578 research outputs found

    Dual-phase just-in-time workflow scheduling in P2P grid systems

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    This paper presents a fully decentralized justin-time workflow scheduling method in a P2P Grid system. The proposed solution allows each peer node to autonomously dispatch inter-dependent tasks of workflows to run on geographically distributed computers. To reduce the workflow completion time and enhance the overall execution efficiency, not only does each node perform as a scheduler to distribute its tasks to execution nodes (or resource nodes), but the resource nodes will also set the execution priorities for the received tasks. By taking into account the unpredictability of tasks' finish time, we devise an efficient task scheduling heuristic, namely dynamic shortest makespan first (DSMF), which could be applied at both scheduling phases for determining the priority of the workflow tasks. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithm against seven other heuristics by simulation. Our algorithm achieves 20%~60% reduction on the average completion time and 37.5%~90% improvement on the average workflow execution efficiency over other decentralized algorithms. © 2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionProcessing (ICPP 2010), San Diego, CA., 13-16 September 2010. In Proceedings of the 39th ICCP, 2010, p. 238-24

    Enhancing Job Scheduling of an Atmospheric Intensive Data Application

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    Nowadays, e-Science applications involve great deal of data to have more accurate analysis. One of its application domains is the Radio Occultation which manages satellite data. Grid Processing Management is a physical infrastructure geographically distributed based on Grid Computing, that is implemented for the overall processing Radio Occultation analysis. After a brief description of algorithms adopted to characterize atmospheric profiles, the paper presents an improvement of job scheduling in order to decrease processing time and optimize resource utilization. Extension of grid computing capacity is implemented by virtual machines in existing physical Grid in order to satisfy temporary job requests. Also scheduling plays an important role in the infrastructure that is handled by a couple of schedulers which are developed to manage data automaticall

    A distributed platform for the volunteer execution of workflows on a local area network

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    Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer ScienceAlbatroz Engineering has developed a framework for over-head power lines inspection data acquisition and analysis, which includes hardware and software. The framework’s software components include inspection data analysis and reporting tools, commonly known as PLMI2 application/platform. In PLMI2, the analysis of over-head power line maintenance inspection data consists of a sequence of Automatic Tasks (ATs) interleaved with Manual Tasks (MTs). An AT consists of a set of algorithms that receives as input one or more datasets, processes them and returns new datasets. In turn, an MT enables human supervisors (also known as lines inspection operators) to correct, improve and validate the results of ATs. ATs run faster than MTs and in the overall work cycle, ATs take less than 10% of total processing time, but still take a few minutes. There is data flow dependency among tasks, which can be modelled with a workflow and even if MTs are omitted from this workflow, it is possible to carry the sequence of ATs, postponing MTs. In fact, if the computing cost and waiting time are negligible, it may be advantageous to run ATs earlier in the workflow, prior to validation. To address this opportunity, Albatroz Engineering has invested in a new procedure to stream the data through all ATs fully unattended. Considering these scenarios, it could be useful to have a system capable of detecting available workstations at a given instant and subsequently distribute the ATs to them. In this way, operators could schedule the execution of future ATs for a given inspection data, while they are performing MTs of another. The requirements of the system to implement fall within the field Volunteer Computing Systems and we will address some of the challenges posed by these kinds of systems, namely the hosts volatility and failures. Volunteer Computing is a type of distributed computing which exploits idle CPU cycles from computing resources donated by volunteers and connected through the Internet/Intranet to compute large-scale simulations. This thesis proposes and designs a new distributed task scheduling system in the context of Volunteer Computing Systems, able to schedule the ATs of PLMI2 and exploit idle CPU cycles from workstations within the company’s local area network (LAN) to accelerate the data analysis, being aware of data flow interdependencies. To evaluate the proposed system, a prototype has been implemented, and the simulations results have shown that it is scalable and supports fault-tolerance of tasks execution, by employing the rescheduling mechanism


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    Grid, an infrastructure for resource sharing, currently has shown its importance in many scientific applications requiring tremendously high computational power. Grid computing enables sharing, selection and aggregation of resources for solving complex and large-scale scientific problems. Grids computing, whose resources are distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic in nature, introduces a number of fascinating issues in resource management. Grid scheduling is the key issue in grid environment in which its system must meet the functional requirements of heterogeneous domains, which are sometimes conflicting in nature also, like user, application, and network. Moreover, the system must satisfy non-functional requirements like reliability, efficiency, performance, effective resource utilization, and scalability. Thus, overall aim of this research is to introduce new grid scheduling algorithms for resource allocation as well as for job scheduling for enabling a highly efficient and effective utilization of the resources in executing various applications. The four prime aspects of this work are: firstly, a model of the grid scheduling problem for dynamic grid computing environment; secondly, development of a new web based simulator (SyedWSim), enabling the grid users to conduct a statistical analysis of grid workload traces and provides a realistic basis for experimentation in resource allocation and job scheduling algorithms on a grid; thirdly, proposal of a new grid resource allocation method of optimal computational cost using synthetic and real workload traces with respect to other allocation methods; and finally, proposal of some new job scheduling algorithms of optimal performance considering parameters like waiting time, turnaround time, response time, bounded slowdown, completion time and stretch time. The issue is not only to develop new algorithms, but also to evaluate them on an experimental computational grid, using synthetic and real workload traces, along with the other existing job scheduling algorithms. Experimental evaluation confirmed that the proposed grid scheduling algorithms possess a high degree of optimality in performance, efficiency and scalability

