24 research outputs found

    Overview of Fiber Optic Sensor Technologies for Strain/Temperature Sensing Applications in Composite Materials

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    This paper provides an overview of the different types of fiber optic sensors (FOS) that can be used with composite materials and also their compatibility with and suitability for embedding inside a composite material. An overview of the different types of FOS used for strain/temperature sensing in composite materials is presented. Recent trends, and future challenges for FOS technology for condition monitoring in smart composite materials are also discussed. This comprehensive review provides essential information for the smart materials industry in selecting of appropriate types of FOS in accordance with end-user requirements

    Hybrid Optical Fiber Sensors for Smart Materials and Structures

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    There has been a rapid growth in the use of advanced composite materials in a variety of load-bearing structures, for example in aviation for structures such as rotor blades, aircraft fuselage and wing structures. Composite materials embedded with fiber-optic sensors (FOS) have been recognized as one of the prominent enabling technologies for smart materials and structures. The rapid increase in the interest in composite materials embedded with FOS has been driven by numerous applications, such as intelligent composite manufacturing/processing, and safety-related areas in aircrafts. Research has been focused recently on using several optical sensor types working together to form so called “hybrid optical fiber sensors” in order to overcome the limitations of the individual sensor technologies. The main aim of the research described in this thesis is to investigate a hybrid sensing scheme that utilizes polarimetric sensors and FBG sensors working in a complimentary fashion to measure multiple physical parameters in a composite material, with a particular focus on measuring the complex indirect parameters thermal expansion and vibration. The research described in this thesis investigates the performance of a hybrid sensing scheme based on polarimetric sensors and FBG sensors after embedding in a composite material. It is shown that the influence of thermal expansion within a composite material on embedded polarimetric sensors is the main source of errors for embedded fiber sensor strain measurements and that for practical strain sensing applications buffer coated PM-PCF are more suitable for embedding in composite. Further, using a buffer stripped PM-PCF polarimetric sensor, a measurement scheme to measure a composite material\u27s thermal elongation induced strain is proposed. A novel hybrid sensor for simultaneous measurement of strain, temperature and thermal strain is demonstrated by integrating polarimetric sensors based on acrylate coated high bi-refringent polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber (HB-PM-PCF), and a coating stripped HB-PM-PCF sensor together with an FBG sensor. Flexible demodulation modules that can be embedded or surface attached is a challenge for composite materials containing fiber-optic sensors. In this thesis an interrogation method that allows intensity domain operation of hybrid sensor is demonstrated. Further focusing towards the miniaturization of the hybrid sensor interrogator, a miniaturized flexible interrogator for the demonstrated hybrid sensing scheme embedded in a composite material is also designed. Low frequency vibration measurements are performed for glass fibre-reinforced composite material samples with two different strain-sensitive polarimetric sensor types embedded. It is shown that the strain sensitivity of polarimetric sensors limits the vibration measurements to a certain range of vibration amplitudes. A polarimetric sensor based buffer stripped HB-PM-PCF is demonstrated for monitoring the different stages of the curing process for a Mageneto-Rheological composite material. By providing information about multiple parameters such as strain, temperature, thermal strain, vibration amplitude and vibration frequency the proposed and demonstrated hybrid sensing approach has a high potential to change the paradigm for smart material design in the future

    Review on Strain Monitoring of Aircraft Using Optical Fibre Sensor

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    Structural health monitoring of aircraft assures safety, integrity and reduces cost-related concerns by reducing the number of times maintenance is required. Under aerodynamic loading, aircraft is subjected to strain, in turn causing damage and breakdown. This paper presents a review of experimental works, which focuses on monitoring strain of various parts of aircraft using optical fibre sensors. In addition, this paper presents a discussion and review on different types of optical fibre sensors used for structural health monitoring (SHM) of aircraft. However, the focus of this paper is on fibre bragg gratings (FBGs) for strain monitoring.  Here, FBGs are discussed in detail because they have proved to be most viable and assuring technology in this field. In most cases of strain monitoring, load conditioning and management employs finite element method (FEM). However, more effort is still required in finding the accurate positions in real time where the sensors can be placed in the structure and responds under complex deformation

