18 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Industrial Clustering and Operational Performance within Indonesian Manufacturing SMEs

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    The main objective of the research is concerned with investigating the relationship between industrial clustering and operational performance constructs. This research treats both industrial clustering on operational performance as multidimensional constructs. Industrial clustering consists of four dimensions and operational performance encompasses three dimensions. Two different goals were pursued, namely examining the multidimensional and individual relationship between the two constructs. The data used in the analysis were perceptual measures that were derived from a cross sectional survey using a single respondent design. The sample used is limited to 112 manufacturing SMEs located in Cikarang Industrial Cluster, West Java Province of Indonesia. This research applied a Structural Equation Modeling and Multiple Regression Analysis in relation to the developed hypotheses testing. As has been hypothesized in this research, industrial clustering was found to have a positive effect on operational performance of manufacturing SMEs. The results also confirmed that the local network, the presence of related industries, the government support, and the local advantage contributed positively, but not equally to the operational performance of manufacturing SMEs Keywords: industrial clustering, operational performance, manufacturing SME


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    This article explores drivers of innovative territorial clusters .The approaches of such scientists as M Porter, J. Bagvel, J. J. Cortright, A Bosquet, S. Mothe were studied. The paper outline that existing academic literature offers a static view of cluster drivers that does not adequately capture the effect of complex interrelationships which exist between cluster drivers. The author suggested own classification of drivers of innovative territorial clusters. The author singeled such drivers as global competition, government, exchange of risks and information on expenses, supply chain changes, anticipation of increased workload, project management


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    This article explores drivers of innovative territorial clusters .The approaches of such scientists as M Porter, J. Bagvel, J. J. Cortright, A Bosquet, S. Mothe were studied. The paper outline that existing academic literature offers a static view of cluster drivers that does not adequately capture the effect of complex interrelationships which exist between cluster drivers. The author suggested own classification of drivers of innovative territorial clusters. The author singeled such drivers as global competition, government, exchange of risks and information on expenses, supply chain changes, anticipation of increased workload, project management

    Understanding the Changing Nature of Cluster Drivers

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    Many cluster examples from around the world offerinsights into cluster success, however there is relatively much lessattention given to the factors which drive the development andexistence of clusters. This paper examines cluster driversreported as part of the cluster literature, as well as examiningcluster drivers identified within the Australian AerospaceCluster. The findings of this research outline that existing clusterliterature offers a somewhat static view of cluster drivers thatdoes not adequately capture the impact of complex interrelationshipswhich exist between cluster drivers. The paperidentifies a number of inter-relationships between cluster driverswithin the Australian Aerospace Cluster

    The entrepreneurial ability of population on Russia’s map

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    Статья написана по итогам эмпирического исследования о размещении (аллокации) фактора производства «предпринимательская способность» населения федеральных округов и городов России. В рамках оценки размещения предпринимательской способности индивидов не получила подтверждения гипотеза о неравномерности распределения предпринимательской способностимежду индивидами (населением) федеральных округов и городов России. Путем ранжирования крупнейших, крупных городов и городов-миллионеров доказана тесная взаимосвязь между показателями численности, публикационной и инновационно-предпринимательской способности населения. На этой основе проанализирован перечень системообразующих предприятий Минпромторга и выявлены потенциальные города – точки роста в публикационной и инновационной сферах. Предложено применение эмпирической категории «концентрации предпринимательской способности» на уровнях общества и организации. Из анализа созданной в рамках проводимого исследования базы данных о совладельцах российских средних компаний сделаны выводы об относительно высокой концентрации предпринимательской способности в обрабатывающих производствах, в наукоемком секторе городов Росси

    Redes de cooperação horizontais e seus níveis de competitividade

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é propor um modelo teórico-conceitual para a análise do desempenho da coopetição de redes de cooperação horizontal (RCH) de empresas. Para tanto, definiu-se como fatores de coopetição de uma rede de empresas a cooperação entre firmas e a competência interna destas. A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, propuseram-se 20 fatores críticos de sucesso (FCSs), e 52 variáveis vinculadas à coopetição de RCHs. Como resultado, obteve-se um modelo, por meio da construção estatística de um diagrama, com o objetivo de diagnosticar o desempenho coopetitivo de uma RCH. Ainda, por meio da análise sistêmica dos FCSs, consequentemente das variáveis e dos indicadores de desempenho que os mensuram, é possível também a detecção de deficiências de desempenho nas empresas constituintes da rede. Palavras-chave: Cooperação. Competências. Modelo teórico-conceitual

    Science and Technology Parks impacts on tenant organisations: a review of literature

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    Sixty years after the establishment of the first science park at Stanford University, Science and Technology Parks (STPs) have reached a worldwide diffusion. Many papers have discussed parks’ role in promoting new technology-based firms (NTBFs) and their impacts on firms’ performances, often drawing contrasting conclusions. On the one hand, some authors believe that STPs have generally failed to foster the establishment and growth of NTBFs or to encourage technology transfer among firms and public research organisations. These authors’ opinion on STPs is that those that are “successful” do nothing more than group successful firms together in the same area. According to other authors STPs are instead of actual added value to the on-park firms and to the territory in which they are located. The added value is measured for instance by the increased growth rate in turnovers and number of employees, greater resource diversification, and lower mortality rates. In particular, in some cases, science parks seem to be able to positively affect the innovative activities of tenant firms (in terms of R&D expenditure and intensity, number of patent applications, number of copyrights and publications, number of new products/services launched, etc.). In this paper we comprehensively analyse the literature on STPs, emphasizing the role that parks play in supporting R&D activities both in public research organisations and firms, assessing, according to literature, the added value of an on-park location. Finally, we discuss the limits of the literature and provide suggestions for future research

    Science and Technology Parks impacts on tenant organisations: a review of literature

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    Sixty years after the establishment of the first science park at Stanford University, Science and Technology Parks (STPs) have reached a worldwide diffusion. Many papers have discussed parks’ role in promoting new technology-based firms (NTBFs) and their impacts on firms’ performances, often drawing contrasting conclusions. On the one hand, some authors believe that STPs have generally failed to foster the establishment and growth of NTBFs or to encourage technology transfer among firms and public research organisations. These authors’ opinion on STPs is that those that are “successful” do nothing more than group successful firms together in the same area. According to other authors STPs are instead of actual added value to the on-park firms and to the territory in which they are located. The added value is measured for instance by the increased growth rate in turnovers and number of employees, greater resource diversification, and lower mortality rates. In particular, in some cases, science parks seem to be able to positively affect the innovative activities of tenant firms (in terms of R&D expenditure and intensity, number of patent applications, number of copyrights and publications, number of new products/services launched, etc.). In this paper we comprehensively analyse the literature on STPs, emphasizing the role that parks play in supporting R&D activities both in public research organisations and firms, assessing, according to literature, the added value of an on-park location. Finally, we discuss the limits of the literature and provide suggestions for future research