85 research outputs found

    Distribution of colors in Gallai colorings

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    A Gallai coloring is an edge coloring that avoids triangles colored with three different colors. Given integers e1≥e2≥⋯≥eke_1\ge e_2 \ge \dots \ge e_k with ∑i=1kei=(n2)\sum_{i=1}^ke_i={n \choose 2} for some nn, does there exist a Gallai kk-coloring of KnK_n with eie_i edges in color ii? In this paper, we give several sufficient conditions and one necessary condition to guarantee a positive answer to the above question. In particular, we prove the existence of a Gallai-coloring if e1−ek≤1e_1-e_k\le 1 and k≤⌊n/2⌋k \le \lfloor n/2\rfloor. We prove that for any integer k≥3k\ge 3 there is a (unique) integer g(k)g(k) with the following property: there exists a Gallai kk-coloring of KnK_n with eie_i edges in color ii for every e1≤⋯≤eke_1\le\dots \le e_k satisfying ∑i=1kei=(n2)\sum_{i=1}^ke_i={n\choose 2}, if and only if n≥g(k)n\ge g(k). We show that g(3)=5g(3)=5, g(4)=8g(4)=8, and 2k−2≤g(k)≤8k2+12k-2\le g(k)\le 8k^2+1 for every k≥3k\ge 3

    Transitive and Gallai colorings

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    A Gallai coloring of the complete graph is an edge-coloring with no rainbow triangle. This concept first appeared in the study of comparability graphs and anti-Ramsey theory. We introduce a transitive analogue for acyclic directed graphs, and generalize both notions to Coxeter systems, matroids and commutative algebras. It is shown that for any finite matroid (or oriented matroid), the maximal number of colors is equal to the matroid rank. This generalizes a result of Erd\H{o}s-Simonovits-S\'os for complete graphs. The number of Gallai (or transitive) colorings of the matroid that use at most kk colors is a polynomial in kk. Also, for any acyclic oriented matroid, represented over the real numbers, the number of transitive colorings using at most 2 colors is equal to the number of chambers in the dual hyperplane arrangement. We count Gallai and transitive colorings of the root system of type A using the maximal number of colors, and show that, when equipped with a natural descent set map, the resulting quasisymmetric function is symmetric and Schur-positive.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Improved bounds on the multicolor Ramsey numbers of paths and even cycles

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    We study the multicolor Ramsey numbers for paths and even cycles, Rk(Pn)R_k(P_n) and Rk(Cn)R_k(C_n), which are the smallest integers NN such that every coloring of the complete graph KNK_N has a monochromatic copy of PnP_n or CnC_n respectively. For a long time, Rk(Pn)R_k(P_n) has only been known to lie between (k−1+o(1))n(k-1+o(1))n and (k+o(1))n(k + o(1))n. A recent breakthrough by S\'ark\"ozy and later improvement by Davies, Jenssen and Roberts give an upper bound of (k−14+o(1))n(k - \frac{1}{4} + o(1))n. We improve the upper bound to (k−12+o(1))n(k - \frac{1}{2}+ o(1))n. Our approach uses structural insights in connected graphs without a large matching. These insights may be of independent interest

    Flexibility of graphs with maximum average degree less than 33

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    In the flexible list coloring problem, we consider a graph GG and a color list assignment LL on GG, as well as a set of coloring preferences at some vertex subset of GG. Our goal is to find a proper LL-coloring of GG that satisfies some given proportion of these coloring preferences. We say that GG is ϵ\epsilon-flexibly kk-choosable if for every kk-size list assignment LL on GG and every set of coloring preferences, GG has a proper LL-coloring that satisfies an ϵ\epsilon proportion of these coloring preferences. Dvo\v{r}\'ak, Norin, and Postle [Journal of Graph Theory, 2019] asked whether every dd-degenerate graph is ϵ\epsilon-flexibly (d+1)(d+1)-choosable for some constant ϵ=ϵ(d)>0\epsilon = \epsilon(d) > 0. In this paper, we prove that there exists a constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 such that every graph with maximum average degree less than 33 is ϵ\epsilon-flexibly 33-choosable, which gives a large class of 22-degenerate graphs which are ϵ\epsilon-flexibly (d+1)(d+1)-choosable. In particular, our results imply a theorem of Dvo\v{r}\'ak, Masa\v{r}\'ik, Mus\'ilek, and Pangr\'ac [Journal of Graph Theory, 2020] stating that every planar graph of girth 66 is ϵ\epsilon-flexibly 33-choosable for some constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. To prove our result, we generalize the existing reducible subgraph framework traditionally used for flexible list coloring to allow reducible subgraphs of arbitrarily large order.Comment: 22 page
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