699 research outputs found

    Graphical Structures for Design and Verification of Quantum Error Correction

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    We introduce a high-level graphical framework for designing and analysing quantum error correcting codes, centred on what we term the coherent parity check (CPC). The graphical formulation is based on the diagrammatic tools of the zx-calculus of quantum observables. The resulting framework leads to a construction for stabilizer codes that allows us to design and verify a broad range of quantum codes based on classical ones, and that gives a means of discovering large classes of codes using both analytical and numerical methods. We focus in particular on the smaller codes that will be the first used by near-term devices. We show how CSS codes form a subset of CPC codes and, more generally, how to compute stabilizers for a CPC code. As an explicit example of this framework, we give a method for turning almost any pair of classical [n,k,3] codes into a [[2n - k + 2, k, 3]] CPC code. Further, we give a simple technique for machine search which yields thousands of potential codes, and demonstrate its operation for distance 3 and 5 codes. Finally, we use the graphical tools to demonstrate how Clifford computation can be performed within CPC codes. As our framework gives a new tool for constructing small- to medium-sized codes with relatively high code rates, it provides a new source for codes that could be suitable for emerging devices, while its zx-calculus foundations enable natural integration of error correction with graphical compiler toolchains. It also provides a powerful framework for reasoning about all stabilizer quantum error correction codes of any size.Comment: Computer code associated with this paper may be found at https://doi.org/10.15128/r1bn999672

    System Development and VLSI Implementation of High Throughput and Hardware Efficient Polar Code Decoder

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    Polar code is the first channel code which is provable to achieve the Shannon capacity. Additionally, it has a very good performance in terms of low error floor. All these merits make it a potential candidate for the future standard of wireless communication or storage system. Polar code is received increasing research interest these years. However, the hardware implementation of hardware decoder still has not meet the expectation of practical applications, no matter from neither throughput aspect nor hardware efficient aspect. This dissertation presents several system development approaches and hardware structures for three widely known decoding algorithms. These algorithms are successive cancellation (SC), list successive cancellation (LSC) and belief propagation (BP). All the efforts are in order to maximize the throughput meanwhile minimize the hardware cost. Throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) decoder is proposed for SC decoding. By introducing the concept of constituent code, the decoding latency is significantly reduced with a negligible decoding performance loss. However, the specifically designed computation unites dramatically increase the hardware cost, and how to handle the conventional polar code sets and constituent codes sets makes the hardware implementation more complicated. By exploiting the natural property of conventional SC decoder, datapaths for decoding constituent codes are compatibly built via computation units sharing technique. This approach does not incur additional hardware cost expect some multiplexer logic, but can significantly increase the decoding throughput. Other techniques such as pre-computing and gate-level optimization are used as well in order to further increase the decoding throughput. A specific designed partial sum generator (PSG) is also investigated in this dissertation. This PSG is hardware efficient and timing compatible with proposed TCSC decoder. Additionally, a polar code construction scheme with constituent codes optimization is also presents. This construction scheme aims to reduce the constituent codes based SC decoding latency. Results show that, compared with the state-of-art decoder, TCSC can achieve at least 60% latency reduction for the codes with length n = 1024. By using Nangate FreePDK 45nm process, TCSC decoder can reach throughput up to 5.81 Gbps and 2.01 Gbps for (1024, 870) and (1024, 512) polar code, respectively. Besides, with the proposed construction scheme, the TCSC decoder generally is able to further achieve at least around 20% latency deduction with an negligible gain loss. Overlapped List Successive Cancellation (OLSC) is proposed for LSC decoding as a design approach. LSC decoding has a better performance than LS decoding at the cost of hardware consumption. With such approach, the l (l > 1) instances of successive cancellation (SC) decoder for LSC with list size l can be cut down to only one. This results in a dramatic reduction of the hardware complexity without any decoding performance loss. Meanwhile, approaches to reduce the latency associated with the pipeline scheme are also investigated. Simulation results show that with proposed design approach the hardware efficiency is increased significantly over the recently proposed LSC decoders. Express Journey Belief Propagation (XJBP) is proposed for BP decoding. This idea origins from extending the constituent codes concept from SC to BP decoding. Express journey refers to the datapath of specific constituent codes in the factor graph, which accelerates the belief information propagation speed. The XJBP decoder is able to achieve 40.6% computational complexity reduction with the conventional BP decoding. This enables an energy efficient hardware implementation. In summary, all the efforts to optimize the polar code decoder are presented in this dissertation, supported by the careful analysis, precise description, extensively numerical simulations, thoughtful discussion and RTL implementation on VLSI design platforms

    System Development and VLSI Implementation of High Throughput and Hardware Efficient Polar Code Decoder

