601 research outputs found

    Enhancing the influence of pop-up advertisements on advertising effects from the perspective of personalization and placement

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    This study examined the influence of personalized pop-up advertising and ad placement on ad effects. Moreover, the moderator of product involvement on the influence of personalized pop-up ads was investigated. A 2 (ad type: personalized pop-up vs. non-personalized pop-up ad) × 2 (ad placement: initial webpage vs. middle webpage) experiment was conducted to examine how personalized pop-up advertising impacts ad attitude and recall, and how it interacts with different degrees of product involvement. Total valid experimental data derived from 296 participants showed that (1) Personalized pop-up ads were better than non- personalized pop-up ads in terms of ad attitude and ad recall; (2) There was no significant difference in ad attitude and ad recall of the personalized and non-personalized pop-up ads on the initial or the middle webpage. However, the influence of personalized pop-up ads on ad attitude but not on ad recall was significant for different types of webpage involvement; (3) Contrary to the hypothesis, the personalized ad had a significant effect on ad attitude when individuals had high rather than low product involvement. However, there was no significant difference in ad recall in either the low or high product involvement conditions

    Offensive and harmful advertising:A content analysis of official complaints

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    This study presents an analysis of 9,055 complaints about offensive and harmful advertising, using archival data from the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The aim is to identify what advertising is actually complained about and contrast these findings with the field’s previous focus on potential offense. Due to its moral calculus, growing presence in the marketplace, and higher proportion of offense and harm-based complaints, the noncommercial sectors (not-for-profit, third, and public sectors) have been selected for study. Key findings are used to propose a new typology of offense elicitors and raise questions about the effectiveness of a self-regulatory system.</p

    The influence of media context on the effectiveness of podcast advertising

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    Advertising in Audio Podcasts has gained huge popularity in the last years. However, education on how to advertise effectively on Podcasts is still at an early stage. A high effectiveness of advertising is only achieved when an advertisement is placed and consumed in the appropriate media context. The placement and its effectiveness are a topic that still needs to be researched intensively in this regard. The ad-context congruence, the correspondence of theme and image between a brand being advertised and a podcast episode are explored more intensively in this work. These are common criteria used for the selection of advertising contexts. For the purpose of a deeper investigation of this topic, two experimental online surveys were realised. Here, either the thematic congruence or the image congruence and their advertising effectiveness were examined. Audio sequences of German podcast episodes were played to the panel participants. Fictitious podcast advertisements were inserted into these. These advertisements contextually fitted the episode either very well or not at all. After participants have been exposed to one audio sequence, advertising effectiveness was measured by the variables brand recall, brand recognition and attitudes towards the brand. Brand recall and brand recognition were higher in percentage terms for the thematic and image congruent condition. However, the study did not yield statistically significant results for these variables. Nevertheless, experiments demonstrate that thematic but also image congruence had a strong and statistically significant impact on attitudes towards the brand. In both experiments, the congruent condition was able to trigger a much more positive evaluation of the brand than the non-congruent one.Nos Ășltimos anos, a publicidade em Podcasts ĂĄudio ganhou uma enorme popularidade. Noentanto, a formação para anunciar eficazmente em Podcasts estĂĄ ainda na sua fase inicial. SĂł Ă© possĂ­vel alcançar um alto nĂ­vel de eficĂĄcia publicitĂĄria se uma publicidade for colocada e consumida no contexto de media adequado. A colocação e eficĂĄcia Ă© um tĂłpico que ainda precisa de ser intensamente pesquisado neste Ăąmbito. A congruĂȘncia do contexto publicitĂĄrio, assim como a correspondĂȘncia entre o tema e a imagem da marca que estĂĄ a ser publicitada e o episĂłdio do Podcast em causa, sĂŁo explorados de forma mais aprofundada neste trabalho. Estes sĂŁo os critĂ©rios mais comuns usados para selecionar os contextos publicitĂĄrios. Foram conduzidas duas sondagens experimentais online, com o intuito de aprofundar a investigação neste tĂłpico. AtravĂ©s delas, foram examinadas a congruĂȘncia temĂĄtica ou a congruĂȘncia de imagem, assim como a eficĂĄcia publicitĂĄria. Foram reproduzidas sequĂȘncias de ĂĄudio de Podcasts alemĂŁes para que os participantes dos painĂ©is as escutassem. Durante a reprodução, foram inseridos anĂșncios de Podcast fictĂ­cios. O nĂ­vel de adequação destes anĂșncios ao episĂłdio variava entre “muito adequados” e “nada adequados”. Depois de os participantes terem sido expostos a uma sequĂȘncia de ĂĄudio, foi medida a eficĂĄcia publicitĂĄria do anĂșncio atravĂ©s das variĂĄveis respeitantes Ă  memĂłria de marca, reconhecimento de marca e atitude perante a marca. A memĂłria de marca e o reconhecimento de marca obtiveram mais pontos em termos percentuais quando se verificavam condiçÔes de congruĂȘncia temĂĄtica e de imagem. No entanto, o estudo nĂŁo providenciou resultados estatisticamente significantes para estas variĂĄveis. NĂŁo obstante, as experiĂȘncias demonstras que a congruĂȘncia temĂĄtica – e tambĂ©m a de imagem – tem um impacto estatĂ­stico significativo nas atitudes perante a marca. Em ambas as experiĂȘncias, a condição de congruĂȘncia conseguiu desencadear uma avaliação muito mais positiva da marca quando comparada com uma condição de incongruĂȘncia

