41 research outputs found


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    This paper proposed a hybrid watermarking method that used dither quantization of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on average coefficients of Integer Haar Wavelet Transform (IHWT). The watermark image embeds through dither quantization process on singular coefficients value. This scheme aims to obtain the higher robustness level than previous method which performs dither quantization of SVD directly on image pixels value. The experiment results show that the proposed method has proper watermarked images quality above 38dB. The proposed method has better performance than the previous method in term of robustness against several image processing attacks. In JPEG compression with Quality Factor of 50 and 70, JPEG2000 compression with Compression Ratio of 5 and 3, average filtering, and Gaussian filtering, the previous method has average Normalized Correlation (NC) values of 0.8756, 0.9759, 0.9509, 0.9905, 0.8321, and 0.9297 respectively. While, the proposed method has better average NC values of 0.9730, 0.9884, 0.9844, 0.9963, 0.9020, and 0.9590 respectively

    Imperceptible Image Watermarking based on Chinese Remainder Theorem over the Edges

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    This paper introduced a watermarking method using the CRT and Canny Algorithm that able to improve the imperceptibility of watermarked image and preserving the robustness of watermark image as well. The classical CRT algorithm is spread the watermark bits evenly on the image area. It causes significant degradation when the embedding location lies on the least significant region or in the homogeny area. Otherwise, the proposed method embeds the watermark on the edges of the image which have significant difference value to maintain the imperceptibility. The Canny algorithm is used to indexing the embedding location based on the filtering output of host image. The watermark is then embedded into the host image using pair-wise coprime integers of 6 and 11 within the CRT modulo. The results show that the proposed method has significant improvement in the quality of watermarked image with the average value of 0.9995 compared to the CRT method which results in value of 0.9985. In compression and additive noise attacks the CRT has average values of 0.6618 and 0.9750, while the proposed method results in similar values of 0.6616 and 0.9752 respectively. These prove that the proposed method is able to preserve the robustness while improving the imperceptibility

    High capacity data embedding schemes for digital media

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    High capacity image data hiding methods and robust high capacity digital audio watermarking algorithms are studied in this thesis. The main results of this work are the development of novel algorithms with state-of-the-art performance, high capacity and transparency for image data hiding and robustness, high capacity and low distortion for audio watermarking.En esta tesis se estudian y proponen diversos métodos de data hiding de imágenes y watermarking de audio de alta capacidad. Los principales resultados de este trabajo consisten en la publicación de varios algoritmos novedosos con rendimiento a la altura de los mejores métodos del estado del arte, alta capacidad y transparencia, en el caso de data hiding de imágenes, y robustez, alta capacidad y baja distorsión para el watermarking de audio.En aquesta tesi s'estudien i es proposen diversos mètodes de data hiding d'imatges i watermarking d'àudio d'alta capacitat. Els resultats principals d'aquest treball consisteixen en la publicació de diversos algorismes nous amb rendiment a l'alçada dels millors mètodes de l'estat de l'art, alta capacitat i transparència, en el cas de data hiding d'imatges, i robustesa, alta capacitat i baixa distorsió per al watermarking d'àudio.Societat de la informació i el coneixemen

    Robust high-capacity audio watermarking based on FFT amplitude modification

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    This paper proposes a novel robust audio watermarking algorithm to embed data and extract it in a bit-exact manner based on changing the magnitudes of the FFT spectrum. The key point is selecting a frequency band for embedding based on the comparison between the original and the MP3 compressed/decompressed signal and on a suitable scaling factor. The experimental results show that the method has a very high capacity (about 5 kbps), without significant perceptual distortion (ODG about -0.25) and provides robustness against common audio signal processing such as added noise, filtering and MPEG compression (MP3). Furthermore, the proposed method has a larger capacity (number of embedded bits to number of host bits rate) than recent image data hiding methods

