29,211 research outputs found

    Domain-specific discrete event modelling and simulation using graph transformation

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10270-012-0242-3Graph transformation is being increasingly used to express the semantics of domain-specific visual languages since its graphical nature makes rules intuitive. However, many application domains require an explicit handling of time to accurately represent the behaviour of a real system and to obtain useful simulation metrics to measure throughputs, utilization times and average delays. Inspired by the vast knowledge and experience accumulated by the discrete event simulation community, we propose a novel way of adding explicit time to graph transformation rules. In particular, we take the event scheduling discrete simulation world view and provide rules with the ability to schedule the occurrence of other rules in the future. Hence, our work combines standard, efficient techniques for discrete event simulation (based on the handling of a future event set) and the intuitive, visual nature of graph transformation. Moreover, we show how our formalism can be used to give semantics to other timed approaches and provide an implementation on top of the rewriting logic system Maude.Work partially sponsored by the Spanish Ministry, under project “Go Lite” (TIN2011-24139) as well as by the R&D programme of the Community of Madrid, project “e-Madrid” (S2009/TIC-1650). We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers, which helped in improving previous versions of the paper

    Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook

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    Abstract: Over the past two decades, the study of model-based dependability analysis has gathered significant research interest. Different approaches have been developed to automate and address various limitations of classical dependability techniques to contend with the increasing complexity and challenges of modern safety-critical system. Two leading paradigms have emerged, one which constructs predictive system failure models from component failure models compositionally using the topology of the system. The other utilizes design models - typically state automata - to explore system behaviour through fault injection. This paper reviews a number of prominent techniques under these two paradigms, and provides an insight into their working mechanism, applicability, strengths and challenges, as well as recent developments within these fields. We also discuss the emerging trends on integrated approaches and advanced analysis capabilities. Lastly, we outline the future outlook for model-based dependability analysis

    Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation (DSLDI 2015)

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    The goal of the DSLDI workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in sharing ideas on how DSLs should be designed, implemented, supported by tools, and applied in realistic application contexts. We are both interested in discovering how already known domains such as graph processing or machine learning can be best supported by DSLs, but also in exploring new domains that could be targeted by DSLs. More generally, we are interested in building a community that can drive forward the development of modern DSLs. These informal post-proceedings contain the submitted talk abstracts to the 3rd DSLDI workshop (DSLDI'15), and a summary of the panel discussion on Language Composition

    Statistical Model Checking of e-Motions Domain-Specific Modeling Languages

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    Domain experts may use novel tools that allow them to de- sign and model their systems in a notation very close to the domain problem. However, the use of tools for the statistical analysis of stochas- tic systems requires software engineers to carefully specify such systems in low level and specific languages. In this work we line up both sce- narios, specific domain modeling and statistical analysis. Specifically, we have extended the e-Motions system, a framework to develop real-time domain-specific languages where the behavior is specified in a natural way by in-place transformation rules, to support the statistical analysis of systems defined using it. We discuss how restricted e-Motions sys- tems are used to produce Maude corresponding specifications, using a model transformation from e-Motions to Maude, which comply with the restrictions of the VeStA tool, and which can therefore be used to per- form statistical analysis on the stochastic systems thus generated. We illustrate our approach with a very simple messaging distributed system.Universidad de Málaga Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Research Project TIN2014-52034-R an

    Meta-modelling hybrid formalisms

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    Proceedigns of 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems DesignPersonal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. S. Lacoste-Julien, H. Vangheluwe J. de Lara, and P. J. Mosterman, "Meta-modelling hybrid formalisms", 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, Taipei, China, 2004, pp. 65-70This article demonstrates how meta-modelling can simplify the construction of domain-and formalism-specific modelling environments. Using AToM3 (a tool for multi-formalism and meta-modelling developed at McGill University), a model is constructed of a hybrid formalism, HS, that combines event scheduling constructs with ordinary differential equations. From this specification, an HS-specific visual modelling environment is synthesized. For the purpose of this demonstration, a simple hybrid model of a bouncing ball is modelled in this environment. It is envisioned that the future of modelling and simulation in general, and more specifically in hybrid dynamic systems design lies in domain-specific computer automated multi-paradigm modelling (CAMPaM) which combines multi-abstraction, multi-formalism, and meta-modelling. The small example presented in this article demonstrates the feasibility of this approac
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