392,098 research outputs found

    Empirical Evidence of Large-Scale Diversity in API Usage of Object-Oriented Software

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    In this paper, we study how object-oriented classes are used across thousands of software packages. We concentrate on "usage diversity'", defined as the different statically observable combinations of methods called on the same object. We present empirical evidence that there is a significant usage diversity for many classes. For instance, we observe in our dataset that Java's String is used in 2460 manners. We discuss the reasons of this observed diversity and the consequences on software engineering knowledge and research

    Automatic Software Repair: a Bibliography

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    This article presents a survey on automatic software repair. Automatic software repair consists of automatically finding a solution to software bugs without human intervention. This article considers all kinds of repairs. First, it discusses behavioral repair where test suites, contracts, models, and crashing inputs are taken as oracle. Second, it discusses state repair, also known as runtime repair or runtime recovery, with techniques such as checkpoint and restart, reconfiguration, and invariant restoration. The uniqueness of this article is that it spans the research communities that contribute to this body of knowledge: software engineering, dependability, operating systems, programming languages, and security. It provides a novel and structured overview of the diversity of bug oracles and repair operators used in the literature

    Hidden Populations in Software Engineering: Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Opportunities

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    The growing emphasis on studying equity, diversity, and inclusion within software engineering has amplified the need to explore hidden populations within this field. Exploring hidden populations becomes important to obtain invaluable insights into the experiences, challenges, and perspectives of underrepresented groups in software engineering and, therefore, devise strategies to make the software industry more diverse. However, studying these hidden populations presents multifaceted challenges, including the complexities associated with identifying and engaging participants due to their marginalized status. In this paper, we discuss our experiences and lessons learned while conducting multiple studies involving hidden populations in software engineering. We emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing these challenges within the software engineering research community to foster a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of diverse populations of software professionals

    Social Computing for Software Engineering: a Mapping Study.

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    There is a continual growth in the use of social computing within a breadth of business domains; such as marketing, public engagement and innovation management. Software engineering research, like other similar disciplines, has re- cently started to harness the power of social computing throughout the various development phases; from requirements elicitation to validation and maintenance and for the various methods of development and structures of development teams. However, despite this increasing effort, we still lack a clear picture of the current status of this research. To address that lack of knowledge, we conduct a systematic mapping study on the utilisation of social computing for software engineering. This will inform researchers and practitioners about the current status and progress of the field including the areas of current focus and the geographical and chronological distribution of the research. We do the mapping across a diversity of dimensions including the activities of software engineering, the types of research, the characteristics of social computing and the demographic attributes of the published work. Our study results show a growing interest in the field, mainly in academia, and a general trend toward developing designated social com- puting platforms and utilising them in mainly four software engineering areas; management, coding, requirements engineering, and maintenance and enhancement

    Validity concerns in software engineering research

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    Empirical studies that use software repository artifacts have become popular in the last decade due to the ready avail-ability of open source project archives. In this paper, we survey empirical studies in the last three years of ICSE and FSE proceedings, and categorize these studies in terms of open source projects vs. proprietary source projects and the diversity of subject programs used in these studies. Our survey has shown that almost half (49%) of recent empirical studies used solely open source projects. Existing studies either draw general conclusions from these results or explic-itly disclaim any conclusions that can extend beyond specific subject software. We conclude that researchers in empirical software engi-neering must consider the external validity concerns that arise from using only several well-known open source soft-ware projects, and that discussion of data source selection is an important discussion topic in software engineering re-search. Furthermore, we propose a community research in-frastructure for software repository benchmarks and sharing the empirical analysis results, in order to address external validity concerns and to raise the bar for empirical software engineering research that analyzes software artifacts
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