13 research outputs found

    Factors Contributing to the Business Digital Divide: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The main aim of this study is to review the literature relating to the factors that contribute to the business digital divide. A systematic literature review was conducted using two databases (Scopus and Web of Science). A total of 28 articles were selected and analyzed. The selected studies are conducted in various developing and developed countries, including all firm sizes and different sectors, and cover several different digital technologies. Identified factors determining the business digital divide are categorized as technological, organizational, and environmental factors. The discussion and the potentials for further research are also presented

    Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Business Sector: A Qualitative Evidence from Nigeria

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    Information and communications technology (ICT) is no longer an option for economies and business but a necessity. Its impact in the developed economies is huge and tremendous but poorly harnessed by developing countries, for instance, Nigeria. This study explores different adoption theories and delved deeply into the Stage of Growth of e-Business (SOG-e) model to explain how they can drive full digitization. Using Nigeria as a case in the emerging markets, the study selected seven key sectors in the Nigeria economy. Adopting a qualitative research, senior managerial personnel in each of the sectors were interviewed to determine their SOG-e. The results indicate that only the banking/financial services sector has achieved full digitization. Problems hindering full digitization include consumer, government and social factors. Implications of the study suggest that provision of necessary infrastructure and policy direction will enhance full digitization. Keywords: Digital marketing, emerging markets, adoption theories, SOG-

    E-business for Nations: A Study of National Level E-business Adoption Factors using the CBTG (Country Characteristics- Business- Technology- Government) Framework

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    Most past studies have analyzed e-business adoption factors from a firm level perspective and also from a single country level perspective. Earlier studies have proposed frameworks which can be used with in their nation only; we in this research propose a unique framework that can be adopted by any country to develop its e-business. We present a theoretical perspective on e-business adoption factors required for a nation. Major goals of this study are (i) to review existing key literature on e-business across the countries and determine key factors affecting e-business adoption, (ii) to propose a research model based on the identified factors, (iii) to perform an empirical analysis on the proposed model using the national level macro economic data from secondary sources, and (iv) to provide practical implications to country administrators, academics and policy makers. The limitations and future directions of the study are also discussed

    The Impacts of Socio-Economic and Cultural Factors on the Network Readiness of Nations: A Focus on the Regions of Africa

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    The Network Readiness Index (NRI) was developed to measure the propensity for countries (and regions) to exploit information and communications technology (ICT) for development and growth. Much has been written about the influences of economic and non-economic factors on ICT diffusion in developed societies. Studies examining the impact of relevant factors on Africa’s regions’ capabilities to exploit ICT for development are scarce. Moreover, where such studies exist, it is not uncommon for the African continent to be taken as a monolith. This paper argues that the NRI scores for countries across the geographical regions of Africa vary by socio-economic and cultural factors. Hypotheses were developed to test this assertion. The data analysis showed that there are differences across Africa’s regions with respect to the NRI. The data also found relationships between some socio-economic factors, cross-cultural dimensions, and the NRI. The study’s implications for research and policy making are succinctly discussed

    E-readiness and Entrepreneurship: A Cross Country Study of the Link between Technological Infrastructure and Entrepreneurial Activity

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    This current study focuses on the relationship between a country’s e-readiness environment and entrepreneurial activities. Many government policies assume there is a direct causal relationship between e-readiness and entrepreneurial activity and some past studies have reported evidence supporting such a link. In this paper, a cross country panel data analysis using three different measures of entrepreneurial activity and different measures of e-readiness examines this relationship. The results of this study provide only weak support for the hypothesized relationship. Furthermore, the results appear to be very sensitive to the choice of proxy variables chosen to represent entrepreneurial activity and the different measures of e-readiness

