268 research outputs found

    Constructing the Hybrid City: Shanghai

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    The large bottle opener mimicking Shanghai’s World Financial Center is somewhat cumbersome for quotidian use, but it appears well placed on a shelf in front of a poster announcing the movie Masculin FĂ©minin – a film by Jean-Luc Godard from the mid-sixties whose famous intertitle The Children of Marx and Coca-Cola suggests this paper’s thesis. China resists attitudes that attempt at analysis and conclusion on the basis of clear-cut categories

    Ubiquitous Emotion Analytics and How We Feel Today

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    Emotions are complicated. Humans feel deeply, and it can be hard to bring clarity to those depths, to communicate about feelings, or to understand others’ emotional states. Indeed, this emotional confusion is one of the biggest challenges of deciphering our humanity. However, a kind of hope might be on the horizon, in the form of emotion analytics: computerized tools for recognizing and responding to emotion. This analysis explores how emotion analytics may reflect the current status of humans’ regard for emotion. Emotion need no longer be a human sense of vague, indefinable feelings; instead, emotion is in the process of becoming a legible, standardized commodity that can be sold, managed, and altered to suit the needs of those in power. Emotional autonomy and authority can be surrendered to those technologies in exchange for perceived self-determination. Emotion analytics promises a new orderliness to the messiness of human emotions, suggesting that our current state of emotional uncertainty is inadequate and intolerable

    Exploring assemblages of appraisal in web archives

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    Even after over 20 years of active web archiving we know surprising little about how archivists appraise and select web content for preservation. Since we can’t keep it all, how we decide what to keep from the web is certain to shape the historical record (Cook 2011). In this context, we ask the following research questions: 1. How are archivists deciding what to collect from the web? ; 2. How do technologies for web archiving figure in their appraisal decisions? ; 3. Are there opportunities to design more useful systems for the appraisal of content for web archives

    Futures in the making: Practices to anticipate 'ubiquitous computing'

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    Kinsley, S. 2012, The definitive, peer-reviewed and edited version of this article is published in Environment and Planning A, 2012, Vol. 44, Issue 7, pp. 1554 – 1569 doi:10.1068/a45168. This a post-print, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Environment and Planning A. Copyright © 2012 PionThis paper addresses the discourse for a proactive thinking of futurity, intimately concerned with technology, which comes to an influential fruition in the discussion and representation of ‘ubiquitous computing’. The imagination, proposal, or playing out of ubiquitous computing environments are bound up with particular ways of constructing futurity. This paper charts the techniques used in ubiquitous computing development to negotiate that futurity. In so doing, it engages with recent geographical debates around anticipation and futurity. The discussion accordingly proceeds in four parts. First, the spatial imagination engendered by the development of ubiquitous computing is explored. Second, particular techniques in ubiquitous computing research and development for anticipating future technology use, and their limits, are discussed through empirical findings. Third, anticipatory knowledge is explored as the basis for stable means of future orientation, which both generates and derives from the techniques for anticipating futures. Fourth, the importance of studying future orientation is situated in relation to the somewhat contradictory nature of anticipatory knowledges of ubicomp and related forms of spatial imagination

    Futures in the making: Practices to anticipate 'ubiquitous computing'

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    This paper addresses the discourse for a proactive thinking of futurity, intimately concerned with technology, which comes to an influential fruition in the discussion and representation of 'ubiquitous computing'. The imagination, proposal, or playing out of ubiquitous computing environments are bound up with particular ways of constructing futurity. This paper charts the techniques used in ubiquitous computing development to negotiate that futurity. In so doing, it engages with recent geographical debates around anticipation and futurity. The discussion accordingly proceeds in four parts. First, the spatial imagination engendered by the development of ubiquitous computing is explored. Second, particular techniques in ubiquitous computing research and development for anticipating future technology use, and their limits, are discussed through empirical findings. Third, anticipatory knowledge is explored as the basis for stable means of future orientation, which both generates and derives from the techniques for anticipating futures. Fourth, the importance of studying future orientation is situated in relation to the somewhat contradictory nature of anticipatory knowledges of ubicomp and related forms of spatial imagination. © 2012 Pion and its Licensors

    Lightweight UDP Pervasive Protocol in Smart Home Environment Based on Labview

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    TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) technology in a reliable environment was not a problem, but not in an environment where the entire Smart Home network connected locally. Currently employing pervasive protocols using TCP technology, when data transmission  is sent, it would be slower because they have to perform handshaking process in advance and could not broadcast the data. On smart home environment, it does not need large size and complex data transmission between monitoring site and monitoring center required in Smart home strain monitoring system. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) technology is quick and simple on data transmission process. UDP can broadcast messages because the UDP did not require handshaking and with more efficient memory usage. LabVIEW is a programming language software for processing and visualization of data in the field of data acquisition. This paper proposes to examine Pervasive UDP protocol implementations in smart home environment based on LabVIEW. UDP coded in LabVIEW and experiments were performed on a PC and can work properly

    Designing for Everyday Life in Global Contexts

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    This special issue is a situated response in this discourse context, to investigate research issues surrounding the mundaneness and messiness of “Designing for Everyday Life in Global Contexts.” For the past two decades, a steadily growing body of work on the intersections of intercultural communication and information design has been developing within the field of Technical and Professional Communication (e.g., Kostelnick,1995; Chu, 1999; Fukuoka, 1999; Honold, 1999; Thatcher, 1999; Zahed, Van Pelt, & Song, 2001; St. Amant, 2002, 2005; Sun, 2006, 2012; Agboka, 2013; Breuch, 2015; Gustav, 2015; St. Amant & Rice, 2015; Maher & Getto, 2016; Sun & Getto, 2017; Zhou & Getto, 2017). This work variously seeks to articulate culturally situated and rhetorically sound practices for designing in intercultural, cross-cultural, and global contexts, contexts in which a variety of cultures, identities, and technologies are required
