1,156 research outputs found

    Confluent Orthogonal Drawings of Syntax Diagrams

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    We provide a pipeline for generating syntax diagrams (also called railroad diagrams) from context free grammars. Syntax diagrams are a graphical representation of a context free language, which we formalize abstractly as a set of mutually recursive nondeterministic finite automata and draw by combining elements from the confluent drawing, layered drawing, and smooth orthogonal drawing styles. Within our pipeline we introduce several heuristics that modify the grammar but preserve the language, improving the aesthetics of the final drawing.Comment: GD 201

    Multi-level Visualization of Concurrent and Distributed Computation in Erlang

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    This paper describes a prototype visualization system for concurrent and distributed applications programmed using Erlang, providing two levels of granularity of view. Both visualizations are animated to show the dynamics of aspects of the computation. At the low level, we show the concurrent behaviour of the Erlang schedulers on a single instance of the Erlang virtual machine, which we call an Erlang node. Typically there will be one scheduler per core on a multicore system. Each scheduler maintains a run queue of processes to execute, and we visualize the migration of Erlang concurrent processes from one run queue to another as work is redistributed to fully exploit the hardware. The schedulers are shown as a graph with a circular layout. Next to each scheduler we draw a variable length bar indicating the current size of the run queue for the scheduler. At the high level, we visualize the distributed aspects of the system, showing interactions between Erlang nodes as a dynamic graph drawn with a force model. Speci?cally we show message passing between nodes as edges and lay out nodes according to their current connections. In addition, we also show the grouping of nodes into “s_groups” using an Euler diagram drawn with circles

    A Programming System for End-user Functional Programming

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    This research involves the construction of a programming system, HASKEU, to support end-user programming in a purely functional programming language. An end-user programmer is someone who may program a computer to get their job done, but has no interest in becoming a computer programmer. A purely functional programming language is one that does not require the expression of statement sequencing or variable updating. The end-user is offered two views of their functional program. The primary view is a visual one, in which the program is presented as a collection of boxes (representing processes) and lines (representing data flow). The secondary view is a textual one, in which the program is presented as a collection of written function definitions. It is expected that the end-user programmer will begin with the visual view, perhaps later moving on to the textual view. The task of the programming system is to ensure that the visual and textual views are kept consistent as the program is constructed. The foundation of the programming system is a implementation of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern as a reactive program using the elegant Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) framework. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) principles and methods are considered in all design decisions. A usabilty study was made to find out the effectiveness of the new system

    A DSEL for Studying and Explaining Causation

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    We present a domain-specific embedded language (DSEL) in Haskell that supports the philosophical study and practical explanation of causation. The language provides constructs for modeling situations comprised of events and functions for reliably determining the complex causal relationships that emerge between these events. It enables the creation of visual explanations of these causal relationships and a means to systematically generate alternative, related scenarios, along with corresponding outcomes and causes. The DSEL is based on neuron diagrams, a visual notation that is well established in practice and has been successfully employed for causation explanation and research. In addition to its immediate applicability by users of neuron diagrams, the DSEL is extensible, allowing causation experts to extend the notation to introduce special-purpose causation constructs. The DSEL also extends the notation of neuron diagrams to operate over non-boolean values, improving its expressiveness and offering new possibilities for causation research and its applications.Comment: In Proceedings DSL 2011, arXiv:1109.032

    A complete proof of the safety of NĂścker's strictness analysis

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    This paper proves correctness of NĂścker's method of strictness analysis, implemented in the Clean compiler, which is an effective way for strictness analysis in lazy functional languages based on their operational semantics. We improve upon the work of Clark, Hankin and Hunt did on the correctness of the abstract reduction rules. Our method fully considers the cycle detection rules, which are the main strength of NĂścker's strictness analysis. Our algorithm SAL is a reformulation of NĂścker's strictness analysis algorithm in a higher-order call-by-need lambda-calculus with case, constructors, letrec, and seq, extended by set constants like Top or Inf, denoting sets of expressions. It is also possible to define new set constants by recursive equations with a greatest fixpoint semantics. The operational semantics is a small-step semantics. Equality of expressions is defined by a contextual semantics that observes termination of expressions. Basically, SAL is a non-termination checker. The proof of its correctness and hence of NĂścker's strictness analysis is based mainly on an exact analysis of the lengths of normal order reduction sequences. The main measure being the number of 'essential' reductions in a normal order reduction sequence. Our tools and results provide new insights into call-by-need lambda-calculi, the role of sharing in functional programming languages, and into strictness analysis in general. The correctness result provides a foundation for NĂścker's strictness analysis in Clean, and also for its use in Haskell

    Hierarchical Communication Diagrams

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    Formal modelling languages range from strictly textual ones like process algebra scripts to visual modelling languages based on hierarchical graphs like coloured Petri nets. Approaches equipped with visual modelling capabilities make developing process easier and help users to cope with more complex systems. Alvis is a modelling language that combines possibilities of formal models verification with flexibility and simplicity of practical programming languages. The paper deals with hierarchical communication diagrams - the visual layer of the Alvis modelling language. It provides all necessary information to model system structure with Alvis, to manipulate a model hierarchy and to understand a model semantics. All considered concepts are discussed using illustrative examples

    Visual programming with Interaction Nets

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    Programming directly with diagrams offers potential advantages such as visual intuitions, identification of errors (debugging), and insight into the dynamics of the algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to put forward one particular graphical formalism, interaction nets, as a candidate for visual programming which has not only all the desired properties that one would expect, but also has other benefits as a language, for instance sharing computation.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
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