11 research outputs found

    Mental Map and Model Driven Development

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    In the case of a model driven development (MDD) approach, source models are transformed into destination models during the development process. This leads to a transformation chain, that is, a sequence of models connected via transformations. While so far usually only the domain models were transformed, we introduce an algorithm here to also transform the notation models, in order to create a diagram based on the layout of a predecessor diagram. We illustrate the algorithm on several examples which are visualized by a full-featured editor displaying 2D diagrams on layers in a 3D space

    Datengeleitete Analyse kunsthistorischer Daten am Beispiel von Ausstellungskatalogen aus der NS-Zeit: Musteridentifizierung und Visualisierung

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    Im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Kooperation zwischen der Kunstgeschichte einerseits und der Korpus- und Computerlinguistik andererseits wollen wir die Möglichkeiten der datengeleiteten Analyse und der Visualisierung als Methode der Erkenntnisgewinnung sowie ihr Potenzial für die Analyse kunstwissenschaftlicher Datensammlungen exemplarisch erproben. In einer Pilotstudie untersuchen wir anhand von Ausstellungskatalogen zur Gegenwartskunst aus der NS-Zeit, ob es Künstler gegeben hat, die häufig miteinander ausgestellt wurden, was diese Künstler untereinander verbindet und ob sich nach den Ausstellungsereignissen des Jahres 1937 Veränderungen in den Konfigurationen häufig miteinander ausgestellter Künstler zeigen. Wir versprechen uns Ergebnisse, die nicht nur Rückschlüsse auf die Wirksamkeit der staatlichen Ausstellungspolitik, sondern der zentralistischen Kunstpolitik des Nationalsozialismus insgesamt erlauben

    Datengeleitete Analyse kunsthistorischer Daten am Beispiel von Ausstellungskatalogen aus der NS-Zeit: Musteridentifizierung und Visualisierung

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    Im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Kooperation zwischen der Kunstgeschichte einerseits und der Korpus- und Computerlinguistik andererseits wollen wir die Möglichkeiten der datengeleiteten Analyse und der Visualisierung als Methode der Erkenntnisgewinnung sowie ihr Potenzial für die Analyse kunstwissenschaftlicher Datensammlungen exemplarisch erproben. In einer Pilotstudie untersuchen wir anhand von Ausstellungskatalogen zur Gegenwartskunst aus der NS-Zeit, ob es Künstler gegeben hat, die häufig miteinander ausgestellt wurden, was diese Künstler untereinander verbindet und ob sich nach den Ausstellungsereignissen des Jahres 1937 Veränderungen in den Konfigurationen häufig miteinander ausgestellter Künstler zeigen. Wir versprechen uns Ergebnisse, die nicht nur Rückschlüsse auf die Wirksamkeit der staatlichen Ausstellungspolitik, sondern der zentralistischen Kunstpolitik des Nationalsozialismus insgesamt erlauben

    A circular layout algorithm for clustered graphs

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 48-51.Visualization of information is essential for comprehension and analysis of the acquired data in any field of study. Graph layout is an important problem in information visualization and plays a crucial role in the drawing of graph-based data. There are many styles and ways to draw a graph depending on the type of the data. Clustered graph visualization is one popular aspect of the graph layout problem and there have been many studies on it. However, only a few of them focus on using circular layout to represent clusters. We present a new, elegant algorithm for layout of clustered graphs using a circular style. The algorithm is based on traditional force-directed layout scheme and uses circles to draw each cluster in the graph. In addition it can handle non-uniform node dimensions. It is the first algorithm to properly address layout of the quotient graph while considering inter-cluster relations as well as intra-cluster edge crossings. Experimental results show that the execution time and quality of the produced drawings with respect to commonly accepted layout criteria are quite satisfactory. The algorithm has been successfully implemented as part of Chisio, version 1.1. Chisio is an open source general purpose graph editor developed by i-Vis (information visualization) Research Group of Bilkent University.Belviranlı, Mehmet EsatM.S

    Proceedings. 23. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 5. - 6. Dezember 2013

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    Dieser Tagungsband enthält die Beiträge des 23. Workshops Computational Intelligence des Fachausschusses 5.14 der VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), der vom 5. - 6. Dezember 2013 in Dortmund stattgefunden hat. Im Fokus stehen Methoden, Anwendungen und Tools für Fuzzy-Systeme, Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen und Data-Mining-Verfahren

