48,498 research outputs found

    Contribution for the characterization of olive oils of the Douro region (Portugal)

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    The "Douro Demarcated Region" in Portugal was the first demarcated and regulated wine region in the world, where the famous "Port Wine" is produced. In this region, ancient olive groves can be found in Douro hills and valleys, usually in small scattered plots, often abandoned, or above the vineyards in the slopes, benefiting from the region's climate. In recent years, olive oil production in Douro region has become an important source of income for Port wine companies, being considered one of the most precious food products of the region. In this sense, the present work aimed to characterize the physicochemical and sensorial attributes of the olive oils produced in the Douro region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tabique construction characterization in Douro North Valley, Portugal: a first step to preserve this architectural heritage

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    The tabique is one of the main Portuguese traditional building techniques, which is based on raw materials as earth and wood. In general, a tabique wall is formed by a simple timber structure covered by earth. Earth has an important role in this system because it protects the internal timber structure as well as is a finishing. The Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro is the northeast region of Portugal and it is very rich in terms of tabique heritage construction. Meanwhile, the existing tabique constructions show a generalized advanced stage of deterioration. This aspect associated to the fact that there is still a lack of scientific studies done in this field motivated this research work, which its main objectives are to identify the building process of tabique elements and to identify/characterize the applied materials. It is intended to stimulate and to give guidance for future rehabilitation works in this field. Taking into account that this region has a large area, it was necessary to divide this work in six stages related to the six council associations, which are Alto Tâmega; Terra Quente Transmontana; Terra Fria do Nordeste Transmontano; Vale do Douro Norte; Vale do Douro Sul and Douro Superior. This work is focused on the council association of Vale do Douro Norte (Douro North Valley), and uses twelve constructions as study case

    Exploração do conceito “jogo e cultura” no campo das artes plásticas

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    Geograficamente a região que compreende as províncias de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal) e de Zamora (Espanha) comunga de rituais ancestrais comuns e únicos, apesar das fronteiras políticas, diluída nos dias de hoje em consequência da integração na Comunidade Europeia. Pretendemos abordar os conceitos já explorados de “Sagrado” e “Profano”, no presente caso parecem não ser antagónicos, senão interdependentes, nas pequenas comunidades rurais portuguesas e espanholas. O conceito foi explorado e descrito através de dois óleos sobre tela, da autoria de Luís Canotilho, tendo como base exploratória as “Festas de Inverno em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro” e as “Mascaradas de Invierno de Zamora” e a manifestação religiosa que constitui a romaria católica da “Senhora do Nazo”, perto da cidade de Miranda do Douro. Geographically the region comprising the provinces of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal) and Zamora (Spain) shares of common ancestral rituals and unique, despite the political boundaries, diluted nowadays as a result of integration into the European Community. We intend to address the concepts already explored "Sacred" and "Profane" in this case seem to be antagonistic, but interdependent, small rural communities in Portuguese and Spanish. The concept was explored and described through two oils on canvas, designed by Luis Canotilho, based on the exploratory "Winter Festivals in Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro" and "Cloaked Invierno Zamora" and religious expression which is a Catholic pilgrimage of "Lady of Nazo", near the town of Miranda do Douro

    Una década de turismo sin fronteras. El caso de la Región Duero/Douro, el turismo fluvial y la diversidad turística

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    The membership of Spain and Portugal to the European Union has encouraged cross-border cooperation, promoting the diversification of the tourism in both sides of the Luso-Spanish border. Our analysis takes as a reference Duero/Douro region and the Douro River, this fluvial tourism has revalued cultural, wine and heritage tourism with water activities and cruises, reinforcing the existing tourist diversity.  The resource management has allowed on both sides of the border, strengthen the tourism sector linked to the Douro and the Douro, intensifying in the last five years the fluvial activity, gathered around the wine tourism and the natural spaces.La incorporación de España y Portugal a la Comunidad Europea ha impulsado la cooperación transfronteriza y el turismo a ambos lados de la frontera luso española. Nuestro análisis se ciñe a la Región Duero/Douro con el río Duero y el turismo fluvial de referente, un nicho de mercado que ha progresado en los últimos años, revalorizando la diversidad turística existente a través de las actividades acuáticas y el turismo de cruceros. Los recursos y una naturaleza protegida han permitido a ambos lados de la frontera, afianzar el sector turístico ligado al Duero y al Douro, intensificándose en el último lustro la actividad fluvial, reunida al turismo enológico y a los espacios naturales protegidos

    Testigos de piedra: estelas armadas entre el Tajo internacional y el Duero, Península Ibérica

