4 research outputs found

    A Framework to Analyse the Approach Adopted in the Information Systems Requirements Engineering Activity

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    The activity of requirements engineering (RE) is the initial stage for the information systems development process. The RE is often developed using an excessive technological-driven approach. This aspect is pointed as a factor for the failure of the RE and consequently to the corresponding information system.We present an evaluation framework for the requirements engineering activities within organizational settings that can help on analysing how this important activity is carried out in organizations. This framework, designed by RETIS, is composed by three parts. The first part focuses on the organizational domain, the second focuses on the users and information systems’ stakeholders, and the third focuses on the underlying methods and techniques.The initial validation of this investigation was based in the application of the RETIS in five real organizational settings. Organizations that demonstrate higher maturity in their information systems’ function presented a less technological-driven RE approach

    A Framework to Analyse the Approach Adopted in the Information Systems Requirements Engineering Activity

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    The activity of requirements engineering (RE) is the initial stage for the information systems development process. The RE is often developed using an excessive technological-driven approach. This aspect is pointed as a factor for the failure of the RE and consequently to the corresponding information system.We present an evaluation framework for the requirements engineering activities within organizational settings that can help on analysing how this important activity is carried out in organizations. This framework, designed by RETIS, is composed by three parts. The first part focuses on the organizational domain, the second focuses on the users and information systems’ stakeholders, and the third focuses on the underlying methods and techniques.The initial validation of this investigation was based in the application of the RETIS in five real organizational settings. Organizations that demonstrate higher maturity in their information systems’ function presented a less technological-driven RE approach

    An overview of models and standards of processes in the SE, SwE and IS disciplines

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    This chapter develops a descriptive-conceptual overview of the main models and standards of processes formulated in the systems engineering (SE), software engineering (SwE) and information systems (IS) disciplines. Given the myriad of models and standards reported, the convergence suggested for the SE and SwE models and standards and the increasing complexity of the modern information systems, we argue that these ones become relevant in the information systems discipline. Firstly, we report the ratio- nale for having models and standards of processes in SE, SwE and IS. Secondly, we review their main Overview of Models and Standards of Processes in the SE, SwE, and IS Disciplines characteristics. Thirdly, based on the identified aims and principles, we report and posit the concepts of process, system and service as conceptual building blocks for describing such models and standards. Finally, initial theoretical and practical implications for the information systems discipline of such models and standards are discussed, as well as recommendations for further research are suggested

    Modelo de Maturidade para a Gestão dos Sistemas de Informação Hospitalares

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    Neste projeto de doutoramento, foi desenvolvido um Modelo de Maturidade abrangente denominado HISMM (Hospital Information System Maturity Model), que incorpora os principais Fatores de Influência dos Sistemas de Informação Hospitalares (SIH). A conceção do HISMM, seguiu duas abordagens metodológicas, nomeadamente a Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL) e o Design Science Reserach (DSR). Numa primeira fase, realizou-se uma abrangente RSL. Posteriormente, foi realizado um inquérito por questionário que contou com a participação de vários especialistas de STI da área da saúde, e que possibilitou a conceção de uma primeira versão do Modelo. Finalmente, na perspetiva de validar o Modelo inicialmente proposto, foram encetadas entrevistas a um conjunto restrito de importantes Gestores de SIH Portugueses