451 research outputs found

    Optimal statistical designs of multivariate EWMA and multivariate CUSUM charts based on average run length and median run leng

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    Carta kawalan multivariat ialah alat yang berkuasa dalam kawalan proses yang melibatkan kawalan serentak beberapa cirian kualiti yang berkorelasi. Carta-carta multivariat hasil tambah longgokan {MCUSUM) dan multivariat purata bergerak berpemberat eksponen (MEWMA) sentiasa dicadangkan dalam kawalan proses apabila pengesanan cepat anjakan tetap yang keciJ atau sederhana dalam vektor min adalah diingini. A multivariate control chart is a powerful tool in process control involving a simultaneous monitoring of several correlated quality characteristics. The multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) and multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) charts are often recommended in process monitoring when a quick detection of small or moderate sustained shifts in the mean vector is desired

    Integrated Projection and Regression Models for Monitoring Multivariate Autocorrelated Cascade Processes

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    This dissertation presents a comprehensive methodology of dual monitoring for the multivariate autocorrelated cascade processes using principal component analysis and regression. Principle Components Analysis is used to alleviate the multicollinearity among input process variables and reduce the dimension of the variables. An integrated principal components selection rule is proposed to reduce the number of input variables. An autoregressive time series model is used and imposed on the time correlated output variable which depends on many multicorrelated process input variables. A generalized least squares principal component regression is used to describe the relationship between product and process variables under the autoregressive regression error model. The combined residual based EWMA control chart, applied to the product characteristics, and the MEWMA control charts applied to the multivariate autocorrelated cascade process characteristics, are proposed. The dual EWMA and MEWMA control chart has advantage and capability over the conventional residual type control chart applied to the residuals of the principal component regression by monitoring both product and the process characteristics simultaneously. The EWMA control chart is used to increase the detection performance, especially in the case of small mean shifts. The MEWMA is applied to the selected set of variables from the first principal component with the aim of increasing the sensitivity in detecting process failures. The dual implementation control chart for product and process characteristics enhances both the detection and the prediction performance of the monitoring system of the multivariate autocorrelated cascade processes. The proposed methodology is demonstrated through an example of the sugar-beet pulp drying process. A general guideline for controlling multivariate autocorrelated processes is also developed

    Comparison of automatic monitoring systems in automatic forecasting

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    Forecasting Techniques;mathematische statistiek

    Distribution-free cumulative sum control charts using bootstrap-based control limits

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    This paper deals with phase II, univariate, statistical process control when a set of in-control data is available, and when both the in-control and out-of-control distributions of the process are unknown. Existing process control techniques typically require substantial knowledge about the in-control and out-of-control distributions of the process, which is often difficult to obtain in practice. We propose (a) using a sequence of control limits for the cumulative sum (CUSUM) control charts, where the control limits are determined by the conditional distribution of the CUSUM statistic given the last time it was zero, and (b) estimating the control limits by bootstrap. Traditionally, the CUSUM control chart uses a single control limit, which is obtained under the assumption that the in-control and out-of-control distributions of the process are Normal. When the normality assumption is not valid, which is often true in applications, the actual in-control average run length, defined to be the expected time duration before the control chart signals a process change, is quite different from the nominal in-control average run length. This limitation is mostly eliminated in the proposed procedure, which is distribution-free and robust against different choices of the in-control and out-of-control distributions.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS197 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Pattern Recognition in Intensive Care Online Monitoring

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    Clinical information systems can record numerous variables describing the patient’s state at high sampling frequencies. Intelligent alarm systems and suitable bedsidedecision support are needed to cope with this flood of information. A basic task here is the fast and correct detection of important patterns of change such as level shifts and trends in the data. We present approaches for automated pattern detection in online-monitoring data. Several methods based on curve fitting and statistical time series analysis are described. Median filtering can be used as a preliminary step to reduce the noise and to remove clinically irrelevant short term fluctuations. Our special focus is the potential of these methods for online-monitoring in intensive care. The strengths and weaknesses of the methods are discussed in this special context. The best approach may well be a suitable combination of the methods for achieving reliable results. Further investigations are needed to further improve the methods and their performance should be compared extensively in simulation studies and applications to real data

    Multivariate Mixed EWMA-CUSUM Control Chart for Monitoring the Process Variance-Covariance Matrix

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    The dispersion control charts monitor the variability of a process that may increase or decrease. An increase in dispersion parameter implies deterioration in the process for an assignable cause, while a decrease in dispersion indicates an improvement in the process. Multivariate variability control charts are used to monitor the shifts in the process variance-covariance matrix. Although multivariate EWMA and CUSUM dispersion control charts are designed to detect the small amount of change in the covariance matrix but to gain more efficiency, we have developed a Mixed Multivariate EWMA-CUSUM (MMECD) chart. The proposed MMECD chart is compared with its existing counterparts by using some important performance run length-based properties such as ARL, SDRL, EQL, SEQL, and different quantile of run length distribution. A real application related to carbon fiber tubing process is presented for practical considerations. 2013 IEEE.This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) under Project IN171011.Scopu

    Novel Mixed EWMA Dual-Crosier CUSUM Mean Charts without and with Auxiliary Information

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    The classical cumulative SUM (CUSUM) chart is commonly used to monitor a particular size of the mean shift. In many real processes, it is assumed that the shift level varies within a range, and the exact level of the shift size is mostly unknown. For detecting a range of shift size, the dual-CUSUM (DC) and dual-Crosier CUSUM (DCC) charts are used to provide better detection ability as compared to the CUSUM and Crosier CUSUM (CC) charts, respectively. This paper introduces a new mixed exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)-DCC (EDCC) chart to monitor process mean. In addition, AIB-based EWMA-DC (EDC) and EDCC charts (namely, AIB-EDC and AIB-EDCC charts) are suggested to detect shifts in the process mean level. Monte Carlo simulations are used to compute the run length (RL) characteristics of the proposed charts. A detailed comparison of the proposed schemes with other competing charts is also provided. It turns out that the proposed chart provides better performance than the counterparts when detecting a range of mean shift sizes. A real-life application is also presented to illustrate the implementation of the existing and proposed charts. 2022 Muhammad Arslan et al.Scopu