1,336 research outputs found

    Efficient parallel computation on multiprocessors with optical interconnection networks

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    This dissertation studies optical interconnection networks, their architecture, address schemes, and computation and communication capabilities. We focus on a simple but powerful optical interconnection network model - the Linear Array with Reconfigurable pipelined Bus System (LARPBS). We extend the LARPBS model to a simplified higher dimensional LAPRBS and provide a set of basic computation operations. We then study the following two groups of parallel computation problems on both one dimensional LARPBS\u27s as well as multi-dimensional LARPBS\u27s: parallel comparison problems, including sorting, merging, and selection; Boolean matrix multiplication, transitive closure and their applications to connected component problems. We implement an optimal sorting algorithm on an n-processor LARPBS. With this optimal sorting algorithm at disposal, we study the sorting problem for higher dimensional LARPBS\u27s and obtain the following results: • An optimal basic Columnsort algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • Two optimal two-way merge sort algorithms on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal multi-way merge sorting algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal generalized column sort algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal generalized column sort algorithm on a 3D LARPBS. • An optimal 5-phase sorting algorithm on a 3D LARPBS. Results for selection problems are as follows: • A constant time maximum-finding algorithm on an LARPBS. • An optimal maximum-finding algorithm on an LARPBS. • An O((log log n)2) time parallel selection algorithm on an LARPBS. • An O(k(log log n)2) time parallel multi-selection algorithm on an LARPBS. While studying the computation and communication properties of the LARPBS model, we find Boolean matrix multiplication and its applications to the graph are another set of problem that can be solved efficiently on the LARPBS. Following is a list of results we have obtained in this area. • A constant time Boolean matrix multiplication algorithm. • An O(log n)-time transitive closure algorithm. • An O(log n)-time connected components algorithm. • An O(log n)-time strongly connected components algorithm. The results provided in this dissertation show the strong computation and communication power of optical interconnection networks

    Adversarial Analyses of Window Backoff Strategies for Simple Multiple-Access Channels

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    Backoff strategies have typically been analyzed by making statistical assumptions on the distribution of problem inputs. Although these analyses have provided valuable insights into the efficacy of various backoff strategies, they leave open the question as to which backoff algorithms perform best in the worst case or on inputs, such as bursty inputs, that are not covered by the statistical models. This paper analyzes randomized backoff strategies using worst-case assumptions on the inputs. Specifically, we analyze algorithms for simple multiple-access channels, where the only feedback from each attempt to send a packet is a single bit indicating whether the transmission succeeded or the packet collided with another packet. We analyze a class of strategies, called window strategies, where each packet partitions time into a sequence (W₁, W₂,...) of windows. Within each window, the packet makes an access attempt during a single randomly selected slot. If its transmission is unsuccessful, it waits for its slot in the next window before retrying. We use delay-sequence arguments to show that for the batch problem, in which n packets all arrive at time 0, if every window has size W = Θ(n), then with high probability, all packets successfully transmit with makespan n lg lg n ± O(n). We use this result to analyze window backoff strategies with varying window sizes. Specifically, we show that the familiar binary exponential backoff algorithm, where Wk = Θ(2k), has makespan Θ(n lg n), and that more generally, for any constant r > 1, the r-exponential backoff algorithm in which Wk = Θ(rk) has makespan Θ(n lglg rn). We also show that for any constant r > 1, the r-polynomial backoff algorithm, in which Wk = Θ(kr), has makespan Θ((n/lg n)¹⁺¹/r). All of these batch strategies are monotonic, in the sense that the window size monotonically increases over time. We exhibit a monotonic backoff algorithm that achieves makespan Θ(n lg lg n/lg lg lg n). We prove that this algorithm, whose backoff is superpolynomial and subexponential, is optimal over all monotonic backoff schemes. In addition, we exhibit a simple backoff/backon algorithm, having window sizes that vary nonmonotonically according to a "sawtooth" pattern, that achieves the optimal makespan of Θ(n). We study the online setting using an adversarial queueing model. We define a (λ,T)-stream to be an input stream of packets in which at most n = λT packets arrive during any time interval of size T. In this model, to evaluate a given backoff algorithm (which does not know λ or T), we analyze the worst-case behavior of the algorithm over the class of (λ,T)-streams. Our results for the online setting focus on exponential backoff. We show that for any arrival rate λ, there exists a sufficiently large interval size T such that the throughput goes to 0 for some (λ,T)-stream. Moreover, there exists a sufficiently large constant c such that for any interval size T, if λ ⥠c lg lg n/lg n, the system is unstable in the sense that the arrival rate exceeds the throughput in the worst case. If, on the other hand, we have λ ⤠c/lg n for a sufficiently small constant c, then the system is stable. Surprisingly, the algorithms that guarantee smaller makespans in the batch setting require lower arrival rates to achieve stability than does exponential backoff, but when they are stable, they have better response times.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Aspects of practical implementations of PRAM algorithms

