113 research outputs found

    Servicing the federation : the case for metadata harvesting

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of data harvesting and distributed computing as complementary models of service delivery within large-scale federated digital libraries. Informed by requirements of flexibility and scalability of federated services, the analysis focuses on the identification and assessment of model invariants. In particular, it abstracts over application domains, services, and protocol implementations. The analytical evidence produced shows that the harvesting model offers stronger guarantees of satisfying the identified requirements. In addition, it suggests a first characterisation of services based on their suitability to either model and thus indicates how they could be integrated in the context of a single federated digital library

    Observatorio: Dublin Core, metadatos y vocabularios

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    El observatorio describe una reflexión sobre el desarrollo de la tecnología de los metadatos para describir, organizar y recuperar información, su evolución en los últimos diez años, y el futuro de su desarrollo como "vocabularios" de metainformación

    Dublin core, metadatos y vocabularios

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    En el balance sobre el vertiginoso mundo de la WWW encontramos un conjunto de estándares, un montón de buenas prácticas, experiencias y la credibilidad explícita de que el futuro de la Web cuenta con los bibliotecarios y profesionales de la información, y los metadatos han tenido y tienen mucho que ver con esto

    Pemanfaatan Dublin Core Metadata Term Dalam Pengembangan Perpustakaan Digital Berbasis Semantik

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    Pemanfaatan metadata yang disediakan secara online, sebagai contoh metadata dalam dublin core, memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar dalam pertukaran informasi digital saat ini. Galeri, Perpustakaan, Arsip, Museum saat ini mulai membuka data dalam menyamakan penemuan standar yang lebih baik bagi sumber daya elektronik dimasa depan.Temu kembali informasi bersejarah menjadi tujuan yang paling utama. Dublin Core adalah satu set metadata yang terdiri dari 15 set elemen telah dibangun untuk mendukung temu kembali informasi perpustakaan dengan lebih mudah. Dublin core term telah terstandarmelalui sebuah konsensus internasonal danpenggunaannya lebih sederhana dibanding MARC dalam pengelolaan data di perpustakaan. Oleh karenanya perpustaaan dan museum saat ini mulai menggunakan kosakata standar dari Dublin Core – hal ini dilakukan untuk mendukung wacana perpustakaan dengan akses yang terbuka. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan 15 term dalam Dublin Coredalam studi kasus perpustakaan serta mengujinya melalui uji validator RDF

    Usability Study of a Pilot Database Interface for Consulting Open Educational Resources in the Context of the ENCORE Project

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    Open educational resources (OER) are materials such as textbooks, lessons, and other teaching and learning tools that are freely accessible for use. OERare gaining popularity as a means for educators to give their students access to high-quality, economical educational materials. OER can encourage sharing information and resources throughout the educational community while also helping lower the cost of education for both students and teachers. In this context, the ENCORE project seeks, among other goals, to assist students and workers in acquiring the skills necessary to deal with economic, ecological, and technological challenges as well as to address the skills gap between the supply of educational institutions and the demand of employers and assist educators in staying abreast of the constantly changing landscape of skills. One of the first steps to reach the project’s goals is to build a robust database that contains quality OERs linked to green, digital, and entrepreneurial (GDE) skills. A graphical interface has been developed to retrieve and display information about the OERs, and, in turn, to make these resources available for any stakeholder. However, due to the significant quantity of information, it is important to develop an interface that enhances user experience. This work presents a usability study of the ENCORE project’s OER database interface carried out through a System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire, as well as future interface improvements based on the results

    Personal Linked Data: A Solution to Manage User's Privacy on the Web

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    National audienceWhile using modern applications, personal digital data is spread over hundreds of servers all around the world and users have very poor control over these data. To tackle this issue, based on the semantic Web, we are developing a framework, named Privacy-Lookout, to allow people to be on the lookout for transgressions of their personal data privacy. Concretely, we propose to construct a personal linked data view of individuals to organize and semantically enrich the meta information of their personal data existing in the Web. The mean idea is to allow users to know if the information the Web posses about them respects their privacy principles. This paper introduces the first ideas of such approach

    Elektronische leeromgevingen: gewaarwordingen en perspectief

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    Gepubliceerd als: Koper, E.J.R. (2001). Elektronische leeromgevingen: gewaarwordingen en perspectief, Opleiding & Ontwikkeling,3, 7-11.Er wordt veel gesproken over elektronische leeromgevingen, allerhande software verschijnt op de markt. Instellingen en bedrijven experimenteren ermee en vragen zich af hoe ze dit moeten integreren in de opleidingsorganisatie. In dit Persoonlijk staat de auteur stil bij de vraag wat elektronische leeromgevingen nu precies zijn, met name omdat er nogal wat verwarring is in de conceptualisatie van dit fenomeen. Eerst komen enkele van deze verwarrende beelden aan de orde. Na een omschrijving van leeromgevingen wordt nagegaan welke toegevoegde waarde ICT heeft voor leeromgevingen. Enkele topics, zoals standaarden voor elektronische leeromgevingen, gedistribueerde organisatie en rijke leeromgevingen worden aangestipt

    Col*Fusion: a Global-Scale Information Integration Infrastructure based on Crowdsourcing

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