66 research outputs found

    Do Better Customers Utilize Electronic Distribution Channels: The Case of PC Banking

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    Firms are increasingly implementing electronic distribution strategies to augment existing physical infrastructure for product and service delivery. However, to date there has been little systematic study on how these distribution channels affect customer profitability. In this study, we explore the revenue enhancement potential for electronic delivery in retail banking by comparing customers who utilize personal-computer based home banking ("PC Banking) to other bank customers. Our results, based on case studies and detailed customer data from four institutions, suggest that while PC banking customers appear to be more profitable, most of the differences are due to unobservable characteristics of these customers that were present before PC banking was adopted. Demographic characteristics and changes in customer behavior following the adoption of the product account for only a small fraction of the overall differences. We conclude that, at least to date, the primary potential value of the product is in the retention of high value customers rather than cost savings or incremental sales. Our results also suggest that it is important to distinguish behavioral changes from pre-existing customer characteristics when evaluating the impact of added electronic delivery channels.

    Do Better Customers Utilize Electronic Distribution Channels? The Case of PC Banking

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    Many service firms are pursuing electronic distribution strategies to augment existing physical infrastructure for product and service delivery. But little systematic study has been made for whether and how characteristics or behaviors might differ between customers who use electronic delivery systems and those who use traditional channels. We explore these differences by comparing customers who utilize personal-computer-based home banking (PC banking) to other bank customers. Case studies and detailed customer data from four institutions suggest that PC banking customers are apparently more profitable, principally due to unobservable characteristics extant before the adoption of PC banking. Demographic characteristics and changes in customer behavior following adoption of PC banking account for only a small fraction of overall differences. It also appears that retention is marginally higher for customers of the online channel

    Global Distribution and Advertising

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    Developing an effective strategy is an important part of the marketing process. However, the implementation of that strategy is equally important. This paper will focus on a few of the details of the marketing process that help move the product or service from manufacturing to the hands of the consumer. The ability to effectively advertise the product or service and facilitate the delivery of the product or service on a global scale presents unique challenges to the marketing executive. Discussion of these challenges and potential solutions are presented in this paper

    How about integration: the impact of online activities on store satisfaction and loyalty

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    Although there has been widespread support for the concept of integrating the Internet with other channels, relatively little empirical research has been conducted in this area. This paper examines the effects of integrated online activities on customer perceptions, i.e., satisfaction and loyalty, as well as customer behavior, i.e., purchases. As this study focuses on a nontransaction site, the purchases only take place in the store. Through structural equation modeling, we test a model that determines the relationships between loyalty and satisfaction in two channels – the store and the web site –, as well as the antecedents of both store and site satisfaction. The results provide evidence for synergy effects between the store and the site. Site satisfaction and site loyalty are both positively and significantly related to their offline counterparts. Store loyalty and site loyalty are also positively and significantly related to each other, but the relationship between store satisfaction and site satisfaction is not significant. The online activities do not directly influence offline purchases, but there is an indirect effect via store loyalty. However, the magnitude of this effect is rather small.

    The Influence Of Mobile Channel On Customer Behavior In Omni-Channel Banking Services

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    As mobile phones and tablets are in widespread use, the emergence of mobile channel is changing the way customers interact with financial institutions. In this research, we empirically examine how the use of mobile devices can improve customer informedness and affect customer behavior in financial transactions. We use a large-scale customer transaction data obtained from one of the largest commercial banks in the United States. Specifically, we investigate: (1) whether the use of mobile phones and tablets is associated with a higher level of customer informedness and demand for services; and (2) compared to customers that only transact through a PC, whether mobile phone and tablet users are less likely to incur overdraft and credit card penalty fees. This paper contributes new knowledge in omni-channel banking services by examining post-adoption customer behavioral changes using transaction-level observations. We also discuss insights for banks’ managers related to the design of new mobile channel, and strategic management of existing digital and physical channels

    The Evolution of Relationship Marketing (RM) Towards Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A Step towards Company Sustainability

