39 research outputs found

    Geographic information extraction from texts

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    A large volume of unstructured texts, containing valuable geographic information, is available online. This information – provided implicitly or explicitly – is useful not only for scientific studies (e.g., spatial humanities) but also for many practical applications (e.g., geographic information retrieval). Although large progress has been achieved in geographic information extraction from texts, there are still unsolved challenges and issues, ranging from methods, systems, and data, to applications and privacy. Therefore, this workshop will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the recent advances, new ideas, and concepts but also identify research gaps in geographic information extraction

    Modelling search and stopping in interactive information retrieval

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    Searching for information when using a computerised retrieval system is a complex and inherently interactive process. Individuals during a search session may issue multiple queries, and examine a varying number of result summaries and documents per query. Searchers must also decide when to stop assessing content for relevance - or decide when to stop their search session altogether. Despite being such a fundamental activity, only a limited number of studies have explored stopping behaviours in detail, with a majority reporting that searchers stop because they decide that what they have found feels "good enough". Notwithstanding the limited exploration of stopping during search, the phenomenon is central to the study of Information Retrieval, playing a role in the models and measures that we employ. However, the current de facto assumption considers that searchers will examine k documents - examining up to a fixed depth. In this thesis, we examine searcher stopping behaviours under a number of different search contexts. We conduct and report on two user studies, examining how result summary lengths and a variation of search tasks and goals affect such behaviours. Interaction data from these studies are then used to ground extensive simulations of interaction, exploring a number of different stopping heuristics (operationalised as twelve stopping strategies). We consider how well the proposed strategies perform and match up with real-world stopping behaviours. As part of our contribution, we also propose the Complex Searcher Model, a high-level conceptual searcher model that encodes stopping behaviours at different points throughout the search process. Within the Complex Searcher Model, we also propose a new results page stopping decision point. From this new stopping decision point, searchers can obtain an impression of the page before deciding to enter or abandon it. Results presented and discussed demonstrate that searchers employ a range of different stopping strategies, with no strategy standing out in terms of performance and approximations offered. Stopping behaviours are clearly not fixed, but are rather adaptive in nature. This complex picture reinforces the idea that modelling stopping behaviour is difficult. However, simplistic stopping strategies do offer good performance and approximations, such as the frustration-based stopping strategy. This strategy considers a searcher's tolerance to non-relevance. We also find that combination strategies - such as those combining a searcher's satisfaction with finding relevant material, and their frustration towards observing non-relevant material - also consistently offer good approximations and performance. In addition, we also demonstrate that the inclusion of the additional stopping decision point within the Complex Searcher Model provides significant improvements to performance over our baseline implementation. It also offers improvements to the approximations of real-world searcher stopping behaviours. This work motivates a revision of how we currently model the search process and demonstrates that different stopping heuristics need to be considered within the models and measures that we use in Information Retrieval. Measures should be reformed according to the stopping behaviours of searchers. A number of potential avenues for future exploration can also be considered, such as modelling the stopping behaviours of searchers individually (rather than as a population), and to explore and consider a wider variety of different stopping heuristics under different search contexts. Despite the inherently difficult task that understanding and modelling the stopping behaviours of searchers represents, potential benefits of further exploration in this area will undoubtedly aid the searchers of future retrieval systems - with further work bringing about improved interfaces and experiences

    Temporal Context Modeling for Text Streams

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    There is increasing recognition that time plays an essential role in many information seeking tasks. This dissertation explores temporal models on evolving streams of text and the role that such models play in improving information access. I consider two cases: a stream of social media posts by many users for tweet search and a stream of queries by an individual user for voice search. My work explores the relationship between temporal models and context models: for tweet search, the evolution of an event serves as the context of clustering relevant tweets; for voice search, the user's history of queries provides the context for helping understand her true information need. First, I tackle the tweet search problem by modeling the temporal contexts of the underlying collection. The intuition is that an information need in Twitter usually correlates with a breaking news event, thus tweets posted during that event are more likely to be relevant. I explore techniques to model two different types of temporal signals: pseudo trend and query trend. The pseudo trend is estimated through the distribution of timestamps from an initial list of retrieved documents given a query, which I model through continuous hidden Markov approach as well as neural network-based methods for relevance ranking and sequence modeling. As an alternative, the query trend, is directly estimated from the temporal statistics of query terms, obviating the need for an initial retrieval. I propose two different approaches to exploit query trends: a linear feature-based ranking model and a regression-based model that recover the distribution of relevant documents directly from query trends. Extensive experiments on standard Twitter collections demonstrate the superior effectivenesses of my proposed techniques. Second, I introduce the novel problem of voice search on an entertainment platform, where users interact with a voice-enabled remote controller through voice requests to search for TV programs. Such queries range from specific program navigation (i.e., watch a movie) to requests with vague intents and even queries that have nothing to do with watching TV. I present successively richer neural network architectures to tackle this challenge based on two key insights: The first is that session context can be exploited to disambiguate queries and recover from ASR errors, which I operationalize with hierarchical recurrent neural networks. The second insight is that query understanding requires evidence integration across multiple related tasks, which I identify as program prediction, intent classification, and query tagging. I present a novel multi-task neural architecture that jointly learns to accomplish all three tasks. The first model, already deployed in production, serves millions of queries daily with an improved customer experience. The multi-task learning model is evaluated on carefully-controlled laboratory experiments, which demonstrates further gains in effectiveness and increased system capabilities. This work now serves as the core technology in Comcast Xfinity X1 entertainment platform, which won an Emmy award in 2017 for the technical contribution in advancing television technologies. This dissertation presents families of techniques for modeling temporal information as contexts to assist applications with streaming inputs, such as tweet search and voice search. My models not only establish the state-of-the-art effectivenesses on many related tasks, but also reveal insights of how various temporal patterns could impact real information-seeking processes

