3,982 research outputs found

    Duplication of modules facilitates the evolution of functional specialization

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    The evolution of simulated robots with three different architectures is studied. We compared a non-modular feed forward network, a hardwired modular and a duplication-based modular motor control network. We conclude that both modular architectures outperform the non-modular architecture, both in terms of rate of adaptation as well as the level of adaptation achieved. The main difference between the hardwired and duplication-based modular architectures is that in the latter the modules reached a much higher degree of functional specialization of their motor control units with regard to high level behavioral functions. The hardwired architectures reach the same level of performance, but have a more distributed assignment of functional tasks to the motor control units. We conclude that the mechanism through which functional specialization is achieved is similar to the mechanism proposed for the evolution of duplicated genes. It is found that the duplication of multifunctional modules first leads to a change in the regulation of the module, leading to a differentiation of the functional context in which the module is used. Then the module adapts to the new functional context. After this second step the system is locked into a functionally specialized state. We suggest that functional specialization may be an evolutionary absorption state

    A pharmaceutical model for the molecular evolution of microbial natural products

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    Abstract Microbes are talented chemists with the ability to generate tremendously complex and diverse natural products which harbor potent biological activities. Natural products are produced using sets of specialized biosynthetic enzymes encoded by secondary metabolism pathways. Here, we present a two-step evolutionary model to explain the diversification of biosynthetic pathways that account for the proliferation of these molecules. We argue that the appearance of natural product families has been a slow and infrequent process. The first step led to the original emergence of bioactive molecules and different classes of natural products. However, much of the chemical diversity observed today has resulted from the endless modification of the ancestral biosynthetic pathways. The second step rapidly modulates the pre-existing biological activities to increase their potency and to adapt to changing environmental conditions. We highlight the importance of enzyme promiscuity in this process, as it facilitates both the incorporation of horizontally transferred genes into secondary metabolic pathways and the functional differentiation of proteins to catalyze novel chemistry. We provide examples where single point mutations or recombination events have been sufficient for new enzymatic activities to emerge. A unique feature in the evolution of microbial secondary metabolism is that gene duplication is not essential but offers opportunities to synthesize more complex metabolites. Microbial natural products are highly important for the pharmaceutical industry due to their unique bioactivities. Therefore, understanding the natural mechanisms leading to the formation of diverse metabolic pathways is vital for future attempts to utilize synthetic biology for the generation of novel molecules.Peer reviewe

    A contribution to the study of plant development evolution based on gene co-expression networks

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    Phototrophic eukaryotes are among the most successful organisms on Earth due to their unparalleled efficiency at capturing light energy and fixing carbon dioxide to produce organic molecules. A conserved and efficient network of light-dependent regulatory modules could be at the bases of this success. This regulatory system conferred early advantages to phototrophic eukaryotes that allowed for specialization, complex developmental processes and modern plant characteristics. We have studied light-dependent gene regulatory modules from algae to plants employing integrative-omics approaches based on gene co-expression networks. Our study reveals some remarkably conserved ways in which eukaryotic phototrophs deal with day length and light signaling. Here we describe how a family of Arabidopsis transcription factors involved in photoperiod response has evolved from a single algal gene according to the innovation, amplification and divergence theory of gene evolution by duplication. These modifications of the gene co-expression networks from the ancient unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to the modern brassica Arabidopsis thaliana may hint on the evolution and specialization of plants and other organisms.España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSD2007-00057España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2011-28847-C02-0

    The role of duplications in the evolution of genomes highlights the need for evolutionary-based approaches in comparative genomics

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    Understanding the evolutionary plasticity of the genome requires a global, comparative approach in which genetic events are considered both in a phylogenetic framework and with regard to population genetics and environmental variables. In the mechanisms that generate adaptive and non-adaptive changes in genomes, segmental duplications (duplication of individual genes or genomic regions) and polyploidization (whole genome duplications) are well-known driving forces. The probability of fixation and maintenance of duplicates depends on many variables, including population sizes and selection regimes experienced by the corresponding genes: a combination of stochastic and adaptive mechanisms has shaped all genomes. A survey of experimental work shows that the distinction made between fixation and maintenance of duplicates still needs to be conceptualized and mathematically modeled. Here we review the mechanisms that increase or decrease the probability of fixation or maintenance of duplicated genes, and examine the outcome of these events on the adaptation of the organism

    Forcing neurocontrollers to exploit sensory symmetry through hard-wired modularity in the game of Cellz

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    Several attempts have been made in the past to construct encoding schemes that allow modularity to emerge in evolving systems, but success is limited. We believe that in order to create successful and scalable encodings for emerging modularity, we first need to explore the benefits of different types of modularity by hard-wiring these into evolvable systems. In this paper we explore different ways of exploiting sensory symmetry inherent in the agent in the simple game Cellz by evolving symmetrically identical modules. It is concluded that significant increases in both speed of evolution and final fitness can be achieved relative to monolithic controllers. Furthermore, we show that a simple function approximation task that exhibits sensory symmetry can be used as a quick approximate measure of the utility of an encoding scheme for the more complex game-playing task

    Rewiring of PDZ Domain-Ligand Interaction Network Contributed to Eukaryotic Evolution

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    PDZ domain-mediated interactions have greatly expanded during metazoan evolution, becoming important for controlling signal flow via the assembly of multiple signaling components. The evolutionary history of PDZ domain-mediated interactions has never been explored at the molecular level. It is of great interest to understand how PDZ domain-ligand interactions emerged and how they become rewired during evolution. Here, we constructed the first human PDZ domain-ligand interaction network (PDZNet) together with binding motif sequences and interaction strengths of ligands. PDZNet includes 1,213 interactions between 97 human PDZ proteins and 591 ligands that connect most PDZ protein-mediated interactions (98%) in a large single network via shared ligands. We examined the rewiring of PDZ domain-ligand interactions throughout eukaryotic evolution by tracing changes in the C-terminal binding motif sequences of the PDZ ligands. We found that interaction rewiring by sequence mutation frequently occurred throughout evolution, largely contributing to the growth of PDZNet. The rewiring of PDZ domain-ligand interactions provided an effective means of functional innovations in nervous system development. Our findings provide empirical evidence for a network evolution model that highlights the rewiring of interactions as a mechanism for the development of new protein functions. PDZNet will be a valuable resource to further characterize the organization of the PDZ domain-mediated signaling proteome