1,625 research outputs found

    Challenges in flexible microsystem manufacturing : fabrication, robotic assembly, control, and packaging.

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    Microsystems have been investigated with renewed interest for the last three decades because of the emerging development of microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology and the advancement of nanotechnology. The applications of microrobots and distributed sensors have the potential to revolutionize micro and nano manufacturing and have other important health applications for drug delivery and minimal invasive surgery. A class of microrobots studied in this thesis, such as the Solid Articulated Four Axis Microrobot (sAFAM) are driven by MEMS actuators, transmissions, and end-effectors realized by 3-Dimensional MEMS assembly. Another class of microrobots studied here, like those competing in the annual IEEE Mobile Microrobot Challenge event (MMC) are untethered and driven by external fields, such as magnetic fields generated by a focused permanent magnet. A third class of microsystems studied in this thesis includes distributed MEMS pressure sensors for robotic skin applications that are manufactured in the cleanroom and packaged in our lab. In this thesis, we discuss typical challenges associated with the fabrication, robotic assembly and packaging of these microsystems. For sAFAM we discuss challenges arising from pick and place manipulation under microscopic closed-loop control, as well as bonding and attachment of silicon MEMS microparts. For MMC, we discuss challenges arising from cooperative manipulation of microparts that advance the capabilities of magnetic micro-agents. Custom microrobotic hardware configured and demonstrated during this research (such as the NeXus microassembly station) include micro-positioners, microscopes, and controllers driven via LabVIEW. Finally, we also discuss challenges arising in distributed sensor manufacturing. We describe sensor fabrication steps using clean-room techniques on Kapton flexible substrates, and present results of lamination, interconnection and testing of such sensors are presented

    Adaptive Robot Framework: Providing Versatility and Autonomy to Manufacturing Robots Through FSM, Skills and Agents

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    207 p.The main conclusions that can be extracted from an analysis of the current situation and future trends of the industry,in particular manufacturing plants, are the following: there is a growing need to provide customization of products, ahigh variation of production volumes and a downward trend in the availability of skilled operators due to the ageingof the population. Adapting to this new scenario is a challenge for companies, especially small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs) that are suffering first-hand how their specialization is turning against them.The objective of this work is to provide a tool that can serve as a basis to face these challenges in an effective way.Therefore the presented framework, thanks to its modular architecture, allows focusing on the different needs of eachparticular company and offers the possibility of scaling the system for future requirements. The presented platform isdivided into three layers, namely: interface with robot systems, the execution engine and the application developmentlayer.Taking advantage of the provided ecosystem by this framework, different modules have been developed in order toface the mentioned challenges of the industry. On the one hand, to address the need of product customization, theintegration of tools that increase the versatility of the cell are proposed. An example of such tools is skill basedprogramming. By applying this technique a process can be intuitively adapted to the variations or customizations thateach product requires. The use of skills favours the reuse and generalization of developed robot programs.Regarding the variation of the production volumes, a system which permits a greater mobility and a faster reconfigurationis necessary. If in a certain situation a line has a production peak, mechanisms for balancing the loadwith a reasonable cost are required. In this respect, the architecture allows an easy integration of different roboticsystems, actuators, sensors, etc. In addition, thanks to the developed calibration and set-up techniques, the system canbe adapted to new workspaces at an effective time/cost.With respect to the third mentioned topic, an agent-based monitoring system is proposed. This module opens up amultitude of possibilities for the integration of auxiliary modules of protection and security for collaboration andinteraction between people and robots, something that will be necessary in the not so distant future.For demonstrating the advantages and adaptability improvement of the developed framework, a series of real usecases have been presented. In each of them different problematic has been resolved using developed skills,demonstrating how are adapted easily to the different casuistic

    Desenvolvimento de equipamento de manipulação de objectos deformáveis e a sua interacção com uma máquina de injecção de plásticos

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    In this project, our objective was to thoroughly investigate the feasibility of automating a process at Ficocables by integrating a robotic arm. Specifically, we focused on automating the joining of two separate processes while eliminating the need for manual intervention in the second operation. The equipment involved in the process includes a Roboco Zamak injection machine and a Babyplast polymer injection machine. With well-defined project requirements, we explored various solutions and sought guidance from Fluidotronica, a renowned expert in this domain. With their support, we identified the collaborative robot JAKA Zu 3s, equipped with a long-finger gripper, as the optimal solution for our needs. To assess the financial viability, we conducted a meticulous financial analysis using methods like NPV and payback period, both of which demonstrated promising results. Although the implementation of the robotic arm is still pending, the outcomes of our study highlight its remarkable versatility for future applications within Ficocables. This project exemplifies the potential advantages of automation and offers valuable insights for forthcoming initiatives in this field.Neste projeto, o objetivo era investigar exaustivamente a viabilidade de automatizar um processo na Ficocables através da integração de um braço robótico. Especificamente, concentrámo-nos em automatizar a junção de dois processos separados, eliminando a necessidade de intervenção manual na segunda operação. O equipamento envolvido no processo inclui uma máquina de injeção de Zamak, denominada Robocop e uma máquina de injeção de polímero denominada Babyplast. Com os requisitos de projeto bem definidos, explorámos várias soluções e procurámos orientação junto da Fluidotronica, um especialista de renome neste domínio. Com o seu apoio, identificámos o robô colaborativo JAKA Zu 3s, equipado com uma pinça de dedos longos como a solução ideal para as necessidades deste projeto. Para avaliar a viabilidade financeira, efetuou-se uma análise financeira meticulosa utilizando métodos como o NPV e o período de retorno do investimento, tendo ambos demonstrado resultados promissores. Embora a implementação do braço robótico ainda esteja pendente, os resultados do nosso estudo destacam a sua notável versatilidade para futuras aplicações na Ficocables. Este projeto exemplifica as vantagens potenciais da automatização e oferece uma visão valiosa para iniciativas futuras neste domínio

    Hardware realization and PID control of multi-degree of freedom articulated robotic arm

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    A robotic manipulator is the most important component in an industrial environment for autonomous execution of tasks. Given the repoted fact that a PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) will continue to be the main workhorse in the automation sector, the present paper deals with designing and realizing this control law. A custom-developed pseudo-industrial platform AUTAREP (AUTonomous Articulated Robotic Educational Platform) centered on a 6DOF (Six Degree of Freedom) manipulator is considered. The derived kinematic and dynamic models of the arm form the basis of MATLAB-based control simulation. The control law after discretization is also implemented on embedded hardware. When subject to various inputs, result of trajectory tracking in the form of output responses, demonstrate superior performance in transient as well as steady state. The stability and convergent behavior of the outputs is also observed, thus highlighting efficacy of proposed approach

    No Clamp Robotic Assembly with Use of Point Cloud Data from Low-Cost Triangulation Scanner

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    The paper shows the clamp-less assembly idea as a very important one in the modern assembly. Assembly equipment such as clamps represent a significant group of industrial equipment in manufacturing plants whose number can be effectively reduced. The article presents the concept of using industrial robot equipped with a triangulation scanner in the assembly process in order to minimize the number of clamps that hold the units in a particular position in space. It also shows how the system searches for objects in the point cloud based on multi-step processing algorithm proposed in this work, then picks them up, transports and positions them in the right assembly locations with the use of industrial robot manipulator. The accuracy of the positioning of parts was also examined as well as the impact of the number of iterations of the algorithm searching the models in the point cloud on the accuracy of determining the position of the objects. The tests show that presented system is suitable for assembly of various items as plastic packaging and palletizing of products. Such kind of system is the basis for modern, fully flexible assembly systems

    Online synchronous inspection and system optimization of flexible food packaging bags by using machine vision and sensing technique

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    Flexible food packaging in the market is increasingly favored, and its quality is essential and indispensable for safety and convenience.  However, quality inspection still stays in the manual stage, or partially manual inspection remains, in production, leading low efficiency, lack and even false inspection, hardly meeting the requirements of the modern output.  This paper proposes and optimizes the design of an automatic detection system with intelligence for flexible food packaging bag, which can effectively be adopted to check the quality of packaging trademark patterns, fillers, and sealing quality.  The inspection system runs with two-stage structure, machine vision, pressure sensing and synchronization to improve efficiency and ensure the normal production beat. Simplex Method is adopted to determine the best synchronous speeds online to achieve the best expectation. Comparison has been made between the manual inspection and our automatic operation, the sample of 10000 was statistically analyzed and results have shown that two workers were saved and the correctness rate of inspection raised up to 999.8‰

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the US economy

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    The progress made by levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Office of Space Station in developing and applying advanced automation and robotics technology is described. Emphasis is placed upon the Space Station Freedom Program responses to specific recommendations made in the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) progress report 10, the flight telerobotic servicer, and the Advanced Development Program. Assessments are presented for these and other areas as they apply to the advancement of automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom

    Grasping Motion for Small Non-Rigid Food Using Instance Semantic Segmentation

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    The importance of food automation becomes a challenge in this era since food is an essential factor for humans. In this paper, we designed the robot framework to autonomously generate grasping motion for non-rigid food objects. The system could recognize and localize objects and target regions for pick-and-place rather than only the position. Assembling a lunch box with different food required advance in both hardware and software to create an efficient process. The robot platform based on a seven-axis industrial robot arm equipped with instance segmentation based on Cascade Mask R-CNN for Japanese food. A modular end effector was designed and prototyped to facilitate soft gripper and vacuum pad on the single unit, which allows the system to handle different food objects. In the experiment, we also evaluated the performance of pick-and-place process. The system can successfully pick-and-place food into a lunch box with an outcome successful rate of 90%.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference 2020 (SICE2020), September 23-26, 2020, Chiang Mai, Thailand (新型コロナ感染拡大に伴い、現地開催中止