17 research outputs found

    Accelerating Column Generation via Flexible Dual Optimal Inequalities with Application to Entity Resolution

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    In this paper, we introduce a new optimization approach to Entity Resolution. Traditional approaches tackle entity resolution with hierarchical clustering, which does not benefit from a formal optimization formulation. In contrast, we model entity resolution as correlation-clustering, which we treat as a weighted set-packing problem and write as an integer linear program (ILP). In this case sources in the input data correspond to elements and entities in output data correspond to sets/clusters. We tackle optimization of weighted set packing by relaxing integrality in our ILP formulation. The set of potential sets/clusters can not be explicitly enumerated, thus motivating optimization via column generation. In addition to the novel formulation, we also introduce new dual optimal inequalities (DOI), that we call flexible dual optimal inequalities, which tightly lower-bound dual variables during optimization and accelerate column generation. We apply our formulation to entity resolution (also called de-duplication of records), and achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on two popular benchmark datasets. The project page is available at the following url, https://github.com/lokhande-vishnu/EntityResolutionComment: Accepted at AAAI20. Version update. Update the link to project pag

    Flexible Stock Allocation and Trim Loss Control for Cutting Problem in the Industrial-Use Paper Production

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    We consider a one-dimensional cutting stock problem (CSP) in which the stock widths are not used to fulfill the order but kept for use in the future for the industrial-use paper production. We present a new model based on the flexible stock allocation and trim loss control to determine the production quantity. We evaluate our approach using a real data and show that we are able to solve industrial-size problems, while also addressing common cutting considerations such as aggregation of orders, multiple stock widths, and cutting different patterns on the same machine. In addition, we compare our model with others, including trim loss minimization problem (TLMP) and cutting stock problem (CSP). The results show that the proposed model outperforms the other two models regarding total flexibility and trim loss ratio

    Column generation for a real world vehicle routing problem

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    We present an optimization algorithm we developed for a software provider of planning tools for distribution logistics companies. The algorithm computes a daily plan for a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, that can depart from different depots and must visit a set of customers for delivery operations. Besides multiple capacities and time windows associated with depots and customers, the problem also considers incompatibility constraints between goods, depots, vehicles and customers, maximum route length and durations, upper limits on the number of consecutive driving hours and compulsory drivers' rest periods, the possibility to skip some customers and to use express courier services instead of the given fleet to fulfill some orders, the option of splitting up the orders, the possible existence of pick-up operations to be performed by empty vehicles traveling back to their depots and the possibility of ``open" routes that do not terminate at depots. Moreover, the cost of each vehicle route is computed through a system of fares, depending on the locations visited by the vehicle, the distance traveled, the vehicle load and the number of stops along the route. We developed a column generation algorithm, where the pricing problem is a particular resource constrained elementary shortest path problem, solved through a bounded bi-directional dynamic programming algorithm. We describe how to encode the cost function and the complicating constraints by an appropriate use of resources and we present computational results on real instances obtained from the software company

    A decomposition method for finding optimal container stowage plans

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    In transportation of goods in large container ships, shipping industries need to minimize the time spent at ports to load/unload containers. An optimal stowage of containers on board minimizes unnecessary unloading/reloading movements, while satisfying many operational constraints. We address the basic container stowage planning problem (CSPP). Different heuristics and formulations have been proposed for the CSPP, but finding an optimal stowage plan remains an open problem even for small-sized instances. We introduce a novel formulation that decomposes CSPPs into two sets of decision variables: the first defining how single container stacks evolve over time and the second modeling port-dependent constraints. Its linear relaxation is solved through stabilized column generation and with different heuristic and exact pricing algorithms. The lower bound achieved is then used to find an optimal stowage plan by solving a mixed-integer programming model. The proposed solution method outperforms the methods from the literature and can solve to optimality instances with up to 10 ports and 5,000 containers in a few minutes of computing time

    A Stabilized Structured Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition Method

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    We discuss an algorithmic scheme, which we call the stabilized structured Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition method, for solving large-scale structured linear programs. It can be applied when the subproblem of the standard Dantzig-Wolfe approach admits an alternative master model amenable to column generation, other than the standard one in which there is a variable for each of the extreme points and extreme rays of the corresponding polyhedron. Stabilization is achieved by the same techniques developed for the standard Dantzig-Wolfe approach and it is equally useful to improve the performance, as shown by computational results obtained on an application to the multicommodity capacitated network design problem

    Exact and Heuristic Hybrid Approaches for Scheduling and Clustering Problems

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    This thesis deals with the design of exact and heuristic algorithms for scheduling and clustering combinatorial optimization problems. All the works are linked by the fact that all the presented methods arebasically hybrid algorithms, that mix techniques used in the world of combinatorial optimization. The algorithms are all efficient in practice, but the one presented in Chapter 4, that has mostly theoretical interest. Chapter 2 presents practical solution algorithms based on an ILP model for an energy scheduling combinatorial problem that arises in a smart building context. Chapter 3 presents a new cutting stock problem and introduce a mathematical formulation and a heuristic solution approach based on a heuristic column generation scheme. Chapter 4 provides an exact exponential algorithm, whose importance is only theoretical so far, for a classical scheduling problem: the Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem. The relevant aspect is that the designed algorithm has the best worst case complexity for the problem, that has been studied for several decades. Furthermore, such result is based on a new technique, called Branch and Merge, that avoids the solution of several equivalent sub-problems in a branching algorithm that requires polynomial space. As a consequence, such technique embeds in a branching algorithm ideas coming from other traditional computer science techniques such as dynamic programming and memorization, but keeping the space requirement polynomial. Chapter 5 provides an exact approach based on semidefinite programming and a matheuristic approach based on a quadratic solver for a fractional clustering combinatorial optimization problem, called Max-Mean Dispersion Problem. The matheuristic approach has the peculiarity of using a non-linear MIP solver. The proposed exact approach uses a general semidefinite programming relaxation and it is likely to be extended to other combinatorial problems with a fractional formulation. Chapter 6 proposes practical solution methods for a real world clustering problem arising in a smart city context. The solution algorithm is based on the solution of a Set Cover model via a commercial ILP solver. As a conclusion, the main contribution of this thesis is given by several approaches of practical or theoretical interest, for two classes of important combinatorial problems: clustering and scheduling. All the practical methods presented in the thesis are validated by extensive computational experiments, that compare the proposed methods with the ones available in the state of the art