4,007 research outputs found

    An overview of data acquisition, signal coding and data analysis techniques for MST radars

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    An overview is given of the data acquisition, signal processing, and data analysis techniques that are currently in use with high power MST/ST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere/stratosphere troposphere) radars. This review supplements the works of Rastogi (1983) and Farley (1984) presented at previous MAP workshops. A general description is given of data acquisition and signal processing operations and they are characterized on the basis of their disparate time scales. Then signal coding, a brief description of frequently used codes, and their limitations are discussed, and finally, several aspects of statistical data processing such as signal statistics, power spectrum and autocovariance analysis, outlier removal techniques are discussed

    Trade-off analysis of modes of data handling for earth resources (ERS), volume 1

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    Data handling requirements are reviewed for earth observation missions along with likely technology advances. Parametric techniques for synthesizing potential systems are developed. Major tasks include: (1) review of the sensors under development and extensions of or improvements in these sensors; (2) development of mission models for missions spanning land, ocean, and atmosphere observations; (3) summary of data handling requirements including the frequency of coverage, timeliness of dissemination, and geographic relationships between points of collection and points of dissemination; (4) review of data routing to establish ways of getting data from the collection point to the user; (5) on-board data processing; (6) communications link; and (7) ground data processing. A detailed synthesis of three specific missions is included

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    Design and development of four to sixteen channel video multiplexers

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    Video multiplexer series were successfully designed and built for prototype and evaluation both in terms of hardware and software. The hardware platform was designed to accommodate up to sixteen color video input channels for time lapse or real time recording on a single video cassette recorder. This product implements four modes of operation; Live, Record, Playback and Menu mode, which is not a full mode of operation. Menu mode is a series of on-screen programming menus which appears on Live, Record and Playback modes. Menu mode enables the user to program the machine to work under specific modes of application. For Video encoding a new video-capture processor, called Bt819 made by BrookTree, was chosen to minimize the cost and system overhead of adding video input and capture to PC video/graphics systems. This development by BrookTree employs the firm\u27s time-tested digital Ultralock technology to generate the required number of pixels per line using fixed frequency clock. On-chip pixel buffering and image scaling are provided for our QUAD picture on a monitor. Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) communication was chosen to talk to this chip directly. The video syncs were generated from PIC microcontroller using assembly language. This program was designed at 13.5 Mhz (74 nsec) clock rate which follows NTSC CCIR-601 digital video standards. Alarm package design idea came from understanding of link-list programming and was tested on four separate video signals

    Space programs summary no. 37-64, volume 2 for the period 1 June to 31 July 1970. The Deep Space Network

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    Mariner Mars 1971 mission support, engineering, and design of Deep Space Networ

    The telecommunications and data acquisition

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    Radio astronomy and radio interferometry at microwave frequencies are discussed. Other topics concerning the Deep Space Network include program planning, planetary and interplanetary mission support, tracking and ground based navigation, communications, and station control and system technology

    A note on the R sub 0-parameter for discrete memoryless channels

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    An explicit class of discrete memoryless channels (q-ary erasure channels) is exhibited. Practical and explicit coded systems of rate R with R/R sub o as large as desired can be designed for this class

    A knowledge based application of the extended aircraft interrogation and display system

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    A family of multiple-processor ground support test equipment was used to test digital flight-control systems on high-performance research aircraft. A unit recently built for the F-18 high alpha research vehicle project is the latest model in a series called the extended aircraft interrogation and display system. The primary feature emphasized monitors the aircraft MIL-STD-1553B data buses and provides real-time engineering units displays of flight-control parameters. A customized software package was developed to provide real-time data interpretation based on rules embodied in a highly structured knowledge database. The configuration of this extended aircraft interrogation and display system is briefly described, and the evolution of the rule based package and its application to failure modes and effects testing on the F-18 high alpha research vehicle is discussed


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    Transport properties of a standard compact - cassette tape system are measured and software techniques devised to configure a low - cost,direct digital recording system. Tape - velocity variation is typically ± 10% of standard speed over tape lengths of 5 µm.with occasional variations of ±40%. Static tape - skew can result due to axial movement of the tape reel when it spools.Dynamic tape skew occurs and is primarily caused by tape - edge curvature with a constant contribution due to the transport mechanism.Spectral skew components range from 0.32 Hz to 8 Hz with magnitude normally within one 10 kbit/ sec- bit cell.The pinch roller works against the friction of the tape guides to cause tape deformation.Average values of tape deformation are 0.67 µm,0.85 µm and 1.08 µm for C60,C90 and C120 tape respectively. Parallel,software encoding / decoding algorithms have been developed for several channel codes.Adaptive software methods permit track data rates up to 3.33 k bits/sec in a rnultitrack system using a simple microcomputer.For a 4 - track system,raw error rates vary from 10ˉ⁷ at 500 bits/sec/track to 10ˉ⁵ at 3.33 kbits/sec/track.Adaptive software reduces skew - induced errors by 50%.A skew - correction technique has been developed and implemented on an 8 - track system at a track data rate of 10 k bits/sec. Real - time error correction gives a theoretical corrected error rate of 10ˉ¹¹for a raw error rate of 10ˉ⁷. Multiple track errors can cause mis - correction and interleaving is advised. Software algorithms have been devised for Reed - Solomon code. With a more powerful microprocessor this code m ay be combined with the above techniques in a layered error-correction scheme. The software techniques developed may be applied to N tracks with an N - bit computer.Recording density may be increased by using thin - film,multitrack heads and a faster computer.British Broadcasting Corporatio