1,374 research outputs found

    Independent Control of Two Induction Motors Fed by a Five Legs PWM Inverter for Electric Vehicles

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the implementation of an independent control of two induction motors fed by five legs PWM inverter. In this context, two Pulse Width Modulation techniques are presented in order to be included in the indirect field oriented control algoritm. Experiments and simulation are carried-out, on an induction motor drive, to show that the developed independ control of five legs inverter is effective and provides a simple configuration with high performance in terms of speed and torque responses

    Electric Motor Drive Selection Issues for HEV Propulsion Systems: A Comparative Study

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    International audienceThis paper describes a comparative study allowing the selection of the most appropriate electric propulsion system for a parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). This study is based on an exhaustive review of the state of the art and on an effective comparison of the performances of the four main electric propulsion systems that are the dc motor, the induction motor, the permanent magnet synchronous motor, and the switched reluctance motor. The main conclusion drawn by the proposed comparative study is that it is the cage induction motor that better fulfils the major requirements of the HEV electric propulsion

    An overview of power electronics in electric vehicles

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    In response to concerns about energy cost energy dependence and environmental damage a rekindling of interest in electric vehicles (EV's) has been obvious. Based on the California rules on zero emission vehicles in the United States as well as similar tightened air pollution regulation in Europe Asia and much of the rest of the world the market size of EV's will be enormous. Thus the development of power electronics technology for EV's will take an accelerated pace to fulfill the market needs. This paper reviews the current status of multidisciplinary technologies in EV's. Various challenges of power electronics technology for EV propulsion battery charging and power accessories are explored. © 1997 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Lightweight High-Efficiency Power Train Propulsion with Axial- Flux Machines for Electric or Hybrid Vehicles

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    The aim of this chapter is to present a new type of powertrain with dimensions and low weight, for vehicles with reduced carbon emissions, which have an axial synchronous machine with one stator and two rotor, with static converter that is simple and inexpensive, a broadcast transmission system using an electric differential, with the control of the two rotors so that they can operate as motor/generator, at the same rotational direction or in opposite directions, at the same speed value, at slightly different speeds or at much different speeds by using an original dual vector control with operating on dual frequency. This is a major concern of hybrid and electric vehicle manufacturers. Expected results: a lighter power train with 20% and an increase in 5% of electric drive efficiency, low inertia rotor at high speed, a compact electric drive system with high torque and simple control, intelligent energy management system with a new vision of technological and innovation development, and equal importance of environment protection. The electrical machines for hybrid (HEV) or electric (EV) drives include a variety of different topologies. According to outcomes of literature survey, induction machines alongside synchronous machines take the major place in HEV or EV power trains

    Comparative Analysis of Control Techniques for Efficiency Improvement in Electric Vehicles

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    International audienceThis paper presents system analysis, modeling and simulation of an Electric Vehicle (EV) with three different control strategies: Field Oriented Control (FOC), Direct Torque Control (DTC), and DTC using Space Vector Modulation (DTCSVM). The objective is to assess the control strategy impact on the EV efficiency taking into account the vehicle dynamics. Indeed, among EV motor electric propulsion features, the energy efficiency is a basic characteristic that is influenced by vehicle dynamics and system architecture. Simulation tests have been carried out on a 37-kW EV that consists in an induction motor with a three-level IGBT inverter. Preliminary results seem to indicate that the DTC-SVM scheme is the best candidate

    Machine Learning based Early Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor for Electric Vehicle Application