    Data hiding in multimedia - theory and applications

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    Multimedia data hiding or steganography is a means of communication using subliminal channels. The resource for the subliminal communication scheme is the distortion of the original content that can be tolerated. This thesis addresses two main issues of steganographic communication schemes: 1. How does one maximize the distortion introduced without affecting fidelity of the content? 2. How does one efficiently utilize the resource (the distortion introduced) for communicating as many bits of information as possible? In other words, what is a good signaling strategy for the subliminal communication scheme? Close to optimal solutions for both issues are analyzed. Many techniques for the issue for maximizing the resource, viz, the distortion introduced imperceptibly in images and video frames, are proposed. Different signaling strategies for steganographic communication are explored, and a novel signaling technique employing a floating signal constellation is proposed. Algorithms for optimal choices of the parameters of the signaling technique are presented. Other application specific issues like the type of robustness needed are taken into consideration along with the established theoretical background to design optimal data hiding schemes. In particular, two very important applications of data hiding are addressed - data hiding for multimedia content delivery, and data hiding for watermarking (for proving ownership). A robust watermarking protocol for unambiguous resolution of ownership is proposed

    Watermarking for multimedia security using complex wavelets

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    This paper investigates the application of complex wavelet transforms to the field of digital data hiding. Complex wavelets offer improved directional selectivity and shift invariance over their discretely sampled counterparts allowing for better adaptation of watermark distortions to the host media. Two methods of deriving visual models for the watermarking system are adapted to the complex wavelet transforms and their performances are compared. To produce improved capacity a spread transform embedding algorithm is devised, this combines the robustness of spread spectrum methods with the high capacity of quantization based methods. Using established information theoretic methods, limits of watermark capacity are derived that demonstrate the superiority of complex wavelets over discretely sampled wavelets. Finally results for the algorithm against commonly used attacks demonstrate its robustness and the improved performance offered by complex wavelet transforms

    On the data hiding theory and multimedia content security applications

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    This dissertation is a comprehensive study of digital steganography for multimedia content protection. With the increasing development of Internet technology, protection and enforcement of multimedia property rights has become a great concern to multimedia authors and distributors. Watermarking technologies provide a possible solution for this problem. The dissertation first briefly introduces the current watermarking schemes, including their applications in video,, image and audio. Most available embedding schemes are based on direct Spread Sequence (SS) modulation. A small value pseudo random signature sequence is embedded into the host signal and the information is extracted via correlation. The correlation detection problem is discussed at the beginning. It is concluded that the correlator is not optimum in oblivious detection. The Maximum Likelihood detector is derived and some feasible suboptimal detectors are also analyzed. Through the calculation of extraction Bit Error Rate (BER), it is revealed that the SS scheme is not very efficient due to its poor host noise suppression. The watermark domain selection problem is addressed subsequently. Some implications on hiding capacity and reliability are also studied. The last topic in SS modulation scheme is the sequence selection. The relationship between sequence bandwidth and synchronization requirement is detailed in the work. It is demonstrated that the white sequence commonly used in watermarking may not really boost watermark security. To address the host noise suppression problem, the hidden communication is modeled as a general hypothesis testing problem and a set partitioning scheme is proposed. Simulation studies and mathematical analysis confirm that it outperforms the SS schemes in host noise suppression. The proposed scheme demonstrates improvement over the existing embedding schemes. Data hiding in audio signals are explored next. The audio data hiding is believed a more challenging task due to the human sensitivity to audio artifacts and advanced feature of current compression techniques. The human psychoacoustic model and human music understanding are also covered in the work. Then as a typical audio perceptual compression scheme, the popular MP3 compression is visited in some length. Several schemes, amplitude modulation, phase modulation and noise substitution are presented together with some experimental results. As a case study, a music bitstream encryption scheme is proposed. In all these applications, human psychoacoustic model plays a very important role. A more advanced audio analysis model is introduced to reveal implications on music understanding. In the last part, conclusions and future research are presented

    The Review of Sound-based Steganographic Techniques

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    The review of steganographic sound-based methods developed in the last ten years are presented in this article. The methods are grouped according to the domain of embedding the hidden information. The requirements introduced by phonographic industry were presented too.Запропоновано оглядовий аналіз найважливіших напрямків досліджень в стеганографії за остатні 10 років з систематизацією методів за способом приховування інформації в звукових контейнерах та врахуванням розвитку акустичної техніки