68 research outputs found

    Anomalous drift of spiral waves in heterogeneous excitable media

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    We study the drift of spiral waves in a simple model of heterogeneous excitable medium, having gradients in local excitability or cellular coupling. For the first time, we report the anomalous drift of spiral waves towards regions having higher excitability, in contrast to all earlier observations in reaction-diffusion models of excitable media. Such anomalous drift can promote the onset of complex spatio-temporal patterns, e.g., those responsible for life-threatening arrhythmias in the heart.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A theory for spiral wave drift in reaction-diffusion-mechanics systems

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    Reaction-diffusion mechanics (RDM) systems describe a wide range of practically important phenomena where deformation substantially affects wave and vortex dynamics. Here, we develop the first theory to describe the dynamics of rotating spiral waves in RDM systems, combining response function theory with a mechanical Green's function. This theory explains the mechanically-induced drift of spiral waves as a resonance phenomenon, and it can predict the drift trajectories and the final attractors from measurable characteristics of the system. Theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations. The results can be applied to cardiac tissue, where the drift of spiral waves is an important factor in determining different types of cardiac arrhythmias

    Drift Laws for Spiral Waves on Curved Anisotropic Surfaces

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    Rotating spiral waves organize spatial patterns in chemical, physical and biological excitable systems. Factors affecting their dynamics such as spatiotemporal drift are of great interest for par- ticular applications. Here, we propose a quantitative description for spiral wave dynamics on curved surfaces which shows that for a wide class of systems, including the BZ reaction and anisotropic cardiac tissue, the Ricci curvature scalar of the surface is the main determinant of spiral wave drift. The theory provides explicit equations for spiral wave drift direction, drift velocity and the period of rotation. Depending on the parameters, the drift can be directed to the regions of either maximal or minimal Ricci scalar curvature, which was verified by direct numerical simulations.Comment: preprint before submission to Physical Review

    Localization of response functions of spiral waves in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system

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    Dynamics of spiral waves in perturbed, e. g. slightly inhomogeneous or subject to a small periodic external force, two-dimensional autowave media can be described asymptotically in terms of Aristotelean dynamics, so that the velocities of the spiral wave drift in space and time are proportional to the forces caused by the perturbation. The forces are defined as a convolution of the perturbation with the spiral's Response Functions, which are eigenfunctions of the adjoint linearised problem. In this paper we find numerically the Response Functions of a spiral wave solution in the classic excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo model, and show that they are effectively localised in the vicinity of the spiral core.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Control of scroll wave turbulence using resonant perturbations

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    Turbulence of scroll waves is a sort of spatio-temporal chaos that exists in three-dimensional excitable media. Cardiac tissue and the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction are examples of such media. In cardiac tissue, chaotic behaviour is believed to underlie fibrillation which, without intervention, precedes cardiac death. In this study we investigate suppression of the turbulence using stimulation of two different types, "modulation of excitability" and "extra transmembrane current". With cardiac defibrillation in mind, we used a single pulse as well as repetitive extra current with both constant and feedback controlled frequency. We show that turbulence can be terminated using either a resonant modulation of excitability or a resonant extra current. The turbulence is terminated with much higher probability using a resonant frequency perturbation than a non-resonant one. Suppression of the turbulence using a resonant frequency is up to fifty times faster than using a non-resonant frequency, in both the modulation of excitability and the extra current modes. We also demonstrate that resonant perturbation requires strength one order of magnitude lower than that of a single pulse, which is currently used in clinical practice to terminate cardiac fibrillation. Our results provide a robust method of controlling complex chaotic spatio-temporal processes. Resonant drift of spiral waves has been studied extensively in two dimensions, however, these results show for the first time that it also works in three dimensions, despite the complex nature of the scroll wave turbulence.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys Rev E 2008/06/13. Last version: 2008/09/18, after revie

    Nonlinear diffusion & thermo-electric coupling in a two-variable model of cardiac action potential

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    This work reports the results of the theoretical investigation of nonlinear dynamics and spiral wave breakup in a generalized two-variable model of cardiac action potential accounting for thermo-electric coupling and diffusion nonlinearities. As customary in excitable media, the common Q10 and Moore factors are used to describe thermo-electric feedback in a 10-degrees range. Motivated by the porous nature of the cardiac tissue, in this study we also propose a nonlinear Fickian flux formulated by Taylor expanding the voltage dependent diffusion coefficient up to quadratic terms. A fine tuning of the diffusive parameters is performed a priori to match the conduction velocity of the equivalent cable model. The resulting combined effects are then studied by numerically simulating different stimulation protocols on a one-dimensional cable. Model features are compared in terms of action potential morphology, restitution curves, frequency spectra and spatio-temporal phase differences. Two-dimensional long-run simulations are finally performed to characterize spiral breakup during sustained fibrillation at different thermal states. Temperature and nonlinear diffusion effects are found to impact the repolarization phase of the action potential wave with non-monotone patterns and to increase the propensity of arrhythmogenesis

    Localization of response functions of spiral waves in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system

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    Preprint of an article submitted for consideration and subsequently published in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos © 2005 copyright World Scientific Publishing Company. http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijbcDynamics of spiral waves in perturbed, e. g. slightly inhomogeneous or subject to a small periodic external force, two-dimensional autowave media can be described asymptotically in terms of Aristotelean dynamics, so that the velocities of the spiral wave drift in space and time are proportional to the forces caused by the perturbation. The forces are defined as a convolution of the perturbation with the spiral's Response Functions, which are eigenfunctions of the adjoint linearised problem. In this paper we find numerically the Response Functions of a spiral wave solution in the classic excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo model, and show that they are effectively localised in the vicinity of the spiral core

    Simulation of overdrive pacing in 2D phenomenological models of anisotropic myocardium

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    Spiral waves in the heart underlie dangerous cardiac arrhythmias such as fibrillation. Low-voltage defibrillation and cardioversion are modern methods to treat such pathologies. This type of electrotherapy is based on the phenomenon of superseding spiral waves by a high-frequency source of excitation. In this paper, we numerically simulated the superseding process in a thin layer of the cardiac muscle. We captured the case of a sole spiral wave with a stable core at the centre of a square. We used different cell-level models as well as a variety of electrode configurations and studied the induced drift of the spiral wave. Regimes of the external stimulation were classified based on whether they provide an effective and safe, that is without break-up, way to shift the spiral toward the boundary