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    Electrified vehicular industry is growing at a rapid pace with a global increase in production of electric vehicles (EVs) along with several new automotive cars companies coming to compete with the big car industries. The technology of EV has evolved rapidly in the last decade. But still the looming fear of low driving range, inability to charge rapidly like filling up gasoline for a conventional gas car, and lack of enough EV charging stations are just a few of the concerns. With the onset of self-driving cars, and its popularity in integrating them into electric vehicles leads to increase in safety both for the passengers inside the vehicle as well as the people outside. Since electric vehicles have not been widely used over an extended period of time to evaluate the failure rate of the powertrain of the EV, a general but definite understanding of motor failures can be developed from the usage of motors in industrial application. Since traction motors are more power dense as compared to industrial motors, the possibilities of a small failure aggravating to catastrophic issue is high. Understanding the challenges faced in EV due to stator fault in motor, with major focus on induction motor stator winding fault, this dissertation presents the following: 1. Different Motor Failures, Causes and Diagnostic Methods Used, With More Importance to Artificial Intelligence Based Motor Fault Diagnosis. 2. Understanding of Incipient Stator Winding Fault of IM and Feature Selection for Fault Diagnosis 3. Model Based Temperature Feature Prediction under Incipient Fault Condition 4. Design of Harmonics Analysis Block for Flux Feature Prediction 5. Flux Feature based On-line Harmonic Compensation for Fault-tolerant Control 6. Intelligent Flux Feature Predictive Control for Fault-Tolerant Control 7. Introduction to Machine Learning and its Application for Flux Reference Prediction 8. Dual Memorization and Generalization Machine Learning based Stator Fault Diagnosi

    Control Strategies for Open-End Winding Drives Operating in the Flux-Weakening Region

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    This paper presents and compares control strategies for three-phase open-end winding drives operating in the flux-weakening region. A six-leg inverter with a single dc-link is associated with the machine in order to use a single energy source. With this topology, the zero-sequence circuit has to be considered since the zero-sequence current can circulate in the windings. Therefore, conventional over-modulation strategies are not appropriate when the machine enters in the flux-weakening region. A few solutions dealing with the zero-sequence circuit have been proposed in literature. They use a modified space vector modulation or a conventional modulation with additional voltage limitations. The paper describes the aforementioned strategies and then a new strategy is proposed. This new strategy takes into account the magnitudes and phase angles of the voltage harmonic components. This yields better voltage utilization in the dq frame. Furthermore, inverter saturation is avoided in the zero-sequence frame and therefore zero-sequence current control is maintained. Three methods are implemented on a test bed composed of a three-phase permanent-magnet synchronous machine, a six-leg inverter and a hybrid DSP/FPGA controller. Experimental results are presented and compared for all strategies. A performance analysis is conducted as regards the region of operation and the machine parameters.Projet SOFRACI/FU

    Analytical Study of Open-ended Winding Induction Machines Supplied by Fuel Cells and Batteries for Hydrogen Trains

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    This paper focuses on a new traction system for hydrogen trains supplied by fuel cells and batteries for non-electrified lines. In this topology, the DC/DC converters of the fuel cell and the battery are removed and the motor is fed with open windings from 2 inverters, one for the fuel cell and the other for the battery. The main objective of this study is to understand analytically the main advantages obtained in terms of reduction of the total apparent power of the converters used in the traction systems and evaluate theoretically the constraints on the voltage and current of the 2 inverters

