539 research outputs found


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    Abstract. In this paper, we consider the effect that the data-storage scheme and pivoting scheme have on the efficiency of LU factorization on a distributed-memory multiprocessor. Our presentation will focus on the hypercube architecture, but most of our results are applicable to distributed-memory architectures in general. We restrict our attention to two commonly used storage schemes (storage by rows and by columns) and investigate partial pivoting both by rows and by columns, yielding four factorization algorithms. Our goal is to determine which of these four algorithms admits the most efficient parallel implementation. We analyze factors such as load distribution, pivoting cost, and potential for pipelining. We conclude that, in the absence of loop-unrolling, LU factorization with partial pivoting is most efficient when pipelining is used to mask the cost of pivoting. The two schemes that can be pipelined are pivoting by interchanging rows when the coefficient matrix is distributed to the processors by columns, and pivoting by interchanging columns when the matrix is distributed to the processors by rows

    The cost of conservative synchronization in parallel discrete event simulations

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    The performance of a synchronous conservative parallel discrete-event simulation protocol is analyzed. The class of simulation models considered is oriented around a physical domain and possesses a limited ability to predict future behavior. A stochastic model is used to show that as the volume of simulation activity in the model increases relative to a fixed architecture, the complexity of the average per-event overhead due to synchronization, event list manipulation, lookahead calculations, and processor idle time approach the complexity of the average per-event overhead of a serial simulation. The method is therefore within a constant factor of optimal. The analysis demonstrates that on large problems--those for which parallel processing is ideally suited--there is often enough parallel workload so that processors are not usually idle. The viability of the method is also demonstrated empirically, showing how good performance is achieved on large problems using a thirty-two node Intel iPSC/2 distributed memory multiprocessor


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    The development of parallel programs following the paradigm of communicating sequen- tial processes to be executed on distributed memory multiprocessor systems is addressed. The key issue in programming parallel machines today is to provide computerized tools supporting the development of efficient parallel software, i.e. software effectively har- nessing the power of parallel processing systems. The critical situations where a parallel programmer needs help is in expressing a parallel algorithm in a programming language, in getting a parallel program to work and in tuning it to get optimum performance (for example speedup). . We show that the Petri net formalism is higly suitable as a performance modeling technique for asynchronous parallel systems, by introducing a model taking care of the parallel program, parallel architecture and mapping influences on overall system perfor- mance. PRM -net (Program-Resource- Mapping) models comprise a Petri net model of the multiple flows of control in a parallel program, a Petri net model of the parallel hardware and the process-to-processor mapping information into a single integrated performance model. Automated analysis of PRM-net models addresses correctness and performance of parallel programs mapped to parallel hardware. Questions upon the correctness of parallel programs can be answered by investigating behavioural properties of Petri net programs like liveness, reachability, boundedness, mutualy exclusiveness etc. Peformance of parallel programs is usefully considered only in concern with a dedicated target hard- ware. For this reason it is essential to integrate multiprocessor hardware characteristics into the specification of a parallel program. The integration is done by assigning the concurrent processes to physical processing devices and communication patterns among parallel processes to communication media connecting processing elements yielding an in- tegrated, Petri net based performance model. Evaluation of the integrated model applies simulation and markovian analysis to derive expressions characterising the peformance of the program being developed. Synthesis and decomposition rules for hierarchical models naturally give raise to use PRM-net models for graphical, performance oriented parallel programming, support- ing top-down (stepwise refinement) as well as bottom-up development approaches. The graphical representation of Petri net programs visualizes phenomena like parallelism, syn- chronisation, communication, sequential and alternative execution. Modularity of pro- gram blocks aids reusability, prototyping is promoted by automated code generation on the basis of high level program specifications

    Porting the Sisal functional language to distributed-memory multiprocessors

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    Parallel computing is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in recent years. The sizes of application problems continuously increase for solving real-world problems. Distributed-memory multiprocessors have been regarded as a viable architecture of scalable and economical design for building large scale parallel machines. While these parallel machines can provide computational capabilities, programming such large-scale machines is often very difficult due to many practical issues including parallelization, data distribution, workload distribution, and remote memory latency. This thesis proposes to solve the programmability and performance issues of distributed-memory machines using the Sisal functional language. The programs written in Sisal will be automatically parallelized, scheduled and run on distributed-memory multiprocessors with no programmer intervention. Specifically, the proposed approach consists of the following steps. Given a program written in Sisal, the front end Sisal compiler generates a directed acyclic graph(DAG) to expose parallelism in the program. The DAG is partitioned and scheduled based on loop parallelism. The scheduled DAG is then translated to C programs with machine specific parallel constructs. The parallel C programs are finally compiled by the target machine specific compilers to generate executables. A distributed-memory parallel machine, the 80-processor ETL EM-X, has been chosen to perform experiments. The entire procedure has been implemented on the EMX multiprocessor. Four problems are selected for experiments: bitonic sorting, search, dot-product and Fast Fourier Transform. Preliminary execution results indicate that automatic parallelization of the Sisal programs based on loop parallelism is effective. The speedup for these four problems is ranging from 17 to 60 on a 64-processor EM-X. Preliminary experimental results further indicate that programming distributed-memory multiprocessors using a functional language indeed frees the programmers from lowl-evel programming details while allowing them to focus on algorithmic performance improvement

