10 research outputs found

    The Geometry of Relevant Implication II

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    This note extends earlier results on geometrical interpretations of the logic KR to prove some additional results, including a simple undecidability proof for the four-variable fragment of KR

    Epimorphisms in varieties of subidempotent residuated structures

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    A commutative residuated lattice A is said to be subidempotent if the lower bounds of its neutral element e are idempotent (in which case they naturally constitute a Brouwerian algebra A*). It is proved here that epimorphisms are surjective in a variety K of such algebras A (with or without involution), provided that each finitely subdirectly irreducible algebra B in K has two properties: (1) B is generated by lower bounds of e, and (2) the poset of prime filters of B* has finite depth. Neither (1) nor (2) may be dropped. The proof adapts to the presence of bounds. The result generalizes some recent findings of G. Bezhanishvili and the first two authors concerning epimorphisms in varieties of Brouwerian algebras, Heyting algebras and Sugihara monoids, but its scope also encompasses a range of interesting varieties of De Morgan monoids

    Stone-Type Dualities for Separation Logics

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    Stone-type duality theorems, which relate algebraic and relational/topological models, are important tools in logic because -- in addition to elegant abstraction -- they strengthen soundness and completeness to a categorical equivalence, yielding a framework through which both algebraic and topological methods can be brought to bear on a logic. We give a systematic treatment of Stone-type duality for the structures that interpret bunched logics, starting with the weakest systems, recovering the familiar BI and Boolean BI (BBI), and extending to both classical and intuitionistic Separation Logic. We demonstrate the uniformity and modularity of this analysis by additionally capturing the bunched logics obtained by extending BI and BBI with modalities and multiplicative connectives corresponding to disjunction, negation and falsum. This includes the logic of separating modalities (LSM), De Morgan BI (DMBI), Classical BI (CBI), and the sub-classical family of logics extending Bi-intuitionistic (B)BI (Bi(B)BI). We additionally obtain as corollaries soundness and completeness theorems for the specific Kripke-style models of these logics as presented in the literature: for DMBI, the sub-classical logics extending BiBI and a new bunched logic, Concurrent Kleene BI (connecting our work to Concurrent Separation Logic), this is the first time soundness and completeness theorems have been proved. We thus obtain a comprehensive semantic account of the multiplicative variants of all standard propositional connectives in the bunched logic setting. This approach synthesises a variety of techniques from modal, substructural and categorical logic and contextualizes the "resource semantics" interpretation underpinning Separation Logic amongst them

    Categories of Residuated Lattices

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    We present dual variants of two algebraic constructions of certain classes of residuated lattices: The Galatos-Raftery construction of Sugihara monoids and their bounded expansions, and the Aguzzoli-Flaminio-Ugolini quadruples construction of srDL-algebras. Our dual presentation of these constructions is facilitated by both new algebraic results, and new duality-theoretic tools. On the algebraic front, we provide a complete description of implications among nontrivial distribution properties in the context of lattice-ordered structures equipped with a residuated binary operation. We also offer some new results about forbidden configurations in lattices endowed with an order-reversing involution. On the duality-theoretic front, we present new results on extended Priestley duality in which the ternary relation dualizing a residuated multiplication may be viewed as the graph of a partial function. We also present a new Esakia-like duality for Sugihara monoids in the spirit of Dunn\u27s binary Kripke-style semantics for the relevance logic R-mingle


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    In this thesis we study particular subclasses of WNM algebras. The variety of WNM algebras forms the algebraic semantics of the WNM logic, a propositional many-valued logic that generalizes some well-known case in the setting of triangular norms logics. WNM logic lies in the hierarchy of schematic extensions of MTL, which is proven to be the logic of all left-continuous triangular norms and their residua. In this work, I have extensively studied two extensions of WNM logic, namely RDP logic and NMG logic, from the point of view of algebraic and categorical logic. We develop spectral dualities between the varieties of algebras corresponding to RDP logic and NMG logic, and suitable defined combinatorial categories. Categorical dualities allow to give algorithmic construction of products in the dual categories obtaining computable descriptions of coproducts (which are notoriously hard to compute working only in the algebraic side) for the corresponding finite algebras. As a byproduct, representation theorems for finite algebras and free finitely generated algebras in the considered varieties are obtained. This latter characterization is especially useful to provide explicit construction of a number of objects relevant from the point of view of the logical interpretation of the varieties of algebras: normal forms, strongest deductive interpolants and most general unifiers

    Bunched logics: a uniform approach

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    Bunched logics have found themselves to be key tools in modern computer science, in particular through the industrial-level program verification formalism Separation Logic. Despite this—and in contrast to adjacent families of logics like modal and substructural logic—there is a lack of uniform methodology in their study, leaving many evident variants uninvestigated and many open problems unresolved. In this thesis we investigate the family of bunched logics—including previously unexplored intuitionistic variants—through two uniform frameworks. The first is a system of duality theorems that relate the algebraic and Kripke-style interpretations of the logics; the second, a modular framework of tableaux calculi that are sound and complete for both the core logics themselves, as well as many classes of bunched logic model important for applications in program verification and systems modelling. In doing so we are able to resolve a number of open problems in the literature, including soundness and completeness theorems for intuitionistic variants of bunched logics, classes of Separation Logic models and layered graph models; decidability of layered graph logics; a characterisation theorem for the classes of bunched logic model definable by bunched logic formulae; and the failure of Craig interpolation for principal bunched logics. We also extend our duality theorems to the categorical structures suitable for interpreting predicate versions of the logics, in particular hyperdoctrinal structures used frequently in Separation Logic

    Dualities in modal logic

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    Categorical dualities are an important tool in the study of (modal) logics. They offer conceptual understanding and enable the transfer of results between the different semantics of a logic. As such, they play a central role in the proofs of completeness theorems, Sahlqvist theorems and Goldblatt-Thomason theorems. A common way to obtain dualities is by extending existing ones. For example, Jonsson-Tarski duality is an extension of Stone duality. A convenient formalism to carry out such extensions is given by the dual categorical notions of algebras and coalgebras. Intuitively, these allow one to isolate the new part of a duality from the existing part. In this thesis we will derive both existing and new dualities via this route, and we show how to use the dualities to investigate logics. However, not all (modal logical) paradigms fit the (co)algebraic perspective. In particular, modal intuitionistic logics do not enjoy a coalgebraic treatment, and there is a general lack of duality results for them. To remedy this, we use a generalisation of both algebras and coalgebras called dialgebras. Guided by the research field of coalgebraic logic, we introduce the framework of dialgebraic logic. We show how a large class of modal intuitionistic logics can be modelled as dialgebraic logics and we prove dualities for them. We use the dialgebraic framework to prove general completeness, Hennessy-Milner, representation and Goldblatt-Thomason theorems, and instantiate this to a wide variety of modal intuitionistic logics. Additionally, we use the dialgebraic perspective to investigate modal extensions of the meet-implication fragment of intuitionistic logic. We instantiate general dialgebraic results, and describe how modal meet-implication logics relate to modal intuitionistic logics