    Service-Oriented Ad Hoc Grid Computing

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    Subject of this thesis are the design and implementation of an ad hoc Grid infrastructure. The vision of an ad hoc Grid further evolves conventional service-oriented Grid systems into a more robust, more flexible and more usable environment that is still standards compliant and interoperable with other Grid systems. A lot of work in current Grid middleware systems is focused on providing transparent access to high performance computing (HPC) resources (e.g. clusters) in virtual organizations spanning multiple institutions. The ad hoc Grid vision presented in this thesis exceeds this view in combining classical Grid components with more flexible components and usage models, allowing to form an environment combining dedicated HPC-resources with a large number of personal computers forming a "Desktop Grid". Three examples from medical research, media research and mechanical engineering are presented as application scenarios for a service-oriented ad hoc Grid infrastructure. These sample applications are also used to derive requirements for the runtime environment as well as development tools for such an ad hoc Grid environment. These requirements form the basis for the design and implementation of the Marburg ad hoc Grid Environment (MAGE) and the Grid Development Tools for Eclipse (GDT). MAGE is an implementation of a WSRF-compliant Grid middleware, that satisfies the criteria for an ad hoc Grid middleware presented in the introduction to this thesis. GDT extends the popular Eclipse integrated development environment by components that support application development both for traditional service-oriented Grid middleware systems as well as ad hoc Grid infrastructures such as MAGE. These development tools represent the first fully model driven approach to Grid service development integrated with infrastructure management components in service-oriented Grid computing. This thesis is concluded by a quantitative discussion of the performance overhead imposed by the presented extensions to a service-oriented Grid middleware as well as a discussion of the qualitative improvements gained by the overall solution. The conclusion of this thesis also gives an outlook on future developments and areas for further research. One of these qualitative improvements is "hot deployment" the ability to install and remove Grid services in a running node without interrupt to other active services on the same node. Hot deployment has been introduced as a novelty in service-oriented Grid systems as a result of the research conducted for this thesis. It extends service-oriented Grid computing with a new paradigm, making installation of individual application components a functional aspect of the application. This thesis further explores the idea of using peer-to-peer (P2P networking for Grid computing by combining a general purpose P2P framework with a standard compliant Grid middleware. In previous work the application of P2P systems has been limited to replica location and use of P2P index structures for discovery purposes. The work presented in this thesis also uses P2P networking to realize seamless communication accross network barriers. Even though the web service standards have been designed for the internet, the two-way communication requirement introduced by the WSRF-standards and particularly the notification pattern is not well supported by the web service standards. This defficiency can be answered by mechanisms that are part of such general purpose P2P communication frameworks. Existing security infrastructures for Grid systems focus on protection of data during transmission and access control to individual resources or the overall Grid environment. This thesis focuses on security issues within a single node of a dynamically changing service-oriented Grid environment. To counter the security threads arising from the new capabilities of an ad hoc Grid, a number of novel isolation solutions are presented. These solutions address security issues and isolation on a fine-grained level providing a range of applicable basic mechanisms for isolation, ranging from lightweight system call interposition to complete para-virtualization of the operating systems

    Impact of local energy markets integration in power systems layer: A comprehensive review

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    In recent years extensive research has been conducted on the development of different models that enable energy trading between prosumers and consumers due to expected high integration of distributed energy resources. Some of the most researched mechanisms include Peer-to-Peer energy trading, Community Self-Consumption and Transactive Energy Models. To ensure the stable and reliable delivery of electricity as such markets and models grow, this paper aims to understand the impact of these models on grid infrastructure, including impacts on the control, operation, and planning of power systems, interaction between multiple market models and impact on transmission network. Here, we present a comprehensive review of existing research on impact of Local Energy Market integration in power systems layer. We detect and classify most common issues and benefits that the power grid can expect from integrating these models. We also present a detailed overview of methods that are used to integrate physical network constraints into the market mechanisms, their advantages, drawbacks, and scaling potential. In addition, we present different methods to calculate and allocate network tariffs and power losses. We find that financial energy transactions do not directly reflect the physical energy flows imposed by the constraints of the installed electrical infrastructure. In the end, we identify a number of different challenges and detect research gaps that need to be addressed in order to integrate Local Energy Market models into existing infrastructure

    Workflow scheduling for service oriented cloud computing

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    Service Orientation (SO) and grid computing are two computing paradigms that when put together using Internet technologies promise to provide a scalable yet flexible computing platform for a diverse set of distributed computing applications. This practice gives rise to the notion of a computing cloud that addresses some previous limitations of interoperability, resource sharing and utilization within distributed computing. In such a Service Oriented Computing Cloud (SOCC), applications are formed by composing a set of services together. In addition, hierarchical service layers are also possible where general purpose services at lower layers are composed to deliver more domain specific services at the higher layer. In general an SOCC is a horizontally scalable computing platform that offers its resources as services in a standardized fashion. Workflow based applications are a suitable target for SOCC where workflow tasks are executed via service calls within the cloud. One or more workflows can be deployed over an SOCC and their execution requires scheduling of services to workflow tasks as the task become ready following their interdependencies. In this thesis heuristics based scheduling policies are evaluated for scheduling workflows over a collection of services offered by the SOCC. Various execution scenarios and workflow characteristics are considered to understand the implication of the heuristic based workflow scheduling