    SÀhköauton energiatehokkuuden parantaminen kaksiportaisen vaihdelaatikon avulla

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    Road transportation is one of the most significant carbon dioxide emission sources and about one tenth of European Union region emissions are produced by passenger cars. These emissions have been reduced successfully in Finland and also on European Union region and so far, the set goals have been reached. Car manufacturers have developed internal combustion engines which produce less emissions and this has reduced emissions of new registered cars. Nevertheless, there is limits to internal combustion engine development and emissions cannot be reduced infinitely with this development. Therefore, the number of cars using alternative fuels and energy sources has to grow. Electricity as an alternative fuel has been a choice in vehicle industry for a while. Limited driving range with a single battery charge has been a major barrier in electric vehicle fleet growth. Driving range can be extended by increasing battery capacity but there is volume, weight and cost boundaries that limit battery size. One option for increasing driving range is improving the energy efficiency of the electric vehicle when the on-board battery energy would be utilized more efficiently. This research focuses on improving electric vehicle energy efficiency with two-speed gearbox. Traditionally, the electric motor of an electric vehicle is coupled to driving wheels with a single-speed gearbox. Electric motor as a traction motor enables such drivetrain but with a single-speed gearbox the electric motor must operate in wide speed range. The use of wide speed range forces the motor to work in non-optimal speeds which effects on its energy efficiency. The possible energy efficiency improvement of electric vehicle with multi-speed gearbox is examined in this research. The benefits of two-speed gearbox were evaluated based on the simulation results provided by a developed simulation model. Evaluations were done by comparing the energy consumptions of the reference model to the model that utilizes a two-speed gearbox. Simulations also included an optimization study for determining the optimal gear ratios in order to minimize energy consumption. The results reveal that it is possible to improve energy efficiency with two-speed gearbox but it is heavily dependent on the motor efficiency map which in turn depends on the electric motor type. The benefit of a two-speed gearbox was slightly better in higher speed driving cycles.Liikenne on yksi merkittÀvimmistÀ hiilidioksidipÀÀstöjÀ aiheuittavista lÀhteistÀ ja Euroopan Unionin alueella noin kymmenesosa kaikista pÀÀstöistÀ on perÀisin henkilöautoista. Liikenteen pÀÀstöjÀ on rajoitettu onnistuneesti ja asetettuihin tavoitteisiin on toistaiseksi pÀÀsty niin Suomen kuin Euroopan Unionin osalta. Ajoneuvovalmistajat ovat onnistuneet kehittÀmÀÀn entistÀ vÀhÀpÀÀstöisempiÀ polttomoottoreita, mikÀ nÀkyy uusien autojen pÀÀstöjen pienentymisenÀ. Polttomoottorien kehitykselle on kuitenkin rajansa eikÀ liikenteen pÀÀstöjÀ voi rajattomasti pienentÀÀ tÀmÀn kehityksen avulla, joten vaihtoehtoisia polttoaineita kÀyttÀvien ajoneuvojen mÀÀrÀÀ on lisÀttÀvÀ. SÀhkö vaihtoehtoisena polttoaineena on ollut jo pitkÀÀ ajoneuvotekniikan kÀytössÀ. SÀhköautojen merkittÀvÀn lisÀÀntymisen esteenÀ on kuitenkin ollut suhteellisen lyhyt ajomatka yhdellÀ latauksella, mikÀ on vaikuttanut vahvasti kuluttajien ostopÀÀtöksiin. Ajomatkaa voidaan kasvattaa akkukapasiteettia lisÀÀmÀllÀ, mutta koko ja hinta rajoittavat akkukapasiteetin kasvua. Yksi keino saavutettavan ajomatkan lisÀÀmiseksi on parantaa sÀhköauton energiatehokkuutta, jolloin yhÀ suurempi osa mukana olevasta energiasta hyödynnetÀÀn ajoneuvon liikuttamiseen. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa keskitytÀÀn sÀhköauton energiatehokkuuden parantamisen tutkimiseen kaksiportaisen vaihdelaatikon avulla. Perinteisesti sÀhköautoissa on kÀytetty kiinteÀllÀ vÀlityssuhteella olevaa vaihdetta moottorin ja vetÀvien pyörin vÀlillÀ. VoimanlÀhteenÀ sÀhkömoottori mahdollistaa kyseisen voimalinjan, mutta tÀllöin sÀhkömoottori toimii laajalla kierroslukualueella, jolloin se ei toimi sen parhaalla mahdollisella hyötysuhteella. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa tutkitaan simulointien avulla kaksiportaisen vaihteiston vaikutusta sÀhkömoottorin hyötysuhteeseen ja sen vaikutusta sÀhköauton energiatehokkuuteen. Tutkimus suoritettiin simulointimallilla, jonka avulla kaksiportaisen vaihteiston hyötyjÀ voitiin arvioida. Arviointi tehtiin vertailemalla energiankulutusta referenssimallin ja kaksiportaisen vaihteiston sisÀltÀvÀn mallin vÀlillÀ. Työ sisÀlsi myös optimoinnin, jolla pyrittiin löytÀmÀÀn vÀlityssuhteet energiankulutuksen minimoimiseksi. Työn tuloksista nÀhdÀÀn, ettÀ kaksiportaisen vaihteiston avulla saavutetaan parempi energiatehokkuus, mutta tulokset ovat voimakkaasti riippuvia kÀytettÀvÀn moottorin hyötysuhdekartasta, joka puolestaan riippuu moottorityypistÀ. Kaksiportaisen vaihteiston hyödyt tulivat paremmin esiin ajosykleillÀ, joissa on korkeampia ajonopeuksia
