24 research outputs found

    A wireless, real-time, social music performance system for mobile phones

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    The paper reports on the Cellmusic system: a real-time, wireless distributed composition and performance system designed for domestic mobile devices. During a performance, each mobile device communicates with others, and may create sonic events in a passive (non interactive) mode or may influence the output of other devices. Cellmusic distinguishes itself from other mobile phone performance environments in that it is intended for performance in ad hoc locations, with services and performances automatically and dynamically adapting to the number of devices within a given proximity. It is designed to run on a number of mobile phone platforms to allow as wider distribution as possible, again distinguishing itself from other mobile performance systems which primarily run on a single device. Rather than performances being orchestrated or managed, it is intended that users will access it and create a performance in the same manner that they use mobile phones for interacting socially at different times throughout the day. However, this does not preclude the system being used in a more traditional performance environment. This accessibility and portability make it an ideal platform for sonic artists who choose to explore a variety of physical environments (such as parks and other public spaces)

    SoundScavenger: An Interactive Soundwalk

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    Making Improvised Music for iPad and Percussion with Ensemble Metatone

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    Ensemble Metatone was founded by Charles Martin in 2013 to create a collaborative performance practice using custom iPad apps and percussion. This group combined aspects of established traditions of improvising contemporary percussion groups and laptop orchestras with the new affordances of mobile touch-screen devices. This paper outlines our strategies for assimilating iPads into the group, developing new musical works, and staging performances

    Smartphone-based vase design: a developing creative practice

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    peer-reviewedThis article describes a developing creative practice whereby digital creative processes adapted from mobile music making are used in the data driven design and subsequent digital instantiation of ceramic vessels. First, related work in mobile music creation and recent developments in the digital design and fabrication of ceramics frames the research and puts it in a broad context. A pilot study is then detailed, concluding that although largely successful, a number of areas of the process needed to be improved and refined. The results of a further iteration of the process, consisting of the digital creation and instantiation of location-specific vessels is presented, before the current state of the research, where ceramic vessels are 3D printed, is outlined. We show that mobile phones can become integral to a practical design process that allows the digital forms it creates to be instantiated using 3D printing, and that these become high-quality, end-use artefacts. The final section discusses what has been learned and contemplates how the described practice will be developed yet further

    Momu: A mobile music toolkit

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    ABSTRACT The Mobile Music (MoMu) toolkit is a new open-source software development toolkit focusing on musical interaction design for mobile phones. The toolkit, currently implemented for iPhone OS, emphasizes usability and rapid prototyping with the end goal of aiding developers in creating real-time interactive audio applications. Simple and unified access to onboard sensors along with utilities for common tasks found in mobile music development are provided. The toolkit has been deployed and evaluated in the Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra (MoPhO) and serves as the primary software platform in a new course exploring mobile music

    Music of 18 Performances: Evaluating Apps and Agents with Free Improvisation

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    We present a study where a small group of experienced iPad musicians evaluated a system of three musical touch-screen apps and two server-based agents over 18 controlled improvisations. The performers’ perspectives were recorded through surveys, interviews, and interaction data. Our agent classifies the touch gestures of the performers and identifies new sections in the improvisations while a control agent returns similar messages sourced from a statistical model. The three touch-screen apps respond according to design paradigms of reward, support, and disruption. In this study of an ongoing musical practice, significant effects were observed due to the apps’ interfaces and how they respond to agent interactions. The “reward” app received the highest ratings. The results were used to iterate the app designs for later performances

    Orchidea – Os meta-instrumentos da Orquestra de Ideias

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    A prática musical coletiva por meio de dispositivos computacionais ocorre em grupos de música contemporânea, orquestras de computadores portáteis e também das orquestras de telefones celulares. Tais grupos musicais envolvem tecnologia e criação musical no desenvolvimento de seus meta-instrumentos e também na concepção de suas peças musicais. Este artigo apresenta a criação da Orchidea, uma orquestra de ideias, e a criação de dois conjuntos de instrumentos musicais digitais utilizando para isto duas abordagens tecnológicas distintas. Na primeira abordagem, utilizamos a plataforma Android e a API libpd para a criação de instrumentos musicais digitais enquanto que na segunda abordagem utilizamos HTML5 e javascript. O artigo avalia como as duas abordagens podem auxiliar a prática musical colaborativa utilizando computadores portáteis e celulares como instrumentos musicais. Estas abordagens são avaliadas de acordo com critérios que envolvem tanto a criação dos instrumentos quando a sua execução em grupo