12 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Immediate Feedback Disertai Reward Terhadap Hasil Belajar Materi Asam Basa Di SMA

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    The aims of this study were to determine whether there was the difference learning outcome between students which were given immediate feedback accompanied by reward and delay feedback accompanied by reward and investigate the effectiveness of immediate feedback accompanied by reward in XI IPA learning outcome at SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang. This study used quasi-experimental research with the matcing-only pretest-postest control group design. The sample of this research were 25 students from XI IPA 2 as experimental class and 28 students from XI IPA 1 as control class. The result showed that the average gain score in the experimental class was 82,2 and in the control class was 57,23. According to t-independent test with = 5%, there was a significant difference learning outcome between students which were given immediate feedback accompanied by reward and delay feedback accompanied by reward (0,000<0,05). This strategy had 34,85% effect which was categorized as Excellent to the learning outcome

    The effect of immediate feedback on mathematics learning achievement

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    Real facts at school show that the ability to solve problems is still considered low. Most students still make many mistakes in solving math problems. These mistakes must be directed to the right path to minimize repeated mistakes. Immediate feedback can be a solution to correct these errors. The purpose of this study was to examine the immediate feedback by the teacher during learning and their relationship to student learning achievement. The participants in this study consisted of 30 students from seventh grade. Data were collected from the final score on the number of subjects. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-tests to describe before dan after giving immediate feedback. Paired sample t-test analysis was also used to describe the relationship between immediate feedback on learning achievement. This study revealed a significant difference between immediate feedback and learning achievement. The final mean value shows the pretest average is higher than the posttest average. There is a positive relationship between immediate feedback and mathematics learning achievement. These findings can be used as a teacher's attention in providing feedback immediately during learning

    Pengembangan Program Resitasi Berbantuan Komputer pada Materi Fluida Statis

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    This research was conducted to develop a computer-assisted recitation program on statics fluid topics The type of research used is R &amp; D (Research and Development) by adapting the Four-D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) developed by Thiagarajan, but the research carried out is limited to the develop stage. The product has been validated by 2 media experts in the field of physics education. The feasibility test was carried out on 97 students who took Basic Physics I courses. Based on the results of validation by experts, the average value was 3.74 for content validation and 3.56 for product validation with valid criteria. The feasibility test obtained a proportion of 92.58% in the eligible criteria

    Developing Self-Regulated Learners Through an Intelligent Tutoring System

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    ABSTRACT Intelligent tutoring systems have been developed to help students learn independently. However, students who are poor selfregulated learners often struggle to use these systems because they lack the skills necessary to learn independently. The field of psychology has extensively studied self-regulated learning and can provide strategies to improve learning, however few of these include the use of technology. The present proposal reviews three elements of self-regulated learning (motivational beliefs, helpseeking behavior, and meta-cognitive self-monitoring) that are essential to intelligent tutoring systems. Future research is suggested, which address each element in order to develop selfregulated learning strategies in students while they are engaged in learning mathematics within an intelligent tutoring system. KEYWORDS Intelligent tutoring systems, self-regulated learning, metacognition DEFINING THE PROBLEM Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) are designed to provide independent learning opportunities for students. Learning occurs through hints, tutoring, scaffolding and correctness feedback. A great body of research exists surrounding types and timing of feedback Zimmerman and Campillo PROPOSED SOLUTION To help develop self-regulated learners, these components must be explicitly taught. However, some aspects are seemingly more relevant than others when interacting with an ITS. Specifically motivational beliefs, help-seeking behavior, and meta-cognitive self-monitoring can all be addressed within the structures of intelligent tutoring systems. The following sections discuss each of these components by presenting relevant literature, sharing results of my previously published studies, and proposing future research components of my dissertation. Motivational Beliefs One aspect of the first phase of self-regulated learning is motivation. Students who are strong self-regulated learners have high self-efficacy. Schunk [11] defines self-efficacy as &quot;an individual&apos;s judgment of his or her capabilities to perform given actions.&quot; A student&apos;s belief that they are capable of learning can be influenced by a growth mindset Help Seeking Behaviors Intelligent tutoring systems provide many different structures to support student learning. One such structure that I have explored is correctness-only feedback. I found that this simple support provided by an ITS during a homework assignment was found to improve student learning significantly compared to traditional paper and pencil homework that did not provide immediate feedbac