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    Pocos territorios en Europa reúnen la concentración de estelas en piedra que se documentan entre el Tajo y el Duero. La arqueología asegura amplias posibilidades extractivas, con un claro centro neurálgico en el actual distrito de Castelo Branco. Desde los primeros descubrimientos de piezas tan singulares como las de São Martinho, hasta el registro actual, la variedad y diacronía de estelas y menhires en piedra resulta excepcional en el contexto ibérico y europeo. La tradicional lectura, que alejaba los viejos menhires de las estelas del Bronce Final, queda muy matizada ante el uso de referencias temáticas y técnicas semejantes. En este texto aportamos otro argumento a sumar a esas similitudes, con la reutilización de los antiguos soportes como base material para la generación de las estelas del Bronce Final. Las imágenes humanas que se grabaron en estas memorias en piedra expresan narrativas sociales elaboradas. Las secuencias gráficas que argumentamos aseguran el papel político de estas piezas como justificaciones materiales de pasados ancestrales. Indudablemente albergan relatos orales sobre la relación entre los viejos ancestros y los nuevos líderes, justificando el orden del entramado económico asociado al control de la extracción y comercio del metal.Few places in Europe concentrate as many stone stelae as the area between the Tagus and the Douro. Archaeology has shown the ample possibilities for metal mining, the modern region of Castelo Branco being the epicentre in the area. From the first discoveries of such unique objects as the São Martinho stelae to the current record, the variety and diachronicity of stone stelae and menhirs is exceptional on the Iberian and European scales. The traditional interpretation that differentiated between the old menhirs and Late Bronze Age stelae has been nuanced by the evidence of similar themes and techniques. Another argument presented here is the use of the old stones as the basic material to produce the Late Bronze Age stelae. Human images carved on these memorial stones express elaborate social narratives. The graphic sequences described here demonstrate the ‘political’ role of these stones and material justification of ancestral pasts. They were undoubtedly imbued with oral tales about old ancestors and new leaders, to justify the order of the economic system associated with mining and metal trade.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades 2018-099405-BI0

    Evolutionary and geographical history of the Leishmania donovani complex with a revision of current taxonomy.

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    Leishmaniasis is a geographically widespread severe disease, with an increasing incidence of two million cases per year and 350 million people from 88 countries at risk. The causative agents are species of Leishmania, a protozoan flagellate. Visceral leishmaniasis, the most severe form of the disease, lethal if untreated, is caused by species of the Leishmania donovani complex. These species are morphologically indistinguishable but have been identified by molecular methods, predominantly multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. We have conducted a multifactorial genetic analysis that includes DNA sequences of protein-coding genes as well as noncoding segments, microsatellites, restriction-fragment length polymorphisms, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs, for a total of approximately 18,000 characters for each of 25 geographically representative strains. Genotype is strongly correlated with geographical (continental) origin, but not with current taxonomy or clinical outcome. We propose a new taxonomy, in which Leishmania infantum and L. donovani are the only recognized species of the L. donovani complex, and we present an evolutionary hypothesis for the origin and dispersal of the species. The genus Leishmania may have originated in South America, but diversified after migration into Asia. L. donovani and L. infantum diverged approximately 1 Mya, with further divergence of infraspecific genetic groups between 0.4 and 0.8 Mya. The prevailing mode of reproduction is clonal, but there is evidence of genetic exchange between strains, particularly in Africa

    Viñedos en terrazas en la región vitivinícola del Duero, Portugal: una perspectiva de la gestión del suelo y el agua

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    The Douro vineyards are a striking example of soil protection materialized in a strongly humanized landscape, where terraces cover a large part of the region. The paper aims at presenting a perspective on soil and water management improvements for Douro terraced vineyards, as a response to actual responsibilities determined by the UNESCO World Heritage statute in preserving a cultural, living and evolutional landscape. After stressing the importance of Douro terraced vineyards in the Portuguese Continental territory and the natural constraints for crop production characterizing the Douro valley, terrace types present in Douro landscapes are described, together with soil changes with terracing operations. Besides the rehabilitation of drystone structures as part of the preservation interventions on the region’s cultural heritage, critical risk areas in recently terraced hillslopes are identified as a priority for soil protection and water management interventions. These are the vineyard areas most expose to direct impact of erosive rainfalls and comprise the inter-row lanes, especially in non-terraced vineyards, the earthen bare risers in recent terraces, and the farm road and drainage networks, spatially coincident, in steep extensively planted hillslopes. Innovative soil and water management practices have to be developed and locally tested in close dialog with regional actors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio