reported difficulties European Portuguese native speakers have in perceiving and producing them (Flege, 1994, as cited in Flege, 1995; Rato et al., 2013). The English phonological categories /ɪ/, /æ/ and /ʊ/ tend to be assimilated to the Portuguese vowel sounds /i/, /ɛ/ and /u/, respectively, and no distinction between the two vowels of each pair is made, due to their acoustic and articulatory proximity. Specifically, this study investigated (i) whether a high variability perceptual training, which included stimuli with different phonemic contexts produced by multiple native talkers, had a positive effect on the perception of the English target segments; (ii) if transfer of improvement to oral production was observed; (iii) whether perceptual learning generalized to identification of new words produced by novel talkers; and (iv) if long-term training effects remained. The participants’ perception was assessed three times with an identification test designed with natural stimuli: (1) before the auditory training – pretest; (2) immediately after the training was over – posttest; and (3) two months later – delayed posttest. The perceptual training program consisted of five sessions divided into two blocks, which included discrimination tasks and identification sequences followed by immediate feedback. Production was tested simultaneously in the three phases by means of a sentence-reading task with the target vowel segments. The results show that the Portuguese learners’ performance in the identification of the English vowels improved significantly, and perceptual gains were retained two months after completion of the training sessions. Moreover, the results of the generalization test indicate that there was robust learning of the two front vowel pairs. Acoustic analyses of spoken data revealed that phonological learning transferred to production. In sum, these results support the claim that perceptual learning can occur in a formal non-naturalistic environment within a short period of time and corroborate previous findings on the malleability of L2/FL adult learners’ perceptual systems.Vários estudos têm demonstrado que, na aprendizagem de uma língua não materna (LNM), a perceção e a produção de determinados contrastes fonológicos e fonéticos não nativos são um desafio para aprendentes tardios (adolescentes ou adultos) (Moyer, 2013). Diversos fatores podem explicar essas dificuldades, tais como a idade do início da aprendizagem, a frequência de uso, a quantidade e a qualidade de exposição à LNM e a influência do sistema fonológico da língua materna (L1) (Piske, 2007). O Speech Learning Model (SLM), desenvolvido por Flege (1995), explica que as dificuldades percetivas e, consequentemente, produtivas se devem ao facto de o sistema de sons linguísticos da L1 impedir a formação de novas categorias fonológicas para a segunda língua ou língua estrangeira (L2/LE). No entanto, um número considerável de estudos tem revelado que aprendentes tardios podem aprender a perceber e a produzir contrastes segmentais e suprassegmentais não nativos, uma vez que os mecanismos usados para aprender o sistema de sons da L1 são ativados na aprendizagem de uma LNM e permanecem intactos durante toda a vida (Flege, 1995). Estes estudos empíricos, que investigaram os efeitos do treino percetivo na perceção e produção de sons não nativos, reportaram a sua eficácia não somente na modificação de padrões percetivos, mas também na melhoria da capacidade produtiva dos mesmos, confirmando assim a plasticidade do sistema percetivo dos aprendentes de LNMs (por exemplo, Aliaga- Garcia, 2013; Pereira & Hazan, 2013; Wang, 2008; Wang et al., 2003). Os resultados de extensa investigação indicam que as dificuldades na perceção de contrastes vocálicos não nativos são uma parte significativa dos problemas que os aprendentes revelam na aquisição/aprendizagem fonológica de uma L2/LE (Strange, 2007). Portanto, no presente estudo, investigaram-se os efeitos do treino percetivo na aprendizagem de três contrastes vocálicos da língua inglesa (/i/-/ɪ/; /ɛ/-/æ/; /u/-/ʊ/) por um grupo de aprendentes de inglês como LE. Estes três contrastes foram escolhidos devido às dificuldades percetivas e produtivas que falantes nativos de português europeu revelam na sua aprendizagem (Flege, 1994, citado em Flege, 1995; Rato et al., 2013). As categorias fonológicas /ɪ/, /æ/ e /ʊ/ da L2/LE tendem a ser assimiladas como sons da L1, /i/, /ɛ/ e /u/, respetivamente, não se verificando qualquer distinção entre as vogais dos três contrastes, devido à sua proximidade acústica e articulatória. Especificamente, pretendeu-se (i) observar o efeito de um treino percetivo de alta variabilidade, que incluiu estímulos produzidos por vários locutores nativos em diferentes contextos fonológicos, na melhoria da capacidade percetiva dos segmentos-alvo; (ii) averiguar a transferência da melhoria para a produção oral; (iii) verificar a generalização para novos contextos e novos falantes; e (iv) analisar os efeitos do treino a longo prazo. A perceção dos participantes foi testada três vezes com uma tarefa auditiva de identificação com estímulos naturais: (1) antes do treino – pré-teste; (2) imediatamente depois do treino – pós-teste; e (3) dois meses mais tarde – teste de retenção. O programa de treino consistiu em cinco sessões, divididas em dois blocos, que incluíram tarefas de identificação e de discriminação auditivas seguidas de correção imediata. A produção foi testada, igualmente, em três fases, através da leitura de frases veículo, contendo palavras com os segmentos vocálicos. Os resultados demonstram que os aprendentes portugueses melhoraram significativamente na identificação das vogais-alvo e essa melhoria da sua competência percetiva manteve-se dois meses após o término do treino. Para além disso, os resultados do teste de generalização indicam que houve uma aprendizagem robusta dos dois contrastes vocálicos anteriores. As análises acústicas das produções dos informantes revelaram também uma transferência da aprendizagem para a produção oral. Estes resultados suportam a afirmação de que a aprendizagem ao nível da perceção de fala pode ocorrer em contextos formais, num curto período de tempo, e corroboram resultados anteriores sobre a maleabilidade dos sistemas percetuais fonológicos de aprendentes adultos de uma LNM

