29 research outputs found

    Does Online Education Need a Special Pedagogy?

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    The extensive integration of information technologies in teaching and learning in the 21st century has initiated a dramatic change of educational paradigm. To a large extent this change was caused by the online education. A rapid growth of online university programs raises a number of new pedagogical, psychological and social issues. Online learning creates a learning environment that, compared to traditional, classroom-based education, is less personal, more independent, often fragmented, rarely systemic, distributed in space and time, and dependent on the learner rather than on the teacher. Many problems with online education (high attrition rate, orientation at highly skilled and highly motivated people, among other issues (The Trouble with Online College, 2013), indicate that one of its major challenges is not the technology itself or its classroom applications, but the lack of sound, research-based theoretical framework as the foundation of quality online learning. A comprehensive and effective educational theory is thus crucial for the quality education. This article makes an argument for such a theory and offers a model of online pedagogy for higher education with a focus on instruction and instructor, student autonomy, socialization through networking and collaboration in the online learning environment


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    Long-distance learning uses an online platform to transfer the knowledge. It has become a breakthrough in this modern era. The online learning brings many benefits to students, but it is also challenging to be implemented by the tutors in distance education universities. This paper tends to investigate the use of the guided-discovery learning (GDL) method in the psycholinguistics online tutorial class. The participants are the students of the English Education program in Universitas Terbuka, who take Psycholinguistics subject with online tutorial service. The methodology of this research is qualitative by using a case study. The researchers use the WhatsApp application as the platform in conducting the course. The students are required to follow the lesson step by step through WhatsApp. Based on the finding, this research reveals that there are two perspectives of the use of GDL toward psycholinguistics online tutorial class. The first perspective is in students that has two major advantages. The second can be seen from the learning perspective which also has two benefits of the use of GDL

    Language & Online Learning: Inform, Inspire and Engage Virtual Learning Communities

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    Standards for technology-assisted teaching/learning have existed for nearly 20 years (ACES, 1999), and trends show that counselor education programs increasingly integrate technology into the delivery of instruction for students either through hybrid classes, fully online classes, or fully online programs. While many researchers have investigated various aspects of student engagement in online formats, counselor educators still lack consensus for best practices in the online classroom. Maximizing the effectiveness of online pedagogy will help improve overall learning, retention of students, and growth of online programs. We suggest the intentional use of appropriate, warm, inviting and supportive language to inform, inspire and engage online students. Creating this level of presence in the online classroom will help counselor educators provide high quality education in the online classroom

    Author Index

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    Author Index: CIT Vol. 23 (2015), No 1–

    A Systematic Review of Factors that Influences the Efficacy of Computer Based Learning

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    Despite emerging evidence from research studies showing positive influence of computer based learning on quality of education and academic achievement of learners, there is very limited research studies that synthesises factors that influence or contributes to the success or effectiveness of computer based learning methods. The purpose of this systematic review was to synthesise factors that influences the efficacy of computer based learning. We followed the protocol from preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA). Major electronic educational databases were searched. In total, 20 studies that met inclusion criteria were reviewed in this study. After completing thematic analysis of the included studies, findings revealed that students’ characteristics factor such as attitudes, self-discipline, prior knowledge of computer use and motivation, also infrastructure factor such as easy access to computer and availability of technology influenced the efficacy of Computer Based Learning. Recommendations from the research reports are discussed

    Creating and Implementing Online Courses through the Development of an E-Pedagogy

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    Post-secondary education in Ontario is rapidly transforming due to the changing needs of students which include an expectation of technology-enabled teaching methods and access to flexible learning options, such as online courses. The province of Ontario has responded by including innovative teaching methods and access to flexible learning options in their vision for post-secondary education. The institution discussed within this OIP has responded by offering online courses, however, there is a lack of development tools to support faculty when creating and implementing online courses. This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) examines how a polytechnic college can address this problem by developing appropriate supports for faculty, ensuring they feel competent and capable in their knowledge and abilities. Using transformational and adaptive leadership approaches, as well as Cawsey et al.’s (2016) Change Path Model, organizational readiness is assessed, the need for change is communicated, possible solutions are explored and a change process monitoring and communication plan is presented. This problem of practice is significant, as in order to remain competitive as a post-secondary institution, its capacity to innovate has become a critical factor for its survival (Daher, 2016)