    Satisfiability Test with Synchronous Simulated Annealing on the Fujitsu AP1000 Massively-Parallel Multiprocessor

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    Solving the hard Satisfiability Problem is time consuming even for modest-sized problem instances. Solving the Random L-SAT Problem is especially difficult due to the ratio of clauses to variables. This report presents a parallel synchronous simulated annealing method for solving the Random L-SAT Problem on a large-scale distributed-memory multiprocessor. In particular, we use a parallel synchronous simulated annealing procedure, called Generalized Speculative Computation, which guarantees the same decision sequence as sequential simulated annealing. To demonstrate the performance of the parallel method, we have selected problem instances varying in size from 100-variables/425-clauses to 5000-variables/21,250-clauses. Experimental results on the AP1000 multiprocessor indicate that our approach can satisfy 99.9 percent of the clauses while giving almost a 70-fold speedup on 500 processors

    Multiswapped networks and their topological and algorithmic properties

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    We generalise the biswapped network Bsw(G)Bsw(G) to obtain a multiswapped network Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G), built around two graphs G and H. We show that the network Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G) lends itself to optoelectronic implementation and examine its topological and algorithmic. We derive the length of a shortest path joining any two vertices in Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G) and consequently a formula for the diameter. We show that if G has connectivity κ⩾1κ⩾1 and H has connectivity λ⩾1λ⩾1 where λ⩽κλ⩽κ then Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G) has connectivity at least κ+λκ+λ, and we derive upper bounds on the (κ+λ)(κ+λ)-diameter of Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G). Our analysis yields distributed routing algorithms for a distributed-memory multiprocessor whose underlying topology is Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G). We also prove that if G and H are Cayley graphs then Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G) need not be a Cayley graph, but when H is a bipartite Cayley graph then Msw(H;G)Msw(H;G) is necessarily a Cayley graph

    Parallelized reliability estimation of reconfigurable computer networks

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    A parallelized system, ASSURE, for computing the reliability of embedded avionics flight control systems which are able to reconfigure themselves in the event of failure is described. ASSURE accepts a grammar that describes a reliability semi-Markov state-space. From this it creates a parallel program that simultaneously generates and analyzes the state-space, placing upper and lower bounds on the probability of system failure. ASSURE is implemented on a 32-node Intel iPSC/860, and has achieved high processor efficiencies on real problems. Through a combination of improved algorithms, exploitation of parallelism, and use of an advanced microprocessor architecture, ASSURE has reduced the execution time on substantial problems by a factor of one thousand over previous workstation implementations. Furthermore, ASSURE's parallel execution rate on the iPSC/860 is an order of magnitude faster than its serial execution rate on a Cray-2 supercomputer. While dynamic load balancing is necessary for ASSURE's good performance, it is needed only infrequently; the particular method of load balancing used does not substantially affect performance

    Retargeting of existing FORTRAN program and development of parallel compilers

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    The software models used in implementing the parallelizing compiler for the B-HIVE multiprocessor system are described. The various models and strategies used in the compiler development are: flexible granularity model, which allows a compromise between two extreme granularity models; communication model, which is capable of precisely describing the interprocessor communication timings and patterns; loop type detection strategy, which identifies different types of loops; critical path with coloring scheme, which is a versatile scheduling strategy for any multicomputer with some associated communication costs; and loop allocation strategy, which realizes optimum overlapped operations between computation and communication of the system. Using these models, several sample routines of the AIR3D package are examined and tested. It may be noted that automatically generated codes are highly parallelized to provide the maximized degree of parallelism, obtaining the speedup up to a 28 to 32-processor system. A comparison of parallel codes for both the existing and proposed communication model, is performed and the corresponding expected speedup factors are obtained. The experimentation shows that the B-HIVE compiler produces more efficient codes than existing techniques. Work is progressing well in completing the final phase of the compiler. Numerous enhancements are needed to improve the capabilities of the parallelizing compiler
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