    Evaluation in audio music similarity

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    Audio Music Similarity is a task within Music Information Retrieval that deals with systems that retrieve songs musically similar to a query song according to their audio content. Evaluation experiments are the main scientific tool in Information Retrieval to determine what systems work better and advance the state of the art accordingly. It is therefore essential that the conclusions drawn from these experiments are both valid and reliable, and that we can reach them at a low cost. This dissertation studies these three aspects of evaluation experiments for the particular case of Audio Music Similarity, with the general goal of improving how these systems are evaluated. The traditional paradigm for Information Retrieval evaluation based on test collections is approached as an statistical estimator of certain probability distributions that characterize how users employ systems. In terms of validity, we study how well the measured system distributions correspond to the target user distributions, and how this correspondence affects the conclusions we draw from an experiment. In terms of reliability, we study the optimal characteristics of test collections and statistical procedures, and in terms of effi ciency we study models and methods to greatly reduce the cost of running an evaluation experiment

    Exploring Strategies to Prevent Harm from Web Search

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    Web search, the process of seeking and finding information online, is an ubiquitous activity engrained in the lives of many individuals and much of broader society. This activity, which has brought many benefits to individuals and society, has also opened the door to many harms, such as echo chambers, loss of privacy and exposure to misinformation. Members of the information retrieval (IR) community now recognize the dangers of the search technologies commonplace in our daily lives. The upshot of this recognition are growing efforts to address these dangers by the IR community. These efforts focus heavily on system oriented solutions, but give limited focus on behavioural and cognitive biases and behaviours of the search and even less attention to interventions designed to address these biases and behaviours. As such, a theoretical framework is proposed, with behavioural and cognitive strategies as a core component of interactive Web search environments designed to minimize harm. Using the framework as the foundation, this thesis presents a number of offline and online studies to evaluate nudging, a popular intervention strategy rooted in the field of behavioural economics, and boosting, a successful intervention strategy from the cognitive sciences, as strategies to reduce risk of harm in Web search. Overall the studies produce findings in line with the theories underlying the behavioural and cognitive strategies considered. The key takeaway from these studies being that both boosting and nudging should be considered as viable approaches for harm prevention in Web search environments, in addition to pure system and algorithmic solutions. Additional contributions of this thesis include methods of study design for the comparison of multiple paradigms that promote improved decision making, along with a set of evaluation metrics to measure the success of the IR system and user performance as they relate to the harms being prevented. Future research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of these strategies for other types of harms

    WiFi-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Attention-Based BiLSTM

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    Recently, significant efforts have been made to explore human activity recognition (HAR) techniques that use information gathered by existing indoor wireless infrastructures through WiFi signals without demanding the monitored subject to carry a dedicated device. The key intuition is that different activities introduce different multi-paths in WiFi signals and generate different patterns in the time series of channel state information (CSI). In this paper, we propose and evaluate a full pipeline for a CSI-based human activity recognition framework for 12 activities in three different spatial environments using two deep learning models: ABiLSTM and CNN-ABiLSTM. Evaluation experiments have demonstrated that the proposed models outperform state-of-the-art models. Also, the experiments show that the proposed models can be applied to other environments with different configurations, albeit with some caveats. The proposed ABiLSTM model achieves an overall accuracy of 94.03%, 91.96%, and 92.59% across the 3 target environments. While the proposed CNN-ABiLSTM model reaches an accuracy of 98.54%, 94.25% and 95.09% across those same environments