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    In 2020, many students could not travel due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID pandemic. In response, Faculty ITC of the University of Twente offered the online course Principles and Applications of Geographic Information Systems and Earth Observation as the first quartile of a full presential MSc. Programme. The course used the flipped classroom strategy to enhance student's ability to choose the learning strategy that best fitted their learning styles and was developed around four principles: (1) The course was Exercise led - students were introduced to concepts from the exercise descriptions; (2) Every concept taught was demonstrated and operationalized; (3) To emphasize the focus on concept learning, only two software tools were used - QGIS and the Living Textbook; (4) The software tools should be inclusive and encourage technological independence. The first three elements were evaluated by comparing the student feedback, the evaluation questionnaires and the academic attainment levels of the 2020 course with the in-house. The inclusiveness and technological independence were measured via the institutional impact. The results were positive for the new course setup, with students performing slightly better when compared with 2019 in-house edition of the course. The course had a significant institutional impact by contributing to a deeper commitment to open-source software tools. Open source is now the primary choice for teaching, with ITC becoming a QGIS-certified organization


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    Este estudo analisa as concepções metodológicas apresentadas em propostas de ensino em cursos de engenharia na modalidade de educação a distância. Para tal, realizou-se uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura, acrescida de uma busca dirigida ao tema. Sob o método de análise descritiva, os artigos selecionados apontaram como principal tendência as metodologias ativas. Essa abordagem direciona o foco do ensino para a aprendizagem do estudante, colocando-o numa posição mais ativa e autônoma em relação a própria aprendizagem. Pode-se concluir que ao estruturar uma proposta de ensino para um curso de engenharia na modalidade de educação a distância, é importante a caracterização dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, assim como a principal teoria de aprendizagem que suportará o processo


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    Este estudo analisa as concepções metodológicas apresentadas em propostas de ensino em cursos de engenharia na modalidade de educação a distância. Para tal, realizou-se uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura, acrescida de uma busca dirigida ao tema. Sob o método de análise descritiva, os artigos selecionados apontaram como principal tendência as metodologias ativas. Essa abordagem direciona o foco do ensino para a aprendizagem do estudante, colocando-o numa posição mais ativa e autônoma em relação a própria aprendizagem. Pode-se concluir que ao estruturar uma proposta de ensino para um curso de engenharia na modalidade de educação a distância, é importante a caracterização dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, assim como a principal teoria de aprendizagem que suportará o processo

    Building Educator e-Pedagogy Skill Efficacy and Capacity to Successfully Engage Students in the Online Learning Environment

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    Students around the world are increasingly seeking options for completing their learning in an online format due to its convenience, flexibility, and opportunity for innovative experiences. Higher education institutions need to adapt their course offerings to include robust online programs and train their faculty with the necessary skills to successfully engage their virtual learners to remain competitive in today’s market. This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) identifies gaps of inadequacy of infrastructure to support online learning, limited knowledge of e-pedagogy, lack of clarity about teacher identity, and lack of focus on equity and humanity in the online classroom at a Christian liberal arts university in British Columbia (BC). Theoretical frameworks of social constructivism and humanism frame the approaches to leadership and the proposed change process by centering on serving the needs of others, building authentic relationships, and engaging social capital and collective efficacy to drive change. Through partnerships between faculty and e-pedagogy experts, a professional learning community (PLC) emerges to support faculty in building e-pedagogy skills while increasing capacity to engage students in the online learning environment. Change agents draw on an organizational vision of understanding who we are (e.g., identity), what we believe (e.g., knowledge), and what we are called to do in the world (e.g., action) to create alignment between organizational values and the proposed change process. The outcome creates opportunities for stakeholders to engage with a modernized approach to education while expanding their identity as an educator and serving the diverse needs of learners across the globe