    Exploring SME perceptions of sustainable product service systems

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    This paper explores the perception of a group of Colombian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) towards sustainable product service systems (PSS) development. There is currently much interest in the area of PSS; however, studies of sustainable PSS involving SMEs are lacking. The purpose of this research was to identify those organizational aspects that can contribute to develop sustainable PSS in SMEs. Four main areas were explored: sustainable awareness, use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), design process, and business strategy. This study was carried out in cooperation with the Colombian Ministry of ICTs and highlights their desire to find new routes to encourage transformation of companies toward competitive and sustainable industrial sectors. A significant finding is that the integration between design process and ICTs appears to be a key mechanism in developing sustainable PSS in SMEs. Finally, further work in this field of research is discussed and highlighted

    Global Diffusion of the Internet XVI: The Role of Economic Development and Firm Internationalization in Internet Business Practices

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    Firms from emerging economies are rapidly becoming formidable competitors to established industry leaders from developed economies. Aside from anecdotal reports, there is little scholarly evidence concerning the operational details of how emerging economy firms are becoming competitive with developed economy firms. This article addresses the gap by building on the International Business, Strategy and Information Systems literature, and through an empirical analysis of original survey data for 468 firms across ten countries. We develop three primary empirical findings. First, despite the differences between emerging economy firms and developed economy firms, we find that emerging economy/high internationalization firms use marketing- and supply chain-oriented Internet business practices with about the same frequency as developed economy/high internationalization firms. Second, we find that emerging economy/high internationalization firms are more driven than developed economy/high internationalization firms to use Internet business practices to expand existing markets and enter new markets. Third, we find that emerging economy/high internationalization firms report relatively higher sales and customer service impacts from Internet business practices than do developed economy/ high internationalization firms. These findings suggest that emerging economy firms have used the Internet as a resource to position themselves as credible competitors to developed economy firms

    International Coordination of E-Business and China’s strategies in the Post-crisis Era

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    电子商务快速发展带来许多全球化问题,这些问题不能在一国内得到解决,需要各国的协调一致行动。现有的官方和非官方组织在电子商务的多个领域展开协调,有效防止数字鸿沟的继续扩大,为电子商务创造了良好的发展环境,保证了交易数据安全,在消费者保护方面也取得积极效果。中国电子商务起步较晚,应采取积极措施顺应电子商务的全球发展趋势,为后危机时代中国电子商务的发展创造良好的制度环境。E-business is playing a key role in individual country’s economy as well as in global economy.Its global nature brings some problems to it,which can not be solved interiorly.The official and non -official organizations have undertaken due obligations to e-business coordination in many aspects,and gained remarkable achievements.How China’s e-business will develop is an important issue.The paper analyzes the strategies that China can take in order to survive during the post-crisis era

    Internet Marketing as a Business Necessity

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    The pace at which marketing discipline evolves each year is challenging for both individual marketing experts and companies as systems, which are permanently competing for global consumers. With the development of the Internet as the main channel and best opportunity for the implementation of the optimal “one-to-one” marketing model, Internet marketing as a new area of marketing theory and practice has emerged and is constantly improving. On the other side, the power and attractiveness of online surrounding have also transformed the way consumers behave, creating new patterns and lifestyle that have to be taken into account when creating appropriate Internet marketing strategies, far different from the traditional ones. Thus, the aim of this article is to examine fundamentals of Internet-based marketing, and to analyse challenges and opportunities that should be addressed by modern companies in their Internet marketing strategies, together with possible limitations and risks that emerged in the electronic marketplace. The method used in the article is secondary research, and implies a detailed analysis of researches and studies in the given field

    Faculty Publications and Creative Works 2005

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    Faculty Publications & Creative Works is an annual compendium of scholarly and creative activities of University of New Mexico faculty during the noted calendar year. Published by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, it serves to illustrate the robust and active intellectual pursuits conducted by the faculty in support of teaching and research at UNM. In 2005, UNM faculty produced over 1,887 works, including 1,887 scholarly papers and articles, 57 books, 127 book chapters, 58 reviews, 68 creative works and 4 patented works. We are proud of the accomplishments of our faculty which are in part reflected in this book, which illustrates the diversity of intellectual pursuits in support of research and education at the University of New Mexico