    ‘This might be advertising’: Perception, Understanding and Handling of Online Advertising by Children

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    Werbung ist im Alltag der Kinder allgegenwĂ€rtig – so auch im Internet. Die Erscheinungsformen der Online-Werbung sind nicht nur vielfĂ€ltig, sondern auch sehr dynamisch, zunehmend personalisiert und entsprechend herausfordernd fĂŒr junge Online-Nutzerinnen und -Nutzer. Mit der Überschrift dieses Aufsatzes ist unmittelbar die Problematik angesprochen, nĂ€mlich, dass bereits die Definition und Operationalisierung von «Onlinewerbung» ein kritisches Moment darstellt. Sowohl aus rechtlicher als auch aus medienpĂ€dagogischer Sicht stellt sich die Frage, ob Kinder in der Lage sind, Online-Werbung als solche zu erkennen und ihre Intention zu verstehen. Ein grundlegendes VerstĂ€ndnis von Werbung und eine zuverlĂ€ssige Kennzeichnung von Werbemitteln werden als Grundvoraussetzung dafĂŒr gesehen, dass Kinder Werbung als solche erkennen und angemessen und kompetent damit umgehen können. Im vorliegenden Beitrag stellen wir Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinĂ€ren Studie vor, in der untersucht wurde, welches WerbeverstĂ€ndnis Kinder im Grundschulalter haben und wie sie Werbung im Internet begegnen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie herausfordernd Online-Werbung fĂŒr Kinder ist und an welchen Stellen sie Schwierigkeiten haben, ihr Werbekonzept auf Online-Inhalte zu ĂŒbertragen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Studie diskutieren wir das Konzept der Werbekompetenz sowie die methodischen Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf aktuelle und kĂŒnftige Formen der Online-Werbung und persuasiver Kommunikation.Advertising is ubiquitous in children's everyday life – and on the Internet. The manifestations of online advertising are not only diverse but also very dynamic, increasingly personalised and therefore challenging for young online users in multiple respects. From the perspectives of both law and media education, the central question arises whether children are able to identify online advertising as such and to understand its intention. A basic understanding of advertising and reliable labelling of advertising material is seen as fundamental requirements for children to identify advertising as such and to be able to handle it appropriately and competently. Concerning the question of advertising literacy, we present findings of an interdisciplinary study in which we investigate the concept of online advertising of primary school age and how they deal with advertising online. The results show how challenging online advertising is for children and at which points they have difficulties in transferring their concept of advertising to online content. Against the background of the study, we discuss the idea of advertising literacy and the methodological challenges about current and future forms of online advertising and persuasive messages

    Dream Home Multimedia Advertising

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    Currently, means of presenting the selling house are by on site visits. After the emergence of the computer graphics, software technologies, Internet, and interactive multimedia tools, many developer companies have ventured in the e-business to show to the consumers the line of house, which they are selling. The objective of this project is to develop a prototype as the basis of inviting the audience to interactively participate in the choosing their desired house by working with a virtual interior view of each segments of the house, 360 degree image of each rooms in the house, the interactive location map of the house, considering the price range and the type of the house. The scope of study of this project will be focused on the customer's identifications on choosing the selling house, multimedia interactive advertising application, in which the product should meet the human-computer interaction, in this case, customers-application friendliness. In this project, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodology is used since it covers all the phase in developing the interactive advertising application, including the testing phase, which customers will use the testing application in order to measure the user friendliness of the application. The "score" or the findings of the project are determined from the customers' satisfaction and understanding during using the testing or prototype of the application. Most of the user satisfied with the application due to the reasons that they do not have to go to the advertised house's location, the application itself have already help them in decision making, and the application includes all the data that customers might need to know

    Government Advertising, Political Behavior, and Electoral Effects in Brazil

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    Political communication and advertising are not performed only by politicians and parties. Governments around the world also invest in advertising at the national, subnational, and local levels. However, the study of government advertising has deserved little-to-no attention in political science. In this dissertation, I aim at filling this gap and try to answer four interrelated questions. First, what is the content of government advertising? Second, how does government advertising affect citizens’ political attitudes and behavior? Third, what factors explain governments’ expenditures with advertising? Fourth, does government advertising have political impacts on outcomes that matter for incumbent governments, more particularly electoral outcomes? This dissertation shows how government advertising matters by using Brazil as a case to be studied. Here, I argue that incumbent governments invest in advertising with the goal of building a reputation for accomplishments and also to signal effort to the electorate. Concerning the impact on attitudes and behaviors, I contend that government advertising and partisan advertising interact with the information environment to realize effects on voters. The dissertation is organized around a literature review on government advertising, a theoretical chapter, and four empirical chapters. The first empirical chapter carries out a content analysis of more than 400 ads from the state of Minas Gerais and its municipal governments and proposes a classification scheme for government ads. The second conducts an online survey experiment on 1,800 Brazilians to verify how government advertising affects the attitudes and behaviors of voters. The third chapter studies the determinants of and the impact of government advertising spending at the subnational level, in the state of Minas Gerais. Finally, the fourth empirical chapter analyzes the impact of government advertising in Brazilian municipalities and takes into account the effect of government advertising in conjunction with campaign spending. The results show that government advertising matters politically, with relevant impacts on incumbent’s vote share, turnout, and other measures of campaign effects in the experimental inquiry. The study has implications for the study of political communications, campaign effects, campaign spending, and incumbency (dis)advantage. It also helps understand better the Brazilian competitive political system

    Improving Marketing Intelligence Using Online User-Generated Contents

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