133 research outputs found

    Formulasi Hubungan Implementasi Knowledge Management, Daya Saing dan Performansi Finansial Organisasi

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    Knowledge management (KM) didefisinikan oleh Von Krough sebagai proses mengidentifikasi dan meningkatkan pengetahuan kolektif dalam organisasi untuk membantu organisasi bersaing (Andreeva, 2012). Asumsi umum meyakini bahwa knowledge management (KM) berpengaruh positif terhadap bottom line organisasi. Hanya saja, secara empiris tidak mudah membuktikan atau mengukur keterkaitan aktual antara KM dan performansi organisasi. Sehingga, tanpa benefit yang jelas terlihat, sudah selayaknya mengemuka pertanyaan untuk apa organisasi menginvestasikan dana besar untuk mengimplementasikan KM. Demares seperti dikutip oleh Andreva (2012) menyatakan bahwa “jika tidak mendukung tujuan dalam peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas kinerja pasar, implementasi KM hanya berguna dalam memperbaiki budaya perusahaan, bukan praktek perusahaan yang penting atau hanya masuk dalam kategori “nice-to-have” saja”


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    The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of knowledge management as a critical component of organizational effectiveness, which in its turn influences a successful path to a globalization strategy for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It is critical for SMEs that knowledge management be enable effectively and efficiently solving the problems, managing dynamic learning, strategic planning and decision making; by analyzing previous literature reviews on the subject of Knowledge management challenges of SMEs, regardless of the financial and human aspects. The significance of this study will affix the knowledge about current issues relating to SMEs in Malaysia in cognitive capital perspective. The article highlights the common issues related to knowledge management, which can be implemented successfully to a business strategy

    HRM practices for knowledge management and retail firms’ performances: a comparative study among Malay and Chinese firms

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    The current study examines the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices for knowledge management (KM) on perceived business performances among Malay and Chinese firms in Malaysia. Data were collected through a face-to-face survey with 200 owners of firms, comprising 100 Malay entrepreneurs and 100 Chinese entrepreneurs, operating in the retail sector of Klang Valley, Malaysia. Data were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and Multi-Group Analysis (MGA). The results of PLSSEM revealed that HRM practices for KM have a direct and positive impact on the perceived financial performance, perceived non-financial performance, and perceived business growth of Malay and Chinese firms. However, non-significant impact of HRM practices for KM on perceived performance relative to competitors was found among Chinese firms. Results of MGA revealed significant differences between Malay and Chinese firms in relation to the impact of HRM practices for KM on perceived financial performance and perceived performance relative to competitors

    Establishing and maintaining knowledge management in the enterprises of the defense industry

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    Establishing knowledge management means setting up, maintaining and constantly updating a state by generating new models and rules of its use, i.e. means process. Each process takes place in accordance with a logical structure and certain rules, supported by someone.It has a specific goal, directed content and it requires some assumptions,that is, characteristics of the environment in which it takes place. When it comes to knowledge management, its establishment and maintenance, the enterprises of the defense industry represent the environment and its properties condition the generation of knowledge management. On this assumption, questions can be asked and their answers explain the knowledge management generation

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Knowledge Management Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh pelatihan knowledge management terhadap kinerja karyawan PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah (1) ada perbedaan kinerja karyawan setelah pelatihan antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol, (2) ada perbedaan kinerja karyawan pada kelompok eksperimen antara sebelum pelatihan knowledge management dengan setelah pelatihan knowledge management, (3) ada perbedaan gain score kinerja karyawan pada kelompok eksperimen sebelum pelatihan dengan kinerja karyawan setelah pelatihan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pimpinan dan karyawan sebanyak 60 orang yang akan menjadi knowledge management agent atau pimpinan yang mengelola knowledge management dalam unit kerja PT Semen Indonesia. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala kinerja karyawan, observasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah sample T-Test untuk melihat perbedaan kinerja karyawan sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kinerja karyawan sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Knowledge management didasarkan pada teori berbasis sumber daya yang menganggap pengetahuan itu merupakan aset strategis yang berharga. Dengan demikian, perusahaan harus berinvestasi dalam bentuk sistem pengetahuan untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan

    Praktik MSDM sebagai Determinan Kinerja Organisasi dengan Mediasi Manajemen Pengetahuan

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    Human resources are the most vital resources for the success of an organization, including in higher education organizations. The application of good human resource management (HRM) practices leads to efforts to share knowledge among members of the organization. This study seeks to prove the effect of good HRM practices on organizational performance mediated by knowledge management. This research was conducted at a public university with the number of samples collected as many as 1,014. By using SEM PLS, this study succeeded in proving that good HRM practices have a positive effect on knowledge management. Another result is the positive influence of knowledge management on organizational performance, as well as the positive influence of HRM on organizational performance

    Assessing the Perceptions of Academic Librarians Towards the Practices of Knowledge Management in University libraries of Punjab

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    The new trend knowledge economy emerged from the last decade in academia and business industry. Whilst knowledge management the subfield of knowledge economy, knowledge management is an entirely new conception and way of management. The research main purpose is to postulate the process of. knowledge possession, formation, sharing, categorization and retaining amongst the university librarians of the Punjab, Pakistan. For data collection for this study, Survey method was used. The research tool was developed for data collection on the basis of published literature. The analyzed results showed that aspects of KM; knowledge possession, systematization, acquisition, knowledge retention and knowledge creation practices become an assist of organization to progress and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. These are basic factors for the accomplishment of an organization and play main job to attain the organizational goals. It is the role of Km is very essential for the availability of services, effectiveness, efficiency, performance and productivity of the professionals. The findings of this study can be used by the academic libraries and other organizations to develop their practices

    Organizational Commitment & Work Engagement Affected by Knowledge management: Evidence from banking sector of Pakistan

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    Current study is intended to explore the influence of knowledge management (KM) on organizational commitment and work engagement of the banking employees. Paper examines the dimensions of knowledge management that can influence the effective elements of employee performance.        Five dimensions of knowledge management practices are bootstrapped on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Data collected form the different banks of Punjab, Pakistan by including 171 usable questionnaires. Data analysis was done with the help of SPSS and smart PLS. Results reveals that knowledge sharing, codification and retention helps in boosting organizational commitment of employees while knowledge creating, retention and sharing has a significant impact on work engagement. Knowledge management construct is not discussed as a complete construct as researchers opt some of its dimensions. Moreover, KM relationship with organizational commitment and work engagement is missing in the past literature. Knowledge creation, retention and sharing has a strong influence on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Managers should implement KM processes to uplift the knowledge of workers but also to boost their commitment and work engagement

    Organizational Commitment & Work Engagement Affected by Knowledge management: Evidence from banking sector of Pakistan

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    Current study is intended to explore the influence of knowledge management (KM) on organizational commitment and work engagement of the banking employees. Paper examines the dimensions of knowledge management that can influence the effective elements of employee performance.        Five dimensions of knowledge management practices are bootstrapped on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Data collected form the different banks of Punjab, Pakistan by including 171 usable questionnaires. Data analysis was done with the help of SPSS and smart PLS. Results reveals that knowledge sharing, codification and retention helps in boosting organizational commitment of employees while knowledge creating, retention and sharing has a significant impact on work engagement. Knowledge management construct is not discussed as a complete construct as researchers opt some of its dimensions. Moreover, KM relationship with organizational commitment and work engagement is missing in the past literature. Knowledge creation, retention and sharing has a strong influence on the organizational commitment and work engagement. Managers should implement KM processes to uplift the knowledge of workers but also to boost their commitment and work engagement


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    The purpose of this paper is to systematically analyze the knowledge management research within small and medium-sized companies. The study includes a systematic review of 30 peer reviewed papers on knowledge management advantages for SMEs. Balanced scorecard perspectives cover all aspects of the organization, and, consequently, the balanced scorecard approach has been applied to classify the KM benefits. The reviewed scientific studies highlight the benefits of knowledge management in the areas of economic and social perspective (increased profits, flexibility, product reputation, financial performance), commercial and customers perspective (market share, sales growth, customer satisfaction, good external relationship), internal business processes perspective (operational performance, increased productivity, product/service quality, process improvement) and organizational learning and growth perspective (employee development, innovation, organizational creativity, learning).For future studies, determining stakeholder views is recommended in order to gain sustainable competitive advantage