    Urdu Vowel System and Perception of English Vowels by Punjabi-Urdu Speakers

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    A well-defined vocalic and consonantal system is a prerequisite when investigating the perception and production of a second language. The lack of a well-defined Urdu vowel system in the multilingual context of Pakistan motivated investigation of the acoustic and phonetic properties of Urdu vowels. Due to the significant influence of a number of first languages, the study focuses on the Urdu spoken in Punjab, Pakistan. A production experiment reports the acoustic properties of the monophthongs and six diphthongs in Urdu. The results showed that Urdu distinguishes between short and long vowels, and lacks an open-mid front and an open-mid back vowel. Since the central vowel is fairly open and retracted, it appears that the central vowel space is empty. This was reflected in the difficulty of perceiving the central vowels of Standard Southern British English (SSBE) by Punjabi Urdu speakers. The acoustic and phonetic evidence partially supports the phonetic existence of diphthongs in Urdu. The acoustic investigation of the Urdu vowel system helped to predict the perceptual assimilation and classification patterns of SSBE vowels by Punjabi-Urdu speakers. A cross-language perceptual assimilation and a free classification experiment was conducted in three different consonantal contexts to test the predictions of three mainstream models of L2 perception: SLM, PAM and L2LP. The assimilation patterns in a cross-language and category goodness rating task varied according to familiarity with the target language. The patterns of perceptual assimilation failed to predict the perceptual similarity of the SSBE vowels in the auditory free classification task. Thus, the findings support the model predictions with regard to the role of L1; however acoustic similarities between L1 and L2 neither predict the patterns of cross-language perceptual assimilation nor perceptual similarity

    Austronesian and other languages of the Pacific and South-east Asia : an annotated catalogue of theses and dissertations

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    Non-Isochronous Meter: A Study of Cross cultural practice, analytic technique, and implications for jazz pedagogy

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    This dissertation examines the use of non-isochronous (NI) meters in jazz compositional and performative practices (meters as comprised of cycles of a prime number [e.g., 5, 7, 11] or uneven divisions of non-prime cycles [e.g., 9 divided as 2+2+2+3]). The explorative meter practices of jazz, while constituting a central role in the construction of its own identity, remains curiously absent from jazz scholarship. The conjunct research broadly examines NI meters and the various processes/strategies and systems utilized in historical and current jazz composition and performance practices. While a considerable amount of NI meter composers have advertantly drawn from the metric practices of non-Western music traditions, the potential for utilizing insights gleaned from contemporary music-theoretical discussions of meter have yet to fully emerge as a complimentary and/or organizational schemata within jazz pedagogy and discourse. This paper seeks to address this divide, but not before an accurate picture of historical meter practice is assessed, largely as a means for contextualizing developments within historical and contemporary practice and discourse. The dissertation presents a chronology of explorative meter developments in jazz, firstly, by tracing compositional output, and secondly, by establishing the relevant sources within conjunct periods of development i.e., scholarly works, relative academic developments, and tractable world music sources. Bridging the gap between world music meter sources and theoretical musicology (primarily, the underlying perceptual and cognitive model which represents a topology of the structural premises of meter) the research acts to direct and inform a compositional process which directly accounts for an isomorphic link between structurally similar meters

    Syntactic reconstruction and scope economy

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    Loan Phonology

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    For many different reasons, speakers borrow words from other languages to fill gaps in their own lexical inventory. The past ten years have been characterized by a great interest among phonologists in the issue of how the nativization of loanwords occurs. The general feeling is that loanword nativization provides a direct window for observing how acoustic cues are categorized in terms of the distinctive features relevant to the L1 phonological system as well as for studying L1 phonological processes in action and thus to the true synchronic phonology of L1. The collection of essays presented in this volume provides an overview of the complex issues phonologists face when investigating this phenomenon and, more generally, the ways in which unfamiliar sounds and sound sequences are adapted to converge with the native language’s sound pattern. This book is of interest to theoretical phonologists as well as to linguists interested in language contact phenomena