27 research outputs found

    Technostress, Persönlichkeit und die Folgen von Technostress: Ein systematisches Literaturreview zur empirischen Forschungslage

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    Die Digitalisierung und der Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) hat im Arbeits- und Privatleben neben einer höheren ProduktivitĂ€t auch zu neuen Formen von psychischem Stress gefĂŒhrt. Das Stresserleben, das mit dem Einsatz von ICT verbunden ist, wird in der Literatur auch als Technostress bezeichnet. Die Forschung zu diesem Thema zeigt, dass die Entstehung von Technostress von individuellen Faktoren abhĂ€ngt. Die Persönlichkeit von ICT-Anwenderinnen und Anwendern bestimmt nicht nur das Auftreten von Technostress, sondern hat auch Einfluss auf dessen gesundheitliche und leistungsbezogene Folgen. In diesem Literaturreview wird der Forschungsstand zu der Rolle von Persönlichkeitsunterschieden bei der Entstehung von Technostress und dessen Folgen systematisch zusammengefasst. Die Auswertung der relevanten Forschungsartikel erfolgt hinsichtlich verwendeter Variablen, Stichproben und Studiendesigns, statistischer Methoden, Theorien und Frameworks. Abschließend werden der aktuelle Forschungsstand eingeordnet und ForschungslĂŒcken aufgezeigt


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    Pandemi virus corona (Covid-19) di Indonesia memaksa aktivitas belajar mengajar tatap muka di sekolah dihentikan. Para siswa dan mahasiswa memanfaatkan gawai dan jaringan internet untuk mendapatkan materi pembelajaran dari guru di sekolah. Pembelajaran jarak jauh memiliki tantangan tersendiri yang harus dihadapi. Kreativitas para pengajar sangat dibutuhkan dalam pelaksanaannya sehingga para pendidik (guru) harus keluar dari gaya konvensional. Beban pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring tidak hanya dirasakan oleh siswa, tetapi juga oleh guru. Ketidakpastian berakhirnya Covid-19 memungkinkan terbentuknya stres dalam pembelajaran, terutama saat menggunakan media atau aplikasi pembelajaran online. Di tingkat pendidikan dasar hingga menengah di Indonesia, metode belajar-mengajar masih dilaksanakan dengan kombinasi online dan tatap muka di dalam kelas. Metode pembelajaran secara online dipandang baik untuk membangun kemandirian dan literasi teknologi baik untuk siswa dan guru dengan berbagai media atau aplikasi teknologi. Beban kerja untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang berlebihan dan ketidakamanan dalam penggunaannya dapat membentuk technostress, dan hal ini akan berdampak pada kinerja pengajaran. Selain itu, faktor lain yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap kinerja mengajar guru adalah penguasaan computer self-efficacy. Computer Self Efficacy merupakan persepsi bagi seorang guru mengenai kemampuan dirinya dalam menggunakan komputer untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya

    How to Mitigate Security-Related Stress: The Role of Psychological Capital

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    In an organizational context, individuals are prone to feel stressed by overwhelming and complicated security requirements, which can result in noncompliance with security policies and guidelines. While previous research has mainly focused on identifying distinct dimensions of security- related stress (SRS) and their behavioral impact, this paper is the first to examine factors for mitigating SRS. A study with more than 130 participants reveals that psychological capital (PsyCap) – here comprising of domain-specific self-efficacy and resilience – may work as such a means as it significantly reduces perceived SRS. However, the positive effect of PsyCap diminishes when becoming a victim of cybercriminals. We discuss our results and highlight theoretical and practical implications for organizations

    The Influence of Technostress on Library: A Survey of the University for Development Studies Libraries

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    In this era of information and communication technology, Llibrary service delivery has (improved to a large extent as a result of the use of technology for library activities such as acquisition, circulation, cataloguing, reference, and serials control. However, the new technologies tend to cause job related stress on workers which results from the challenges encountered in adapting to new systems called technostress. This study investigates the influence of technostress on Llibrary staff of the University for Development Studies (UDS). A survey was conducted on Library staff of UDS. Primary data were therefore, gathered from 71 respondents using a questionnaire. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The results indicate that, Library staff has s low levels of computer literacy as far as their job task is concerned. Besides, the limited knowledge on information and communication technology causes the presence of technostress among the Library staff. The results further indicate that the presence of technostress has a negative influence on the performance of library staff by slowing down delivery with some task unperformed thereby over burdening some staff with much knowledge in information and communication technology. Additional training through in-service or further studies is recommended for library staff of the University to) improved performance in the presence of technostress. Keywords: Technostress, Library staff, Information and Communication Technology, University Librarie

    The Role of Religiousity in Mitigating the Effects of Technostress on Engaging Academic Fraud during Accounting Online Learning

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    The aim of this study is to examine how religion may help students overcome the effects of technostress, which heightens students' propensity for academic dishonesty during online learning.  First, this study uses the self-determination theory (SDT) to describe the function of religion.  We confirm that student’s technostress increases academic fraud during online learning using structural equation modelling (SEM).  The study concludes that during hybrid learning, students with strong religiosity are more intrinsically motivated to prevent academic fraud than are students with low motivation. Students must be extremely motivated, confident in their cognitive flow, and convinced that using ICT won't cause them to engage in dysfunctional behavior in order to successfully adopt a virtual face-to-face application or learning management system in education.  The study's last finding is that students' cognition can boost their positive emotion.  &nbsp

