151 research outputs found

    An Improved Ocean Vector Winds Retrieval Approach Using C- And Ku-band Scatterometer And Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometer Measurements

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    This dissertation will specifically address the issue of improving the quality of satellite scatterometer retrieved ocean surface vector winds (OVW), especially in the presence of strong rain associated with tropical cyclones. A novel active/passive OVW retrieval algorithm is developed that corrects Ku-band scatterometer measurements for rain effects and then uses them to retrieve accurate OVW. The rain correction procedure makes use of independent information available from collocated multi-frequency passive microwave observations provided by a companion sensor and also from simultaneous C-band scatterometer measurements. The synergy of these active and passive measurements enables improved correction for rain effects, which enhances the utility of Ku-band scatterometer measurements in extreme wind events. The OVW retrieval algorithm is based on the next generation instrument conceptual design for future US scatterometers, i.e. the Dual Frequency Scatterometer (DFS) developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Under this dissertation research, an end-to-end computer simulation was developed to evaluate the performance of this active/passive technique for retrieving hurricane force winds in the presence of intense rain. High-resolution hurricane wind and precipitation fields were simulated for several scenes of Hurricane Isabel in 2003 using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. Using these numerical weather model environmental fields, active/passive measurements were simulated for instruments proposed for the Global Change Observation Mission- Water Cycle (GCOM-W2) satellite series planned by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency. Further, the quality of the simulation was evaluated using actual hurricane measurements from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer and iv SeaWinds scatterometer onboard the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II). The analysis of these satellite data provided confidence in the capability of the simulation to generate realistic active/passive measurements at the top of the atmosphere. Results are very encouraging, and they show that the new algorithm can retrieve accurate ocean surface wind speeds in realistic hurricane conditions using the rain corrected Ku-band scatterometer measurements. They demonstrate the potential to improve wind measurements in extreme wind events for future wind scatterometry missions such as the proposed GCOM-W2

    Challenges to Satellite Sensors of Ocean Winds: Addressing Precipitation Effects

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    Measurements of global ocean surface winds made by orbiting satellite radars have provided valuable information to the oceanographic and meteorological communities since the launch of the Seasat in 1978, by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). When Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) was launched in 1999, it ushered in a new era of dual-polarized, pencil-beam, higher-resolution scatterometers for measuring the global ocean surface winds from space. A constant limitation on the full utilization of scatterometer-derived winds is the presence of isolated rain events, which affect about 7% of the observations. The vector wind sensors, the Ku-band scatterometers [NASA\u27s SeaWinds on the QuikSCAT and Midori-II platforms and Indian Space Research Organisation\u27s (ISRO\u27s) Ocean Satellite (Oceansat)-2], and the current C-band scatterometer [Advanced Wind Scatterometer (ASCAT), on the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)\u27s Meteorological Operation (MetOp) platform] all experience rain interference, but with different characteristics. Over this past decade, broad-based research studies have sought to better understand the physics of the rain interference problem, to search for methods to bypass the problem (using rain detection, flagging, and avoidance of affected areas), and to develop techniques to improve the quality of the derived wind vectors that are adversely affected by rain. This paper reviews the state of the art in rain flagging and rain correction and describes many of these approaches, methodologies, and summarizes the results

    A comparison of Skylab S-193 and aircraft views of surface roughness and a look toward SEASAT

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    An extensive aircraft underflight program was conducted along the Skylab groundpath for the purpose of documenting wind, wave, and atmospheric conditions affecting the amplitude of the active and passive microwave signatures. The S-193 microwave system senses a roughness parameter at the ocean surface that is proportional to the surface windspeed. The aircraft program is described, and some comparisons of satellite and aircraft results are presented. The principal result of the comparison of active radar is that direct inferences of the surface windspeed are possible, but subject to considerable scatter, and that this scatter appears to be due to interaction between long gravity and short Bragg waves and backscatter due to rain as well as errors in correcting for azimuth dependence. An unforeseen opportunity to observe a Pacific hurricane by both Skylab and NOAA aircraft has contributed to the development of a simplified wave forecasting scheme applicable to hurricanes, and more general conditions, which combines the better qualities of both spectral and height/period forecasting techniques. Horizontal polarization data obtained by the aircraft in Hurricane Ava, and in other experiments, which led to this development are presented

     Ocean Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The ocean covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, 90% of the biosphere and contains 97% of Earth’s water. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can image the ocean surface in all weather conditions and day or night. SAR remote sensing on ocean and coastal monitoring has become a research hotspot in geoscience and remote sensing. This book—Progress in SAR Oceanography—provides an update of the current state of the science on ocean remote sensing with SAR. Overall, the book presents a variety of marine applications, such as, oceanic surface and internal waves, wind, bathymetry, oil spill, coastline and intertidal zone classification, ship and other man-made objects’ detection, as well as remotely sensed data assimilation. The book is aimed at a wide audience, ranging from graduate students, university teachers and working scientists to policy makers and managers. Efforts have been made to highlight general principles as well as the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of SAR Oceanography

    A comparison of synoptic and Skylab S193/194 determinations of ocean surface windspeeds

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Insights on the OAFlux ocean surface vector wind analysis merged from scatterometers and passive microwave radiometers (1987 onward)