    The effect of immediate feedback on mathematics learning achievement

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    Real facts at school show that the ability to solve problems is still considered low. Most students still make many mistakes in solving math problems. These mistakes must be directed to the right path to minimize repeated mistakes. Immediate feedback can be a solution to correct these errors. The purpose of this study was to examine the immediate feedback by the teacher during learning and their relationship to student learning achievement. The participants in this study consisted of 30 students from seventh grade. Data were collected from the final score on the number of subjects. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-tests to describe before dan after giving immediate feedback. Paired sample t-test analysis was also used to describe the relationship between immediate feedback on learning achievement. This study revealed a significant difference between immediate feedback and learning achievement. The final mean value shows the pretest average is higher than the posttest average. There is a positive relationship between immediate feedback and mathematics learning achievement. These findings can be used as a teacher's attention in providing feedback immediately during learning

    Feedback and the Effects on Progress Monitoring

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    The purpose of this action research paper was to explore the effects of timing of feedback on progress monitoring scores for students in special education. Ten students, grade nine through eleven, completed AIMSweb math application progress monitoring twice per month and received feedback on their results. The control group was provided with delayed feedback during the week in between testing periods while the treatment group received immediate feedback after completing the probe. Feedback consisted of the total number of points earned, what questions were answered correctly, and the researcher working through missed problems with the student. All students were provided with the same feedback. Data was collected over the course of four testing periods in seven weeks. The findings in this study indicated no significant difference between immediate or delayed feedback on student performance

    Effect of Immediate Feedback on the Mathematics Achievement of Low Achieving Senior Secondary School Students

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    This study investigated the effect of immediate feedback on the mathematics achievement of low achieving senior secondary school students in Owerri educational zone II of Imo State, Nigeria. The influence of gender on mathematics achievement was also explored. The interaction effect of immediate feedback and gender on mathematics achievement was examined. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The design of the study was a quasi- experimental non equivalent pretest鈥損osttest control group design involving one experimental group and one control group. The population of the study was made up of 2,314 low achieving SSII students. The sample size consisted of 145 identified low mathematics achieving students drawn from two schools. The two schools were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. One research instrument: Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT). The instrument was validated by experts and used for data collection after the instruments was trial tested and found reliable using Kuder Richardson (KR20). Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. The study revealed that instructing low achieving students using immediate feedback strategy has a significant effect on their mathematics achievement. There is no significant difference in the mean mathematics achievement scores of male and female low achieving students exposed to immediate feedback strategy. The interaction effect of immediate feedback and gender on mathematics achievement of low achieving students was not statistically significant. The interaction effect of immediate feedback and gender on mathematics achievement of low achieving students was not significant. Based on these findings, conclusions were drawn and the educational implications were also discussed. It was recommended that students should be exposed to immediate feedback during mathematics teaching and learning interactions, so that they will participate actively and achieve highly. Immediate feedback strategy will enable low achieving students to learn, retain and recall concepts, ideas and principles. Immediate feedback should be incorporated into teacher education programmes to educate the prospective teachers on how to use the strategy.


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    AbstractThis research was conducted to determine聽 whether there was a difference in self-confidence and understanding of the concept of tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Tekarang who were given immediate feedback and the student who were given conventional methods on stoichiometric material, and also to know how much immediate feedback influences the conceptual understanding of 聽tenth grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Tekarang on stoichiometry material. The research method used was quasy-experiment, with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sampling used was saturated sampling techniques with聽 class X MIA 2 as experimental class students and class X MIA 1 as control class students. Self-confidence questionnaire, understanding concept test, observation sheet and interview guidelines were used to collect data. The results analysis of聽 final questionnaire and posttest data聽 using聽 SPSS 17 for windows with the Mann Whitney U-test obtained Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) values of 0.004 and 0.000 respectively, this indicated that there was a difference self-confidence and understanding of concepts of the students who were given immediate feedback and the student who were given conventional methods on stoichiometric material. The amount of influence given by immediate feedback on students conceptual understanding聽 was 70.7% with a high category.聽Keywords: Immediate Feedback, Self-Confidence, Conceptual Understanding,聽聽 Stoichiometry.