    Game in the Game: Examining In-App Advertising in Mobile Sports Games

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    The purpose of this study is to examine in-app advertisement within mobile games and the content of the advertisement. The universe of this study is sports game applications under games category in Apple Store. The sample is 32 sports games that were selected by random sampling method among popular games listed under sports category in Apple Store. Determined advertisements were analysed with the content analysis method. As a result of the research; it has been determined that sports games that are examined under mobile applications, primarily contain in-app advertisements for strategy, shopping, casino and bank applications, and games. Accordingly, more than half of the ads in evaluated mobile sports games were about mobile games and in-apps about mobile sports games were less. When in-app games were investigated in terms of appearance on screen, the great majority of mobile sport game ads were interstitial ads. As a conclusion; in spite of the changes in entertainment concept as a result of the developments in mobile technology, it has been determined that sport is used as direct or indirect marketing material as it is in the approach of traditional sports marketing. The implications from this research include a better understanding of how in-app advertising is being used to sports marketing and marketing communication.

    Social Media Usage, Overload and Exhaustion: A Performance Perspective

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    This study is focused on investigating the negative consequences of social media usage at work through overloads that are a cause of exhaustion and ultimately impact performance. Performance of employee is taken as criterion of exhaustion. Three categories of overloads social overload, communication overload and information overloads serve as mechanism of negative consequences of social media during working hours. A sample of 300 employees of telecom sector of Pakistan contributed in the study. Data was analyzed by using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. Results revealed that excessive use of social media positively influence information, communication and social overload. Information and communication overload were also found to have an enhanced effect on exhaustion of social media while social overload could not. Performance of employee was also found to be negatively influenced by exhaustion of social media. Study limitations and future directions are also discussed. Keywords: Performance; Social Media; Exhaustion; Telecom Sector JEL Classification: D89 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.1019

    The Chaotic Behavior of ICT Users

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    This paper describes how chaos theory was implemented to explain a behavioral aspect in an information system. The chaos theory was developed from the physical sciences and has been widely applied to many fields. However, this theory may also be applied to the social sciences. For certain types of human behavior, the chaos theory could comprehensively explain the phenomena of the use of information and communications technology (ICT). It means that this theory could clarify all the different kinds of human interactions with ICT. When the researchers used the chaos theory integratively, they could explain the distressed behavior of ICT users comprehensively. This theory argues that an individual acts randomly, even though the system is deterministic. When individuals use ICT, they could get technostress due to either the information systems or other users. This paper explains that ICT users could use information systems, with their complicated procedures and outputs. They were also probably disturbed by other users. The users, furthermore, experience chaotic pressures through their experiential values. This paper shows that users’ behavior when facing chaotic pressure depends upon their personality dimensions. The authors finally propose a new paradigm that this chaos theory could explain the chaotic actions of ICT users

    The impact of social media at work on job performance among government employees : perspective from the stress-strain-outcome and social capital theory

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    The pervasiveness of social media (SM) use in organizations is a relevant driver that can influence an employee's job performance. Several researchers have considered the direct role of social media usage in influencing job performance. However, limited studies explore how social media use may impact employees' job performance, especially innovativeness. Moreover, inconsistencies exist in the literature regarding whether social media improves or reduce employees' job performance. By integrating the Stressor Strain Outcome (SSO) model and Social Capital Theory, this study aimed to explore how SM use influences public sector employees' innovative job performance in the Malaysian context. Besides, integrating both theories will discover the advantages and disadvantages of social media, extending the comprehension of their value for work purposes. The significance of this study explains several outputs that can benefit employees, management, and the government. Hence, fourteen hypotheses are outlined to support the study's objectives, focusing on the association between SM use and job performance among public sector employees. In the methodology part, this study applies positivism as a research paradigm, and the study was conducted based on a quantitative approach. Meanwhile, the instrument of this study is a questionnaire, and items were adapted from previously validated studies. The data was collected through an online survey, and 317 employees from the public sector participated. The partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique was applied in data analysis for this study's measurement model and structural model assessment. The findings discovered that social media use at work has a mild but statistically significant influence on information overload, communication overload, and social overload. In addition, information overload and communication overload positively influence technostress. However, SM use at work has not significantly influenced social overload, and technostress does not impact innovative job performance. The following finding shows that SM use predicts network ties, shared vision, and trust significantly. Besides, network ties and trust positively promoted work engagement except for shared vision. Subsequently, work engagement was associated with innovative job performance. Reflecting on the lack of empirical research on SM use related to innovative performance in a workplace setting, this study extends the existing literature on the advantage and disadvantages of SM use at work by integrating both theories, the SSO model and SCT. Hence, these theories enrich the understanding of the employee's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats due to SM use in the workplace. In addition, this study provides valuable insight into the following parties related to the organizational stakeholders, including employees themselves, employers, and the government concerning SM use at work. Employers and governments can offer mitigating plans and efforts on the issues of SM use at work concerning employees' innovative performance, including revising or strengthening the policy or rules. Therefore, the study has theoretically and practically contributed to the field by integrating different perspectives on SM use at work towards employee innovative performance