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    Polar code is the first channel code which is provable to achieve the Shannon capacity. Additionally, it has a very good performance in terms of low error floor. All these merits make it a potential candidate for the future standard of wireless communication or storage system. Polar code is received increasing research interest these years. However, the hardware implementation of hardware decoder still has not meet the expectation of practical applications, no matter from neither throughput aspect nor hardware efficient aspect. This dissertation presents several system development approaches and hardware structures for three widely known decoding algorithms. These algorithms are successive cancellation (SC), list successive cancellation (LSC) and belief propagation (BP). All the efforts are in order to maximize the throughput meanwhile minimize the hardware cost. Throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) decoder is proposed for SC decoding. By introducing the concept of constituent code, the decoding latency is significantly reduced with a negligible decoding performance loss. However, the specifically designed computation unites dramatically increase the hardware cost, and how to handle the conventional polar code sets and constituent codes sets makes the hardware implementation more complicated. By exploiting the natural property of conventional SC decoder, datapaths for decoding constituent codes are compatibly built via computation units sharing technique. This approach does not incur additional hardware cost expect some multiplexer logic, but can significantly increase the decoding throughput. Other techniques such as pre-computing and gate-level optimization are used as well in order to further increase the decoding throughput. A specific designed partial sum generator (PSG) is also investigated in this dissertation. This PSG is hardware efficient and timing compatible with proposed TCSC decoder. Additionally, a polar code construction scheme with constituent codes optimization is also presents. This construction scheme aims to reduce the constituent codes based SC decoding latency. Results show that, compared with the state-of-art decoder, TCSC can achieve at least 60% latency reduction for the codes with length n = 1024. By using Nangate FreePDK 45nm process, TCSC decoder can reach throughput up to 5.81 Gbps and 2.01 Gbps for (1024, 870) and (1024, 512) polar code, respectively. Besides, with the proposed construction scheme, the TCSC decoder generally is able to further achieve at least around 20% latency deduction with an negligible gain loss. Overlapped List Successive Cancellation (OLSC) is proposed for LSC decoding as a design approach. LSC decoding has a better performance than LS decoding at the cost of hardware consumption. With such approach, the l (l > 1) instances of successive cancellation (SC) decoder for LSC with list size l can be cut down to only one. This results in a dramatic reduction of the hardware complexity without any decoding performance loss. Meanwhile, approaches to reduce the latency associated with the pipeline scheme are also investigated. Simulation results show that with proposed design approach the hardware efficiency is increased significantly over the recently proposed LSC decoders. Express Journey Belief Propagation (XJBP) is proposed for BP decoding. This idea origins from extending the constituent codes concept from SC to BP decoding. Express journey refers to the datapath of specific constituent codes in the factor graph, which accelerates the belief information propagation speed. The XJBP decoder is able to achieve 40.6% computational complexity reduction with the conventional BP decoding. This enables an energy efficient hardware implementation. In summary, all the efforts to optimize the polar code decoder are presented in this dissertation, supported by the careful analysis, precise description, extensively numerical simulations, thoughtful discussion and RTL implementation on VLSI design platforms

    CRC-Aided High-Rate Convolutional Codes With Short Blocklengths for List Decoding

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    Recently, rate-1/n zero-terminated (ZT) and tail-biting (TB) convolutional codes (CCs) with cyclic redundancy check (CRC)-aided list decoding have been shown to closely approach the random-coding union (RCU) bound for short blocklengths. This paper designs CRC polynomials for rate- (n-1)/n ZT and TB CCs with short blocklengths. This paper considers both standard rate-(n-1)/n CC polynomials and rate- (n-1)/n designs resulting from puncturing a rate-1/2 code. The CRC polynomials are chosen to maximize the minimum distance d_min and minimize the number of nearest neighbors A_(d_min) . For the standard rate-(n-1)/n codes, utilization of the dual trellis proposed by Yamada et al. lowers the complexity of CRC-aided serial list Viterbi decoding (SLVD). CRC-aided SLVD of the TBCCs closely approaches the RCU bound at a blocklength of 128. This paper compares the FER performance (gap to the RCU bound) and complexity of the CRC-aided standard and punctured ZTCCs and TBCCs. This paper also explores the complexity-performance trade-off for three TBCC decoders: a single-trellis approach, a multi-trellis approach, and a modified single-trellis approach with pre-processing using the wrap around Viterbi algorithm.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.0792

    High-Rate Convolutional Codes with CRC-Aided List Decoding for Short Blocklengths

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    Recently, rate-1/ω1/\omega zero-terminated and tail-biting convolutional codes (ZTCCs and TBCCs) with cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC)-aided list decoding have been shown to closely approach the random-coding union (RCU) bound for short blocklengths. This paper designs CRCs for rate-(ω1)/ω(\omega-1)/\omega CCs with short blocklengths, considering both the ZT and TB cases. The CRC design seeks to optimize the frame error rate (FER) performance of the code resulting from the concatenation of the CRC and the CC. Utilization of the dual trellis proposed by Yamada \emph{et al.} lowers the complexity of CRC-aided serial list Viterbi decoding (SLVD) of ZTCCs and TBCCs. CRC-aided SLVD of the TBCCs closely approaches the RCU bound at a blocklength of 128128.Comment: 6 pages; submitted to 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022