    Using the Web Infrastructure for Real Time Recovery of Missing Web Pages

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    Given the dynamic nature of the World Wide Web, missing web pages, or 404 Page not Found responses, are part of our web browsing experience. It is our intuition that information on the web is rarely completely lost, it is just missing. In whole or in part, content often moves from one URI to another and hence it just needs to be (re-)discovered. We evaluate several methods for a \justin- time approach to web page preservation. We investigate the suitability of lexical signatures and web page titles to rediscover missing content. It is understood that web pages change over time which implies that the performance of these two methods depends on the age of the content. We therefore conduct a temporal study of the decay of lexical signatures and titles and estimate their half-life. We further propose the use of tags that users have created to annotate pages as well as the most salient terms derived from a page\u27s link neighborhood. We utilize the Memento framework to discover previous versions of web pages and to execute the above methods. We provide a work ow including a set of parameters that is most promising for the (re-)discovery of missing web pages. We introduce Synchronicity, a web browser add-on that implements this work ow. It works while the user is browsing and detects the occurrence of 404 errors automatically. When activated by the user Synchronicity offers a total of six methods to either rediscover the missing page at its new URI or discover an alternative page that satisfies the user\u27s information need. Synchronicity depends on user interaction which enables it to provide results in real time

    Effective Math-Aware Ad-Hoc Retrieval based on Structure Search and Semantic Similarities

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    Despite the prevalence of digital scientific and educational contents on the Internet, only a few search engines are capable to retrieve them efficiently and effectively. The main challenge in freely searching scientific literature arises from the presence of structured math formulas and their heterogeneous and contextually important surrounding words. This thesis introduces an effective math-aware, ad-hoc retrieval model that incorporates structure search and semantic similarities. Transformer-based neural retrievers have been adopted to capture additional semantics using domain-adapted supervised retrieval. To enable structure search, I suggest an unsupervised retrieval model that can filter potential mathematical formulas based on structure similarity. This similarity is determined by measuring the largest common substructure(s) in a formula tree representation, known as the Operator Tree (OPT). The structure matching is approximated by employing maximum matching of path-based structure features. The proposed structure similarity measurement can be tailored based on the desired effectiveness and efficiency trade-offs. It may consider various node types, such as operators and operands, and accommodate different numbers of common subtrees with varying weights. In addition to structure similarity, this unsupervised model also captures symbol substitutions through a greedy matching algorithm applied to the matched substructure(s). To achieve efficient structure search, I introduce a dynamic pruning algorithm to the problem of structure retrieval. The proposed retrieval algorithm efficiently identifies the maximum common subtree among formula candidates and safely eliminates potential structure matches that exceed a dynamic threshold. To accomplish this, three rank-safe pruning strategies are suggested and compared against exhaustive search baselines. Additionally, more aggressive thresholding policies are proposed to balance effectiveness with further speed improvements. A novel hierarchical inverted index has been implemented. This index is designed to be compatible with traditional information retrieval (IR) infrastructure and optimization techniques. To capture other semantic similarities, I have incorporated neural retrievers into a hybrid setting with structure search. This approach has achieved the state-of-the-art effectiveness in recent math information retrieval tasks. In comparison to strict and unsupervised matching, I have found that supervised neural retrievers are able to capture additional semantic similarities in a highly complementary manner. In order to learn effective representations in heterogeneous math contents, I have proposed a novel pretraining architecture that can improve the contextual awareness between math and its surrounding texts. This pretraining scheme generates effective downstream single-vector representations, eliminating the efficiency bottleneck from using multi-vector dense representations. In the end, the thesis examines future directions, specifically the integration of recent advancements in language modeling. This includes incorporating ongoing exciting developments of large language models for improved math information retrieval. A preliminary evaluation has been conducted to assess the impact of these advancements

    Interpretable Architectures and Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

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    Paper V is excluded from the dissertation with respect to copyright.This thesis has two parts: Firstly, we introduce the human level-interpretable models using Tsetlin Machine (TM) for NLP tasks. Secondly, we present an interpretable model using DNNs. The first part combines several architectures of various NLP tasks using TM along with its robustness. We use this model to propose logic-based text classification. We start with basic Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), where we employ TM to design novel interpretation techniques using the frequency of words in the clause. We then tackle a new problem in NLP, i.e., aspect-based text classification using a novel feature engineering for TM. Since TM operates on Boolean features, it relies on Bag-of-Words (BOW), making it difficult to use pre-trained word embedding like Glove, word2vec, and fasttext. Hence, we designed a Glove embedded TM to significantly enhance the model’s performance. In addition to this, NLP models are sensitive to distribution bias because of spurious correlations. Hence we employ TM to design a robust text classification against spurious correlations. The second part of the thesis consists interpretable model using DNN where we design a simple solution for complex position dependent NLP task. Since TM’s interpretability comes with the cost of performance, we propose an DNN-based architecture using a masking scheme on LSTM/GRU based models that ease the interpretation for humans using the attention mechanism. At last, we take the advantages of both models and design an ensemble model by integrating TM’s interpretable information into DNN for better visualization of attention weights. Our proposed model can be efficiently integrated to have a fully explainable model for NLP that assists trustable AI. Overall, our model shows excellent results and interpretation in several open-sourced NLP datasets. Thus, we believe that by combining the novel interpretation of TM, the masking technique in the neural network, and the integrated ensemble model, we can build a simple yet effective platform for explainable NLP applications wherever necessary.publishedVersio