
Retargeting of existing FORTRAN program and development of parallel compilers


The software models used in implementing the parallelizing compiler for the B-HIVE multiprocessor system are described. The various models and strategies used in the compiler development are: flexible granularity model, which allows a compromise between two extreme granularity models; communication model, which is capable of precisely describing the interprocessor communication timings and patterns; loop type detection strategy, which identifies different types of loops; critical path with coloring scheme, which is a versatile scheduling strategy for any multicomputer with some associated communication costs; and loop allocation strategy, which realizes optimum overlapped operations between computation and communication of the system. Using these models, several sample routines of the AIR3D package are examined and tested. It may be noted that automatically generated codes are highly parallelized to provide the maximized degree of parallelism, obtaining the speedup up to a 28 to 32-processor system. A comparison of parallel codes for both the existing and proposed communication model, is performed and the corresponding expected speedup factors are obtained. The experimentation shows that the B-HIVE compiler produces more efficient codes than existing techniques. Work is progressing well in completing the final phase of the compiler. Numerous enhancements are needed to improve the capabilities of the parallelizing compiler

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