    Agrupamento de dados visual interactivo

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    Com a crescente geração, armazenamento e disseminação da informação nos últimos anos, o anterior problema de falta de informação transformou-se num problema de extracção do conhecimento útil a partir da informação disponível. As representações visuais da informação abstracta têm sido utilizadas para auxiliar a interpretação os dados e para revelar padrões de outra forma escondidos. A visualização de informação procura aumentar a cognição humana aproveitando as capacidades visuais humanas, de forma a tornar perceptível a informação abstracta, fornecendo os meios necessários para que um humano possa absorver quantidades crescentes de informação, com as suas capacidades de percepção. O objectivo das técnicas de agrupamento de dados consiste na divisão de um conjunto de dados em vários grupos, em que dados semelhantes são colocados no mesmo grupo e dados dissemelhantes em grupos diferentes. Mais especificamente, o agrupamento de dados com restrições tem o intuito de incorporar conhecimento a priori no processo de agrupamento de dados, com o objectivo de aumentar a qualidade do agrupamento de dados e, simultaneamente, encontrar soluções apropriadas a tarefas e interesses específicos. Nesta dissertação é estudado a abordagem de Agrupamento de Dados Visual Interactivo que permite ao utilizador, através da interacção com uma representação visual da informação, incorporar o seu conhecimento prévio acerca do domínio de dados, de forma a influenciar o agrupamento resultante para satisfazer os seus objectivos. Esta abordagem combina e estende técnicas de visualização interactiva de informação, desenho de grafos de forças direccionadas e agrupamento de dados com restrições. Com o propósito de avaliar o desempenho de diferentes estratégias de interacção com o utilizador, são efectuados estudos comparativos utilizando conjuntos de dados sintéticos e reais.With the rising generation, storage and dissemination of information in recent years, the previous problem of lack of information has become a problem of extracting useful knowledge from the information available. The visual representations of abstract information have been used to assist in interpreting the data and reveal otherwise hidden patterns. Information visualization seeks to enhance human cognition by leveraging human visual capabilities to make sense of abstract information, providing means by which humans with constant perceptual abilities can absorb increasing amounts of information. Data clustering techniques purpose is to partition a data set into several clusters, in which similar data is placed in the same cluster and dissimilar data in different clusters. More specifically, constrained clustering methods are intended to incorporate a priori knowledge in the clustering process, in order to improve data clustering quality and, simultaneously, find appropriate solutions to specific tasks or interests . This thesis studied the interactive visual clustering approach that allows the user, through interaction with a visual representation of information, to incorporate prior knowledge about the data domain in order to influence the resulting grouping to meet its objectives. This approach combines and extends interactive information visualization, force directed graph layout and constrained clustering techniques. With the purpose of evaluating the performance of different user interaction strategies, comparative studies using sets of synthetic and real data are performed

    Kreuzungen in Cluster-Level-Graphen

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    Clustered graphs are an enhanced graph model with a recursive clustering of the vertices according to a given nesting relation. This prime technique for expressing coherence of certain parts of the graph is used in many applications, such as biochemical pathways and UML class diagrams. For directed clustered graphs usually level drawings are used, leading to clustered level graphs. In this thesis we analyze the interrelation of clusters and levels and their influence on edge crossings and cluster/edge crossings.Cluster-Graphen sind ein erweitertes Graph-Modell mit einem rekursiven Clustering der Knoten entsprechend einer gegebenen Inklusionsrelation. Diese bedeutende Technik um Zusammengehörigkeit bestimmter Teile des Graphen auszudrücken wird in vielen Anwendungen benutzt, etwa biochemischen Reaktionsnetzen oder UML Klassendiagrammen. Für gerichtete Cluster-Graphen werden üblicherweise Level-Zeichnungen verwendet, was zu Cluster-Level-Graphen führt. Diese Arbeit analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen Clustern und Level und deren Auswirkungen auf Kantenkreuzungen und Cluster/Kanten-Kreuzungen

    Kreisplanarität von Level-Graphen

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    In this dissertation we generalise the notion of level planar graphs in two directions: track planarity and radial planarity. Our main results are linear time algorithms both for the planarity test and for the computation of an embedding, and thus a drawing. Our algorithms use and generalise PQ-trees, which are a data structure for efficient planarity tests.In dieser Arbeit wird der Begriff Level-Planarität von Graphen auf zwei Arten erweitert: Spur-Planarität und radiale Level-Planarität. Die Hauptergebnisse sind Linearzeitalgorithmen zum Testen dieser Arten von Planarität und zur Erstellung einer entsprechenden Einbettung und somit einer Zeichnung. Die Algorithmen verwenden und generalisieren PQ-Bäume, eine bei effizienten Planaritätstests verwendete Datenstruktur

    On Business Analytics: Dynamic Network Analysis for Descriptive Analytics and Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Prescriptive Analytics.

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    Ferry Jules. Collèges communaux. — Classement des professeurs. In: Bulletin administratif de l'instruction publique. Tome 24 n°467, 1881. pp. 836-842