523 research outputs found

    Dispensing with channel estimation: differentially modulated cooperative wireless communications

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    As a benefit of bypassing the potentially excessive complexity and yet inaccurate channel estimation, differentially encoded modulation in conjunction with low-complexity noncoherent detection constitutes a viable candidate for user-cooperative systems, where estimating all the links by the relays is unrealistic. In order to stimulate further research on differentially modulated cooperative systems, a number of fundamental challenges encountered in their practical implementations are addressed, including the time-variant-channel-induced performance erosion, flexible cooperative protocol designs, resource allocation as well as its high-spectral-efficiency transceiver design. Our investigations demonstrate the quantitative benefits of cooperative wireless networks both from a pure capacity perspective as well as from a practical system design perspective

    Relay-Induced Error Propagation Reduction for Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Communications

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    An attractive hybrid method of mitigating the effects of error propagation that may be imposed by the relay node (RN) on the destination node (DN) is proposed. We selected the most appropriate relay location for achieving a specific target Bit Error Ratio (BER) at the relay and signalled the RN-BER to the DN. The knowledge of this BER was then exploited by the decoder at the destination. Our simulation results show that when the BER at the RN is low, we do not have to activate the RN-BER aided decoder at the DN. However, when the RN-BER is high, significant system performance improvements may be achieved by activating the proposed RN-BER based decoding technique at the DN. For example, a power-reduction of up to about 19dB was recorded at a DN BER of 10-4

    Self-concatenated code design and its application in power-efficient cooperative communications

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    In this tutorial, we have focused on the design of binary self-concatenated coding schemes with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and Union bound analysis. The design methodology of future iteratively decoded self-concatenated aided cooperative communication schemes is presented. In doing so, we will identify the most important milestones in the area of channel coding, concatenated coding schemes and cooperative communication systems till date and suggest future research directions

    Selective Combining for Hybrid Cooperative Networks

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    In this study, we consider the selective combining in hybrid cooperative networks (SCHCNs scheme) with one source node, one destination node and NN relay nodes. In the SCHCN scheme, each relay first adaptively chooses between amplify-and-forward protocol and decode-and-forward protocol on a per frame basis by examining the error-detecting code result, and NcN_c (1NcN1\leq N_c \leq N) relays will be selected to forward their received signals to the destination. We first develop a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold-based frame error rate (FER) approximation model. Then, the theoretical FER expressions for the SCHCN scheme are derived by utilizing the proposed SNR threshold-based FER approximation model. The analytical FER expressions are validated through simulation results.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, IET Communications, 201

    Collaborative HARQ Schemes for Cooperative Diversity Communications in Wireless Networks

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    Wireless technology is experiencing spectacular developments, due to the emergence of interactive and digital multimedia applications as well as rapid advances in the highly integrated systems. For the next-generation mobile communication systems, one can expect wireless connectivity between any devices at any time and anywhere with a range of multimedia contents. A key requirement in such systems is the availability of high-speed and robust communication links. Unfortunately, communications over wireless channels inherently suffer from a number of fundamental physical limitations, such as multipath fading, scarce radio spectrum, and limited battery power supply for mobile devices. Cooperative diversity (CD) technology is a promising solution for future wireless communication systems to achieve broader coverage and to mitigate wireless channels’ impairments without the need to use high power at the transmitter. In general, cooperative relaying systems have a source node multicasting a message to a number of cooperative relays, which in turn resend a processed version message to an intended destination node. The destination node combines the signal received from the relays, and takes into account the source’s original signal to decode the message. The CD communication systems exploit two fundamental features of the wireless medium: its broadcast nature and its ability to achieve diversity through independent channels. A variety of relaying protocols have been considered and utilized in cooperative wireless networks. Amplify and forward (AAF) and decode and forward (DAF) are two popular protocols, frequently used in the cooperative systems. In the AAF mode, the relay amplifies the received signal prior to retransmission. In the DAF mode, the relay fully decodes the received signal, re-encodes and forwards it to the destination. Due to the retransmission without decoding, AAF has the shortcoming that noise accumulated in the received signal is amplified at the transmission. DAF suffers from decoding errors that can lead to severe error propagation. To further enhance the quality of service (QoS) of CD communication systems, hybrid Automatic Repeat-reQuest (HARQ) protocols have been proposed. Thus, if the destination requires an ARQ retransmission, it could come from one of relays rather than the source node. This thesis proposes an improved HARQ scheme with an adaptive relaying protocol (ARP). Focusing on the HARQ as a central theme, we start by introducing the concept of ARP. Then we use it as the basis for designing three types of HARQ schemes, denoted by HARQ I-ARP, HARQ II-ARP and HARQ III-ARP. We describe the relaying protocols, (both AAF and DAF), and their operations, including channel access between the source and relay, the feedback scheme, and the combining methods at the receivers. To investigate the benefits of the proposed HARQ scheme, we analyze its frame error rate (FER) and throughput performance over a quasi-static fading channel. We can compare these with the reference methods, HARQ with AAF (HARQ-AAF) and HARQ with perfect distributed turbo codes (DTC), for which correct decoding is always assumed at the relay (HARQ-perfect DTC). It is shown that the proposed HARQ-ARP scheme can always performs better than the HARQ-AAF scheme. As the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the channel between the source and relay increases, the performance of the proposed HARQ-ARP scheme approaches that of the HARQ-perfect DTC scheme