    Dampak pemberian feedback terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis siswa

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    Umpan balik (feedback) adalah tindakan guru untuk membantu siswa memahami hasil belajarnya yang masih salah atau kurang tepat dan seharusnya dikuasai siswa. Umpan balik dilakukan dengan memberikan keterangan benar atau salah pada lembar jawaban siswa, kemudian tindak lanjutnya dapat berupa penjelasan mengenai jawaban yang benar. Upaya guru dalam memberikan umpan balik dapat berupa peningkatan kepercayaan diri dan pemahaman konsep. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan feedback pada pembelajaran matematika dan mendeskripsikan dampak feedback terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek yang diambil dalam penelitian adalah 4 siswa kelas VIII-A MTs. Hasanuddin Pulorejo yang dipilih berdasarkan rekomendasi dari guru matematika dan juga mempertimbangkan rangking siswa dalam mata pelajaran matematika. Subjek diambil 2 siswa SF dan 2 siswa SN. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah obervasi dan tes. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara mengklasifikasikan hasil tes pemahaman konsep siswa masing-masing subjek berdasarkan tiga level pemahaman konsep. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, keterlaksanaan pemberian feedback terlaksana dengan baik terbukti dengan terpenuhinya semua aspek dalam observasi aktivitas guru. Pemahaman konsep matematika siswa tanpa pemberian feedback berada pada level pemahaman yaitu menerjemahkan (translation) sedangkan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dengan pemberian feedback berada pada level mengekstrapolasi (extrapolation)

    El feedback de l鈥檃lumnat com a base per a la millora de la pr脿ctica docent i dels continguts acad猫mics: una proposta metodol貌gica per a la millora de la qualitat educativa

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    La utilitzaci贸 del feedback del client per a la millora de la qualitat de productes o serveis 茅s una metodologia fonamental en 脿rees com el desenvolupament de negocis. Aquesta metodologia 茅s poc estudiada en educaci贸 secund脿ria, tot i que des de sempre el professor ha escoltat els comentaris dels alumnes i ha intentat adaptar els seus requisits. Una pr脿ctica metodol貌gica organitzada i sistem脿tica d'obtenci贸 de les opinions i comentaris dels alumnes respecte a les accions docents permet obtenir objectes d'estudi i reflexi贸 que serveixin per a la millora de la qualitat docent. El feedback 茅s un camp d'estudi complex perqu猫 hi intervenen molts factors, per貌 el seu estudi i utilitat per a adaptar les pr脿ctiques i continguts acad猫mics resulten 煤tils. Hi ha moltes formes d'obtenci贸 de feedback, en qu猫 es destaca l'enquesta i recursos qualitatius com l'anotaci贸 de comentaris. La disposici贸 del receptor del feedback ser脿 clau per a la implementaci贸 de la metodologia, i ser脿 el docent qui haur脿 de tenir en consideraci贸 aquesta perspectiva instrumental per a la cont铆nua disposici贸 i complementaci贸 de la metodologia. En el present treball es fa una s铆ntesi de l'estat de l'art de la metodologia d'obtenci贸 del feedback de l'alumnat per a la millora de la qualitat acad猫mica, i es caracteritza els diferents components d'aquesta metodologia per tal de profunditzar en la seva comprensi贸. A m茅s, a mode d'exemple, es fa una proposta metodol貌gica que es basa en una enquesta a alumnes de 4t d鈥橢SO sobre l鈥檃ssignatura de tecnologia, amb l鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檕btenir conclusions de millora