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (2014): 5244–5269, doi:10.1002/2013JC009648.A high-resolution global daily analysis of ocean surface vector winds (1987 onward) was developed by the Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes (OAFlux) project. This study addressed the issues related to the development of the time series through objective synthesis of 12 satellite sensors (two scatterometers and 10 passive microwave radiometers) using a least-variance linear statistical estimation. The issues include the rationale that supports the multisensor synthesis, the methodology and strategy that were developed, the challenges that were encountered, and the comparison of the synthesized daily mean fields with reference to scatterometers and atmospheric reanalyses. The synthesis was established on the bases that the low and moderate winds (<15 m s−1) constitute 98% of global daily wind fields, and they are the range of winds that are retrieved with best quality and consistency by both scatterometers and radiometers. Yet, challenges are presented in situations of synoptic weather systems due mainly to three factors: (i) the lack of radiometer retrievals in rain conditions, (ii) the inability to fill in the data voids caused by eliminating rain-flagged QuikSCAT wind vector cells, and (iii) the persistent differences between QuikSCAT and ASCAT high winds. The study showed that the daily mean surface winds can be confidently constructed from merging scatterometers with radiometers over the global oceans, except for the regions influenced by synoptic weather storms. The uncertainties in present scatterometer and radiometer observations under high winds and rain conditions lead to uncertainties in the synthesized synoptic structures.The project is sponsored by the NASA Ocean Vector Wind Science Team (OVWST) activities under grant NNA10AO86G.2015-02-1

    X-band synthetic aperture radar methods

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    Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs), operating at L-band and above, offer microwave observations of the Earth at very high spatial resolution in almost all-weather conditions. Nevertheless, precipitating clouds can significantly affect the signal backscattered from the ground surface in both amplitude and phase, especially at X band and beyond. This evidence has been assessed by numerous recent efforts analyzing data collected by COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) and TerraSAR-X (TSX) missions at X band. This sensitivity can be exploited to detect and quantify precipitations from SARs at the spatial resolution of a few hundred meters, a very appealing feature considering the current resolution of precipitation products from space. Forward models of SAR response in the presence of precipitation have been developed for analyzing SAR signature sensitivity and developing rainfall retrieval algorithms. Precipitation retrieval algorithms from SARs have also been proposed on a semi-empirical basis. This chapter will review experimental evidences, modelling approaches, retrieval methods and recent applications of X-band SAR data to rainfall estimation

    EPS/Metop-SG Scatterometer Mission Science Plan

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    89 pages, figures, tablesThis Science Plan describes the heritage, background, processing and control of C-band scatterometer data and its remaining exploitation challenges in view of SCA on EPS/MetOp-SGPeer reviewe

    Atmospheric Instrument Systems and Technology in the Goddard Earth Sciences Division

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    Studies of the Earths atmosphere require a comprehensive set of observations that rely on instruments flown on spacecraft, aircraft, and balloons as well as those deployed on the surface. Within NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Earth Sciences Division-Atmospheres, laboratories and offices maintain an active program of instrument system development and observational studies that provide: 1) information leading to a basic understanding of atmospheric processes and their relationships with the Earths climate system, 2) prototypes for future flight instruments, 3) instruments to serve as calibration references for satellite missions, and 4) instruments for future field validation campaigns that support ongoing space missions. Our scientists participate in all aspects of instrument activity, including component and system design, calibration techniques, retrieval algorithm development, and data processing systems. The Atmospheres Program has well-equipped labs and test equipment to support the development and testing of instrument systems, such as a radiometric calibration and development facility to support the calibration of ultraviolet and visible (UV/VIS), space-borne solar backscatter instruments. This document summarizes the features and characteristics of 46 instrument systems that currently exist or are under development. The report is organized according to active, passive, or in situ remote sensing across the electromagnetic spectrum. Most of the systems are considered operational in that they have demonstrated performance in the field and are capable of being deployed on relatively short notice. Other systems are under study or of low technical readiness level (TRL). The systems described herein are designed mainly for surface or airborne platforms. However, two Cubesat systems also have been developed through collaborative efforts. The Solar Disk Sextant (SDS) is the single balloon-borne instrument. The lidar systems described herein are designed to retrieve clouds, aerosols, methane, water vapor pressure, temperature, and winds. Most of the lasers operate at some wavelength combination of 355, 532, and 1064 nm. The various systems provide high sensitivity measurements based on returns from backscatter or Raman scattering including intensity and polarization. Measurements of the frequency (Doppler) shift of light scattered from various atmospheric constitutes can also be made. Microwave sensors consist of both active (radar) and passive (radiometer) systems. These systems are important for studying processes involving water in various forms. The dielectric properties of water affect microwave brightness temperatures, which are used to retrieve atmospheric parameters such as rainfall rate and other key elements of the hydrological cycle. Atmosphere radar systems operate in the range from 9.6 GHz to 94 GHz and have measurement accuracies from -5 to 1 dBZ; radiometers operate in the 50 GHz to 874 GHz range with accuracies from 0.5 to 1 degree K; conical and cross-track scan modes are used. Our passive optical sensors, consisting of radiometers and spectrometers, collectively operate from the UV into the infrared. These systems measure energy fluxes and atmospheric parameters such as trace gases, aerosols, cloud properties, or altitude profiles of various species. Imager spatial resolution varies from 37 m to 400 m depending on altitude; spectral resolution is as small as 0.5 nm. Many of the airborne systems have been developed to fly on multiple aircraft
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