    Review on Strain Monitoring of Aircraft Using Optical Fibre Sensor

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    Structural health monitoring of aircraft assures safety, integrity and reduces cost-related concerns by reducing the number of times maintenance is required. Under aerodynamic loading, aircraft is subjected to strain, in turn causing damage and breakdown. This paper presents a review of experimental works, which focuses on monitoring strain of various parts of aircraft using optical fibre sensors. In addition, this paper presents a discussion and review on different types of optical fibre sensors used for structural health monitoring (SHM) of aircraft. However, the focus of this paper is on fibre bragg gratings (FBGs) for strain monitoring.  Here, FBGs are discussed in detail because they have proved to be most viable and assuring technology in this field. In most cases of strain monitoring, load conditioning and management employs finite element method (FEM). However, more effort is still required in finding the accurate positions in real time where the sensors can be placed in the structure and responds under complex deformation

    Optical fiber sensors by direct laser processing: a review

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    The consolidation of laser micro/nano processing technologies has led to a continuous increase in the complexity of optical fiber sensors. This new avenue offers novel possibilities for advanced sensing in a wide set of application sectors and, especially in the industrial and medical fields. In this review, the most important transducing structures carried out by laser processing in optical fiber are shown. The work covers different types of fiber Bragg gratings with an emphasis in the direct-write technique and their most interesting inscription configurations. Along with gratings, cladding waveguide structures in optical fibers have reached notable importance in the development of new optical fiber transducers. That is why a detailed study is made of the different laser inscription configurations that can be adopted, as well as their current applications. Microcavities manufactured in optical fibers can be used as both optical transducer and hybrid structure to reach advanced soft-matter optical sensing approaches based on optofluidic concepts. These in-fiber cavities manufactured by femtosecond laser irradiation followed by chemical etching are promising tools for biophotonic devices. Finally, the enhanced Rayleigh backscattering fibers by femtosecond laser dots inscription are also discussed, as a consequence of the new sensing possibilities they enableThis research was funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R), the FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019- 107270RB-C21), and the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain (PhD grant FPU2018/02797)

    Development of a distributed optical fiber sensor for geological applications

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor for monitoring ground subsidence before collapse sinkholes form causing costly damage on infrastructure. Costs in excess of R1.3 billion have been incurred while dealing with sinkhole related measures in South Africa. Monitoring sinkholes and the presence of an early warning alert system can drastically reduce the impact, risk and cost caused by sudden ground collapse. A related goal was to construct a reliable collapse alert early warning system to facilitate disaster preparedness and avoid further damage from accidents. This was achieved by developing a spectroscopic shift monitoring algorithm which analysed changes in the subsurface vibration modes using ambient noise signals. For the first time to our knowledge, an optic fiber sensor with an early warning alarm, using ambient noise vibrations to detect and monitor sinkholes was developed at NMU. A polarisation-based, interferometric optical fiber seismic sensor was developed and compared to a commercial geophone. The fiber sensor exhibited superior performance in sensitivity, bandwidth, signal response and recovery times. The sensitivity of the optical fiber sensor was 0.47 rad/Pa surpassing the geophone sensitivity by 9.32%, and the bandwidth of 3.349kHz was 20 times greater for the optical fiber sensor. The fiber sensor was used to measure millisecond events as the impact duration of a bouncing ball was successfully obtained. It was used to detect sinkhole formation in the simulator model, designed. Ground collapse precursors were identified, and early warning alert was achieved using the spectral analysis algorithm, developed. The collapse precursor condition was identified as a functional combination of variations in the peak frequency, bandwidth and peak intensity. A distributed acoustic sensor was built to detect ambient noise induced subsurface signals. Vibrations were located along the 28km length of optical fiber with a relative error of 9.6%. The sensor demonstrated a frequency response range of 212.25Hz, an event distance precision of 224m with time resolution of 1.12µs, and a spatial resolution of 1km. The position of disturbance was measured within 300m of its actual point of 3.21km along the optical fiber. The results showed that distributed optical fiber sensing allows real-time monitoring of the subsurface over extended distances, using ambient noise signals.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, School of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, 202