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    The PRAM is a shared memory model of parallel computation which abstracts away from inessential engineering details. It provides a very simple architecture independent model and provides a good programming environment. Theoreticians of the computer science community have proved that it is possible to emulate the theoretical PRAM model using current technology. Solutions have been found for effectively interconnecting processing elements, for routing data on these networks and for distributing the data among memory modules without hotspots. This thesis reviews this emulation and the possibilities it provides for large scale general purpose parallel computation. The emulation employs a bridging model which acts as an interface between the actual hardware and the PRAM model. We review the evidence that such a scheme crn achieve scalable parallel performance and portable parallel software and that PRAM algorithms can be optimally implemented on such practical models. In the course of this review we presented the following new results: 1. Concerning parallel approximation algorithms, we describe an NC algorithm for finding an approximation to a minimum weight perfect matching in a complete weighted graph. The algorithm is conceptually very simple and it is also the first NC-approximation algorithm for the task with a sub-linear performance ratio. 2. Concerning graph embedding, we describe dense edge-disjoint embeddings of the complete binary tree with n leaves in the following n-node communication networks: the hypercube, the de Bruijn and shuffle-exchange networks and the 2-dimcnsional mesh. In the embeddings the maximum distance from a leaf to the root of the tree is asymptotically optimally short. The embeddings facilitate efficient implementation of many PRAM algorithms on networks employing these graphs as interconnection networks. 3. Concerning bulk synchronous algorithmics, we describe scalable transportable algorithms for the following three commonly required types of computation; balanced tree computations. Fast Fourier Transforms and matrix multiplications

    Space-Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Combinatorial Search Problems

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    We present space-efficient parallel strategies for two fundamental combinatorial search problems, namely, backtrack search and branch-and-bound, both involving the visit of an nn-node tree of height hh under the assumption that a node can be accessed only through its father or its children. For both problems we propose efficient algorithms that run on a pp-processor distributed-memory machine. For backtrack search, we give a deterministic algorithm running in O(n/p+hlogp)O(n/p+h\log p) time, and a Las Vegas algorithm requiring optimal O(n/p+h)O(n/p+h) time, with high probability. Building on the backtrack search algorithm, we also derive a Las Vegas algorithm for branch-and-bound which runs in O((n/p+hlogplogn)hlog2n)O((n/p+h\log p \log n)h\log^2 n) time, with high probability. A remarkable feature of our algorithms is the use of only constant space per processor, which constitutes a significant improvement upon previous algorithms whose space requirements per processor depend on the (possibly huge) tree to be explored.Comment: Extended version of the paper in the Proc. of 38th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS

    Is Our Model for Contention Resolution Wrong?

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    Randomized binary exponential backoff (BEB) is a popular algorithm for coordinating access to a shared channel. With an operational history exceeding four decades, BEB is currently an important component of several wireless standards. Despite this track record, prior theoretical results indicate that under bursty traffic (1) BEB yields poor makespan and (2) superior algorithms are possible. To date, the degree to which these findings manifest in practice has not been resolved. To address this issue, we examine one of the strongest cases against BEB: nn packets that simultaneously begin contending for the wireless channel. Using Network Simulator 3, we compare against more recent algorithms that are inspired by BEB, but whose makespan guarantees are superior. Surprisingly, we discover that these newer algorithms significantly underperform. Through further investigation, we identify as the culprit a flawed but common abstraction regarding the cost of collisions. Our experimental results are complemented by analytical arguments that the number of collisions -- and not solely makespan -- is an important metric to optimize. We believe that these findings have implications for the design of contention-resolution algorithms.Comment: Accepted to the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2017

    A spectral scheme for Kohn-Sham density functional theory of clusters

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    Starting from the observation that one of the most successful methods for solving the Kohn-Sham equations for periodic systems -- the plane-wave method -- is a spectral method based on eigenfunction expansion, we formulate a spectral method designed towards solving the Kohn-Sham equations for clusters. This allows for efficient calculation of the electronic structure of clusters (and molecules) with high accuracy and systematic convergence properties without the need for any artificial periodicity. The basis functions in this method form a complete orthonormal set and are expressible in terms of spherical harmonics and spherical Bessel functions. Computation of the occupied eigenstates of the discretized Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian is carried out using a combination of preconditioned block eigensolvers and Chebyshev polynomial filter accelerated subspace iterations. Several algorithmic and computational aspects of the method, including computation of the electrostatics terms and parallelization are discussed. We have implemented these methods and algorithms into an efficient and reliable package called ClusterES (Cluster Electronic Structure). A variety of benchmark calculations employing local and non-local pseudopotentials are carried out using our package and the results are compared to the literature. Convergence properties of the basis set are discussed through numerical examples. Computations involving large systems that contain thousands of electrons are demonstrated to highlight the efficacy of our methodology. The use of our method to study clusters with arbitrary point group symmetries is briefly discussed.Comment: Manuscript submitted (with revisions) to Journal of Computational Physic