14 research outputs found

    Дропшиппинг – революционная форма продвижения товара в условиях мирового экономического кризиса

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    The paper analyzes the socio-economic impacts of dropshipping - a new form of organization of sales, is rapidly gaining the Russian market. Dropshipping opens up tremendous prospects not only for ordinary people, but also for the Russian manufacturers, which if used properly can dropshipping opportunities with minimal direct access to the world market

    Key factors and conditions for implementing the drop-shipping method as an alternative to traditional supply chain

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    The drop-shipping method is an innovative alternative to the traditional supply chain, rooted in the principles of e-commerce. Drop-shipping has gained increasing popularity over the years. The main objective of this research is to identify the key factors and conditions for its implementation as part of the traditional supply chain. An empirical study was conducted among Bulgarian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from various industries using survey and interview methods to gather the necessary data. Descriptive analysis was employed to examine the characteristics and distribution of the studied variables. Furthermore, regression analysis was conducted to explore the influence of various factors on delivery times and the average number of annual sales. Additionally, a correlation analysis was performed to examine the relationships between suppliers, delivery times, and levels of customer satisfaction when implementing the drop-shipping method. A variation analysis was also carried out to delve into the connections and changes between the two categories of factors – supplier-related and customer-related. The data from this study can serve as guidelines for implementing new innovative delivery methods within SMEs, aiming to provide the necessary factors and conditions for their successful operation

    Análisis de un modelo de negocio mediante "dropshipping"

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    Este nuevo modelo de negocio conocido como Dropshipping cuenta en la actualidad tanto con gente afín como con gente que no es tan favorable. Como todo en la vida, tiene sus ventajas: la inversión a realizar es mínima y además las tareas básicas a realizar se reparten por lo que se reduce considerablemente el esfuerzo; y tiene sus desventajas: es necesario tener claro el mercado en el que vamos a emprender, hay que realizar un gran esfuerzo de marketing y publicidad para darnos a conocer y hay que crear buenas relaciones tanto con los socios claves como con los cliente. Todo esto es mucho más fácil de ver con la utilización del Modelo Canvas para la definición del modelo de negocio. De esta manera podemos determinar: a quién ayudas, cómo te relacionas, cómo te conocen y qué medios utilizas, qué ayuda ofreces, qué haces, quién eres y qué tienes, quién te ayuda, qué obtienes y qué das. Como ya hemos dicho este modelo puede tener diferentes caras, por ello (dejando de lado los pros y los contras) para obtener el éxito es necesario esfuerzo y dedicación en el trabajo, y los resultados no tardarán en llegar.This new business model known as Dropshipping currently has both like-minded people and people who are not so favorable. Like everything in life, it has its advantages: the investment to be made is minimal and the basic tasks to do are distributed so that the effort is considerably reduced; and it has its disadvantages: it is necessary know about the market in which we are going to invest, we must make a great marketing and publicity effort to make ourselves known and we must create good relationships with both the key partners and the customers. All this is much easier to see with the use of the Canvas Model for the definition of the business model. In this way we can determine: who you help, how you relate, how they know you and what means you use, what help you offer, what you do, who you are and what you have, who helps you, what you get and what you give. As we have said, this model can have different faces, so (leaving aside the pros and cons) to obtain success, effort and dedication at work are necessary, and the results will not take long to arriveDepartamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado

    Дропшиппинг - революционная форма продвижения товара в условиях мирового экономического кризиса

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    The paper analyzes the socio-economic impacts of dropshipping - a new form of organization of sales, is rapidly gaining the Russian market. Dropshipping opens up tremendous prospects not only for ordinary people, but also for the Russian manufacturers, which if used properly can dropshipping opportunities with minimal direct access to the world market

    Dropshiping: revisión de la literatura y situación en España

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Recerca en Empresa, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Dr. Jaume Valls PasolaOften, formulas are sought to help entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a business model that allows them to operate and expand globally at a low cost. Scalability and internationalization of the business model have become a general necessity for entrepreneurs and SMEs due to the limited size and demand of domestic markets. Therefore, entrepreneurs and companies must internationalize their operations to grow and develop. E-commerce-based businesses are a suitable option to achieve this and expand the business internationally; however, entrepreneurs and companies face the challenge of shipping their goods to foreign countries and the difficulties of delivering them to the end customer. This work aims to analyze and delve deeper into Dropshipping to shed light on its contribution in the context of Spanish e-commerce and assess its economic dimension. It also seeks to establish its theoretical framework and identify the companies that comprise it. Dropshipping allows entrepreneurs and SMEs to expand their product range without acquiring stocks, incurring the costs of storing such items, managing inventory, or handling delivery logistics—the well-known "last-mile delivery." Dropshipping offers various delivery options, such as discreet or customized packaging, including invoices and receipts from the company that hired the service. Our study, focused on Dropshipping, aims to describe the phenomenon, assess its scale in Spain, establish its theoretical models, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages, and propose solutions to some of its issues, such as those generated by information asymmetry presented in agency theory. We propose an efficient solution to this problem based on Blockchain technology and the use of smart contracts, as well as rapid international expansion mechanisms through growth hacking techniques

    Comércio eletrônico no modal dropshipping e sua definição: a possibilidade da delimitação de ponto comercial em plataformas de comércio dropshipping

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    O trabalho de conclusão apresentado objetiva demonstrar a possibilidade de formação de ponto comercial no comércio eletrônico que se dá por meio das plataformas dropshipping. Neste sentido, fora compilado e estudado as definições de ponto comercial, com cerne na definição histórica e doutrinária, vez que são as formas que melhor delimitariam os elementos constitutivos do conceito. Dentro do extenso mundo virtual, fora selecionada as plataformas de comércio eletrônico com modal logístico Dropshipping como campo de estudo. Assim, torna-se também indispensável a definição de plataformas Dropshipping com uma sintética explicação logística. De forma pontual, busca-se após extenso levantamento bibliográfico, demonstrar haver a subsunção da definição préexistente de ponto comercial ao comércio em plataformas Dropshipping. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada é a do método hipotético-dedutivo segundo Popper. A proposta inicial dessa problemática será delimitar as duas definições e posteriormente demonstrar que é possível a subsunção da definição de Ponto Comercial à Plataformas Dropshipping. Objetiva-se alinhar a tese e demonstrar, por tentativas de falseamento da informação, que é possível afirmar que o objeto de estudo confere com a proposta

    From Flatlining to the Breakaway Economy : What mechanisms influence individual contributions to the economy, and can the individual influence the economy as a whole?

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    This thesis explores the role and significance of the individual in the economy and produces an unexpected finding: individual decisions and interactions might have the power to alter the norms and even the very structure of the economy. Building upon previous ideas of the individual in the economy by Lindahl (1919), Hayek (1935) and Wagner (2020), this work takes the perspective of the combined reflexive lens, a theoretical framework which views the economy as a system shaped by the reflexive decisions and interactions of the individuals within it as they interact with the economic environment. This work asks the following two questions: a. What are the key mechanisms that drive how individuals decide to contribute to the economy? b. What is the impact of individual decisions in evolving the economy? Critical realism underpins the methodology of this work, providing a lens through which we can understand the data as working within the multi-layered contexts of the real, the actual, and the empirical. The critical realist framework created by Vincent and Wapshott (2014) underpins the interview analysis of twenty-one students, university personnel, industry workers and members of local government from Korea, the UK, and the US. Five key findings emerge from this research. The first finding from this study is the uncovering of perceived downwards economic constraints in Chapter Four and perceived cultural economic constraints in Chapter Five which shape and limit how individuals participate in the spontaneously self-evolving economy. This finding illustrates that individuals are perceived to face various barriers that constrain their economic participation before they begin working, while on the job, and throughout their careers. The second finding is a new understanding of individual resistance behaviors, or upward counterforces employed by individuals to mediate the downwards constraints from Chapters Four and Five. Termed economic nonconformity, these behaviors show that not only do individuals react emotionally to the economy, they actively employ various strategies of resistance or rebellion, illustrating their creative and volitional powers to shape their economic realities. The third finding is the suggested emergence of new features at the macroeconomic level perceived to be stemming from the actions of individuals. These are the Breakaway Economy, where individuals have foregone a traditional institutional job and created their own sources of income, and the Gateway Economy, where individuals have both a traditional job and a side hustle which they would like to turn into a full-time job in the Breakaway Economy. The primary drivers of these new emergent features are new technologies such as online platforms and social media. The fourth finding is that these mechanisms are evidenced by perceptions crossing both national and generational boundaries. While differences among these groups remain, there is a convergence in perceptions and values which transcends the groups and becomes more obvious when we see the individual response to recent challenges such as COVID-19. The fifth finding is the proposal of the model of the Spontaneously Self-Evolving Economy, a synthesis of the foundational theories of the combined reflexive lens with the analysis of the data from this work. It proposes a dynamic model of the economy based on a continuous interplay of individual reflexive decisions and interactions with the evolving economy to produce a system that is spontaneously evolving on the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels simultaneously and where individual decisions can create emergent effects in the larger structure that might not be anticipated. These findings encourage us to ask the question of how we can define labor market participation and workers should these new perceived economic structures prove to be true with further analysis, as the terms employed, unemployed, and underemployed no longer seem to encompass the totality of workers in the economy. They also encourage us to ask whether and how traditional institutions and policies will change to entice workers to take traditional jobs, and how the potential Gateway and Breakaway Economies might affect the economy in the future. In addition, these findings call for the development of new economic indicators which would more accurately describe the results of individual contributions and their impact on economic reality, therefore bringing us closer to a convergence between economic theory and reality. Last, these findings illustrate that we should be focusing on individuals within the economy not merely as passive participants but as active creators of economic reality

    Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment in the DSA

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    This chapter scrutinises the fundamental rights impact assessments foreseen by the DSA. It points out how the risk-based approach adopted is not supported by adequate models, and existing frameworks from human rights impact assessments contexts are limited when extended to the digital context