    Performance and structure of single-mode bosonic codes

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    The early Gottesman, Kitaev, and Preskill (GKP) proposal for encoding a qubit in an oscillator has recently been followed by cat- and binomial-code proposals. Numerically optimized codes have also been proposed, and we introduce new codes of this type here. These codes have yet to be compared using the same error model; we provide such a comparison by determining the entanglement fidelity of all codes with respect to the bosonic pure-loss channel (i.e., photon loss) after the optimal recovery operation. We then compare achievable communication rates of the combined encoding-error-recovery channel by calculating the channel's hashing bound for each code. Cat and binomial codes perform similarly, with binomial codes outperforming cat codes at small loss rates. Despite not being designed to protect against the pure-loss channel, GKP codes significantly outperform all other codes for most values of the loss rate. We show that the performance of GKP and some binomial codes increases monotonically with increasing average photon number of the codes. In order to corroborate our numerical evidence of the cat/binomial/GKP order of performance occurring at small loss rates, we analytically evaluate the quantum error-correction conditions of those codes. For GKP codes, we find an essential singularity in the entanglement fidelity in the limit of vanishing loss rate. In addition to comparing the codes, we draw parallels between binomial codes and discrete-variable systems. First, we characterize one- and two-mode binomial as well as multi-qubit permutation-invariant codes in terms of spin-coherent states. Such a characterization allows us to introduce check operators and error-correction procedures for binomial codes. Second, we introduce a generalization of spin-coherent states, extending our characterization to qudit binomial codes and yielding a new multi-qudit code.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. v3: published version. See related talk at https://absuploads.aps.org/presentation.cfm?pid=1351

    Scalable Energy-Recovery Architectures.

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    Energy efficiency is a critical challenge for today's integrated circuits, especially for high-end digital signal processing and communications that require both high throughput and low energy dissipation for extended battery life. Charge-recovery logic recovers and reuses charge using inductive elements and has the potential to achieve order-of-magnitude improvement in energy efficiency while maintaining high performance. However, the lack of large-scale high-speed silicon demonstrations and inductor area overheads are two major concerns. This dissertation focuses on scalable charge-recovery designs. We present a semi-automated design flow to enable the design of large-scale charge-recovery chips. We also present a new architecture that uses in-package inductors, eliminating the area overheads caused by the use of integrated inductors in high-performance charge-recovery chips. To demonstrate our semi-automated flow, which uses custom-designed standard-cell-like dynamic cells, we have designed a 576-bit charge-recovery low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoder chip. Functioning correctly at clock speeds above 1 GHz, this prototype is the first-ever demonstration of a GHz-speed charge-recovery chip of significant complexity. In terms of energy consumption, this chip improves over recent state-of-the-art LDPCs by at least 1.3 times with comparable or better area efficiency. To demonstrate our architecture for eliminating inductor overheads, we have designed a charge-recovery LDPC decoder chip with in-package inductors. This test-chip has been fabricated in a 65nm CMOS flip-chip process. A custom 6-layer FC-BGA package substrate has been designed with 16 inductors embedded in the fifth layer of the package substrate, yielding higher Q and significantly improving area efficiency and energy efficiency compared to their on-chip counterparts. From measurements, this chip achieves at least 2.3 times lower energy consumption with better area efficiency over state-of-the-art published designs.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116653/1/terryou_1.pd

    Fault-Tolerant Quantum Memory using Low-Depth Random Circuit Codes

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    Low-depth random circuit codes possess many desirable properties for quantum error correction but have so far only been analyzed in the code capacity setting where it is assumed that encoding gates and syndrome measurements are noiseless. In this work, we design a fault-tolerant distillation protocol for preparing encoded states of one-dimensional random circuit codes even when all gates and measurements are subject to noise. This is sufficient for fault-tolerant quantum memory since these encoded states can then be used as ancillas for Steane error correction. We show through numerical simulations that our protocol can correct erasure errors up to an error rate of 2%2\%. In addition, we also extend results in the code capacity setting by developing a maximum likelihood decoder for depolarizing noise similar to work by Darmawan et al. As in their work, we formulate the decoding problem as a tensor network contraction and show how to contract the network efficiently by exploiting the low-depth structure. Replacing the tensor network with a so-called ''tropical'' tensor network, we also show how to perform minimum weight decoding. With these decoders, we are able to numerically estimate the depolarizing error threshold of finite-rate random circuit codes and show that this threshold closely matches the hashing bound even when the decoding is sub-optimal

    Avoiding coherent errors with rotated concatenated stabilizer codes

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    Coherent errors, which arise from collective couplings, are a dominant form of noise in many realistic quantum systems, and are more damaging than oft considered stochastic errors. Here, we propose integrating stabilizer codes with constant-excitation codes by code concatenation. Namely, by concatenating an [[n, k, d]] stabilizer outer code with dual-rail inner codes, we obtain a [[2n, k, d]] constant-excitation code immune from coherent phase errors and also equivalent to a Pauli-rotated stabilizer code. When the stabilizer outer code is fault-tolerant, the constant-excitation code has a positive fault-tolerant threshold against stochastic errors. Setting the outer code as a four-qubit amplitude damping code yields an eight-qubit constant-excitation code that corrects a single amplitude damping error, and we analyze this code’s potential as a quantum memory