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    This paper provides an overview of relationship marketing (RM) and how it evolves to customer relationship management (CRM). Since marketing continuum is the basic concept for relationship marketing it is apt that marketing continuum is explained first. The reviewed literature than discussed the evolution of marketing from the four P’s principle towards more challenge structure combining environment factors and global market scenario ending with customer relationship management philosophy. This paper developed from the rational theories that are very relevant for the practitioners’ who are alert to the environmental changes. This paper ends with more applicable of customer relationship management concepts that are most recent tools to be considered for company growth and sustainability in the millennium age

    Exploring the key drivers behind the adoption of mobile banking services

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    This research examines the main drivers behind the adoption of mobile banking, a concept that has revolutionized the day-to-day activities of humans. A review of relevant literature on the topic, leads us toward testing the following key hypotheses: consumers are adopting mobile banking due to the perceived usefulness and benefits associated with the concept; and consumers are adopting mobile banking due to technological advances meaning increased access to the mobile phone devices. We published an online questionnaire on Amazon Mechanical Turk to obtain responses from Internet users. A dominating proportion of participants highlighted how mobile banking is a concept that they adopted between three and 5 years ago, showing just how recently mobile banking took off. The results also showed a number of links between the study’s research hypotheses and the adoption of mobile banking. The overall result of the study shows online banking as a concept that is influenced by a number of both internal and external factors. No single factor plays a dominating force in pushing retail bankers to adopt mobile banking, with it instead being a culmination of numerous different factors. The recent introduction of mobile banking is made seemingly apparent, as is the increasing susceptibility to change in the near future. Subsequently, countless opportunities for further academic research are likely to arise

    The changing nature of the payments system: should new players mean new rules?

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    Traditional forms of payment, such as currency, coin, and paper checks, are quickly being eclipsed by electronic forms, such as payments made by ATM, credit card, or automated clearing house. More recently, smart cards, debit cards, and PC banking have joined this electronic army of new ways to make payments. A parallel development has been the entrance of many nonbank players into the payments arena. Nowadays, settlement and clearing can be done by entities that are not necessarily banks, the customary center of the U.S. payments system. As these new entrants grow in number and become more popular, concerns about regulating these newcomers have arisen. In this article, Loretta Mester documents changes in the use of various forms of retail payments and outlines some of the regulatory concerns as she considers the question, Should new players mean new rules?Payment systems

    Quality assessment of online banking services: an integrated model of SERVQUAL, Kano and QFD

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    Este artigo centra-se no desenvolvimento teórico de um modelo integrado para a avaliação e a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de Internet Banking (IB). Após uma revisão da literatura e uma análise crítica dos estudos já elaborados sobre o uso integrado dos modelos de Kano, SERVQUAL e Quality Function Deployment (QFD), propõe-se um modelo integrado significativamente distinto daquele que tem vindo a ser utilizado na literatura. O modelo que se apresenta visa superar as desvantagens inerentes ao modelo integrador existente, contribuindo para um melhor entendimento da “voz do cliente” e para uma melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de IB. O artigo propõe também um conjunto de proposições para investigação empírica futura. Abstract This article focuses on the theoretical development of an integrated model for the assessment and improvement of the quality of Internet Banking (IB) services. Based on a literature review and critical analysis of the studies on the integrated use of the Kano model, the SERVQUAL and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), this paper suggests an integrated model that is significantly distinct from those in the extant literature. The suggested model aims to surpass inherent disadvantages of the models in the literature, to contribute to a better understanding of the “voice of the customer” and to improve the quality of the IB services. This paper also develops several propositions for future empirical investigation.This article focuses on the theoretical development of an integrated model for the assessment and improvement of the quality of Internet Banking (IB) services. Based on a literature review and critical analysis of the studies on the integrated use of the Kano model, the SERVQUAL and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), this paper suggests an integrated model that is significantly distinct from those in the extant literature. The suggested model aims to surpass inherent disadvantages of the models in the literature, to contribute to a better understanding of the “voice of the customer” and to improve the quality of the IB services. This paper also develops several propositions for future empirical investigatio
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