    Interleaving Gains for Receive Diversity Schemes of Distributed Turbo Codes in Wireless Half–Duplex Relay Channels

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    This paper proposes the interleaving gain in two different distributed turbo-coding schemes: Distributed Turbo Codes (DTC) and Distributed Multiple Turbo Codes (DMTC) for half-duplex relay system as an extension of our previous work on turbo coding interleaver design for direct communication channel. For these schemes with half-duplex constraint, the source node transmits its information with the parity bit sequence(s) to both the relay and the destination nodes during the first phase. The relay received the data from the source and process it by using decode and forward protocol. For the second transmission period, the decoded systematic data at relay is interleaved and re-encoded by a Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) encoder and forwarded to the destination. At destination node, the signals received from the source and relay are processed by using turbo log-MAP iterative decoding for retrieving the original information bits. We demonstrate via simulations that the interleaving gain has a large effect with DTC scheme when we use only one RSC encoder at both the source and relay with best performance when using Modified Matched S-Random (MMSR) interleaver. Furthermore, by designing a Chaotic Pseudo Random Interleaver (CPRI) as an outer interleaver at the source node instead of classical interleavers, our scheme can add more secure channel conditions

    Analysis of hybrid-ARQ based relaying protocols under modulation constraints

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    In a seminal paper published in 2001, Caire and Tuninetti derived an information theoretic bound on the throughput of hybrid-ARQ in the presence of block fading. However, the results placed no constraints on the modulation used, and therefore the input to the channel was Gaussian. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of modulation constraints on the throughput of hybrid-ARQ in a block fading environment. First, we consider the impact of modulation constraints on information outage probability for a block fading channel with a fixed length codeword. Then, we consider the effect of modulation constraints upon the throughput of hybrid-ARQ, where the rate of the codeword varies depending on the instantaneous channel conditions. These theoretical bounds are compared against the simulated performance of HSDPA, a newly standardized hybrid-ARQ protocol that uses QPSK and 16-QAM bit interleaved turbo-coded modulation. The results indicate how much of the difference between HSDPA and the previous unconstrained modulation bound is due to the use of the turbo-code and how much is due to the modulation constraints. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Combined distributed turbo coding and space frequency block coding techniques

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    The distributed space-time (frequency) coding and distributed channel turbo coding used independently represent two cooperative techniques that can provide increased throughput and spectral efficiency at an imposed maximum Bit Error Rate (BER) and delay required from the new generation of cellular networks. This paper proposes two cooperative algorithms that employ jointly the two types of techniques, analyzes their BER and spectral efficiency performances versus the qualities of the channels involved, and presents some conclusions regarding the adaptive employment of these algorithms. © 2010 V. Bota et al.FP7/ICT/2007/21547