22 research outputs found

    Duplication of modules facilitates the evolution of functional specialization

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    The evolution of simulated robots with three different architectures is studied. We compared a non-modular feed forward network, a hardwired modular and a duplication-based modular motor control network. We conclude that both modular architectures outperform the non-modular architecture, both in terms of rate of adaptation as well as the level of adaptation achieved. The main difference between the hardwired and duplication-based modular architectures is that in the latter the modules reached a much higher degree of functional specialization of their motor control units with regard to high level behavioral functions. The hardwired architectures reach the same level of performance, but have a more distributed assignment of functional tasks to the motor control units. We conclude that the mechanism through which functional specialization is achieved is similar to the mechanism proposed for the evolution of duplicated genes. It is found that the duplication of multifunctional modules first leads to a change in the regulation of the module, leading to a differentiation of the functional context in which the module is used. Then the module adapts to the new functional context. After this second step the system is locked into a functionally specialized state. We suggest that functional specialization may be an evolutionary absorption state

    How robot morphology and training order affect the learning of multiple behaviors

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    Abstract — Automatically synthesizing behaviors for robots with articulated bodies poses a number of challenges beyond those encountered when generating behaviors for simpler agents. One such challenge is how to optimize a controller that can orchestrate dynamic motion of different parts of the body at different times. This paper presents an incremental shaping method that addresses this challenge: it trains a controller to both coordinate a robot’s leg motions to achieve directed locomotion toward an object, and then coordinate gripper motion to achieve lifting once the object is reached. It is shown that success is dependent on the order in which these behaviors are learned, and that despite the fact that one robot can master these behaviors better than another with a different morphology, this learning order is invariant across the two robot morphologies investigated here. This suggests that aspects of the task environment, learning algorithm or the controller dictate learning order more than the choice of morphology. I

    A bio-inspired agent-based system for controlling robot behaviour

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    In this paper, we present an agent-based system to control a single robot’s behaviour. We present an artificial genome structure, based on gene regulatory networks, in which several regions can be distinguished such as promoter regions, indicator genes, transcription factor binding sites, regulatory genes and expressed genes. We use agent-based modeling (ABM) to simulate a bio-inspired system based on the artificial genome, with the ultimate goal of providing phenotypic information for a simulated robot. We show that the presence of a feedback loop in the agent based system, along with the corresponding agent replacements, is essential to allow the robot to perform its tasks

    Development of Multiple Behaviors in Evolving Robots

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    We investigate whether standard evolutionary robotics methods can be extended to support the evolution of multiple behaviors by forcing the retention of variations that are adaptive with respect to all required behaviors. This is realized by selecting the individuals located in the first Pareto fronts of the multidimensional fitness space in the case of a standard evolutionary algorithms and by computing and using multiple gradients of the expected fitness in the case of a modern evolutionary strategies that move the population in the direction of the gradient of the fitness. The results collected on two extended versions of state-of-the-art benchmarking problems indicate that the latter method permits to evolve robots capable of producing the required multiple behaviors in the majority of the replications and produces significantly better results than all the other methods considered

    Evolving Monolithic Robot Controllers through Incremental Shaping

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    Evolutionary robotics has been shown to be an effective technique for generating robot behaviors that are difficult to derive analytically from the robot’s mechanics and task environment. Moreover, augmenting evolutionary algorithms with environmental scaffolding via an incremental shaping method makes it possible to evolve controllers for complex tasks that would otherwise be infeasible. In this paper we present a summary of two recent publications in the evolutionary robotics literature demonstrating how these methods can be used to evolve robot controllers for non-trivial tasks, what the obstacles are in evolving controllers in this way, and present a novel research question that can be investigated under this framework

    Evolution of functional specialization in a morphologically homogeneous robot

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    A central tenet of embodied artificial intelligence is that intelligent behavior arises out of the coupled dynamics between an agent's body, brain and environment. It follows that the complexity of an agents's controller and morphology must match the complexity of a given task. However, more complex task environments require the agent to exhibit different behaviors, which raises the question as to how to distribute responsibility for these behaviors across the agents's controller and morphology. In this work a robot is trained to locomote and manipulate an object, but the assumption of functional specialization is relaxed: the robot has a segmented body plan in which the front segment may participate in locomotion and object manipulation, or it may specialize to only participate in object manipulation. In this way, selection pressure dictates the presence and degree of functional specialization rather than such specialization being enforced a priori. It is shown that for the given task, evolution tends to produce functionally specialized controllers, even though successful generalized controllers can also be evolved. Moreover, the robot's initial conditions and training order have little effect on the frequency of finding specialized controllers, while the inclusion of additional proprioceptive feedback increases this frequency

    How robot morphology and training order affect the learning of multiple behaviors

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    Automatically synthesizing behaviors for robots with articulated bodies poses a number of challenges beyond those encountered when generating behaviors for simpler agents. One such challenge is how to optimize a controller that can orchestrate dynamic motion of different parts of the body at different times. This paper presents an incremental shaping method that addresses this challenge: it trains a controller to both coordinate a robot's leg motions to achieve directed locomotion toward an object, and then coordinate gripper motion to achieve lifting once the object is reached. It is shown that success is dependent on the order in which these behaviors are learned, and that despite the fact that one robot can master these behaviors better than another with a different morphology, this learning order is invariant across the two robot morphologies investigated here. This suggests that aspects of the task environment, learning algorithm or the controller dictate learning order more than the choice of morphology

    Genetic representation and evolvability of modular neural controllers

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    The manual design of con- trol systems for robotic devices can be challenging. Methods for the automatic synthesis of control systems, such as the evolution of artificial neural networks, are thus widely used in the robotics community. However, in many robotic tasks where multiple interdependent control problems have to be solved simultaneously, the performance of conventional neuroevolution techniques declines. In this paper, we identify interference between the adaptation of different parts of the control system as one of the key challenges in the evolutionary synthesis of artificial neural networks.As modular net- work architectures have been shown to reduce the effects of such interference, we propose a novel, implicit modular genetic representation that allows the evolutionary algorithm to automatically shape modular network topologies. Our experiments with plastic neural networks in a simple maze learning task indicate that adding a modular genetic representation to a state-of-the-art implicit neuroevolution method leads to better algorithm performance and increases the robustness of evolved solutions against detrimental mutations