
International Coordination of E-Business and China’s strategies in the Post-crisis Era


电子商务快速发展带来许多全球化问题,这些问题不能在一国内得到解决,需要各国的协调一致行动。现有的官方和非官方组织在电子商务的多个领域展开协调,有效防止数字鸿沟的继续扩大,为电子商务创造了良好的发展环境,保证了交易数据安全,在消费者保护方面也取得积极效果。中国电子商务起步较晚,应采取积极措施顺应电子商务的全球发展趋势,为后危机时代中国电子商务的发展创造良好的制度环境。E-business is playing a key role in individual country’s economy as well as in global economy.Its global nature brings some problems to it,which can not be solved interiorly.The official and non -official organizations have undertaken due obligations to e-business coordination in many aspects,and gained remarkable achievements.How China’s e-business will develop is an important issue.The paper analyzes the strategies that China can take in order to survive during the post-crisis era

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