    Development of a distributed optical fiber sensor for geological applications

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor for monitoring ground subsidence before collapse sinkholes form causing costly damage on infrastructure. Costs in excess of R1.3 billion have been incurred while dealing with sinkhole related measures in South Africa. Monitoring sinkholes and the presence of an early warning alert system can drastically reduce the impact, risk and cost caused by sudden ground collapse. A related goal was to construct a reliable collapse alert early warning system to facilitate disaster preparedness and avoid further damage from accidents. This was achieved by developing a spectroscopic shift monitoring algorithm which analysed changes in the subsurface vibration modes using ambient noise signals. For the first time to our knowledge, an optic fiber sensor with an early warning alarm, using ambient noise vibrations to detect and monitor sinkholes was developed at NMU. A polarisation-based, interferometric optical fiber seismic sensor was developed and compared to a commercial geophone. The fiber sensor exhibited superior performance in sensitivity, bandwidth, signal response and recovery times. The sensitivity of the optical fiber sensor was 0.47 rad/Pa surpassing the geophone sensitivity by 9.32%, and the bandwidth of 3.349kHz was 20 times greater for the optical fiber sensor. The fiber sensor was used to measure millisecond events as the impact duration of a bouncing ball was successfully obtained. It was used to detect sinkhole formation in the simulator model, designed. Ground collapse precursors were identified, and early warning alert was achieved using the spectral analysis algorithm, developed. The collapse precursor condition was identified as a functional combination of variations in the peak frequency, bandwidth and peak intensity. A distributed acoustic sensor was built to detect ambient noise induced subsurface signals. Vibrations were located along the 28km length of optical fiber with a relative error of 9.6%. The sensor demonstrated a frequency response range of 212.25Hz, an event distance precision of 224m with time resolution of 1.12µs, and a spatial resolution of 1km. The position of disturbance was measured within 300m of its actual point of 3.21km along the optical fiber. The results showed that distributed optical fiber sensing allows real-time monitoring of the subsurface over extended distances, using ambient noise signals.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, School of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, 202

    Contribution to the development of new photonic systems for fiber optic sensing applications

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    En este trabajo de doctorado se presentan nuevos sistemas y subsistemas de sensores de fibra óptica. Así, se proponen y desarrollan nuevas técnicas, componentes y tecnologías basadas en láseres de fibra con espejos distribuidos (random), fibras de cristal fotónico, estructuras de luz lenta, multiplexores de inserción y extracción (add and drop), conmutadores tele-alimentados por luz, reflectometría óptica tanto en el dominio del tiempo como de la frecuencia o filtros ópticos reconfigurables. También se han demostrado nuevas aplicaciones para estructuras de sensores tradicionales y técnicas de medida ya conocidas. Todas ellas dirigidas a la mejora del funcionamiento de los actuales transductores, redes de sensores y aplicaciones de monitorización de salud estructural. De este modo, y en primer lugar, se han desarrollado nuevos transductores puntuales. En concreto, dos sensores interferométricos basados en fibras de cristal fotónico y otro basado en una estructura resonante en anillo. También se han realizado diferentes redes de sensores utilizando OTDRs comerciales. Por un lado, se han multiplexado diferentes sensores utilizando una red en forma de bus y, por el otro, se ha interrogado de manera remota un sensor FLM/LPG a una distancia de 253 km sin necesidad de amplificación. Se han estudiado láseres basados en efecto de realimentación distribuida random (RDFB) para su uso en interrogación de sensores. Para ello, se han demostrado dos nuevos láseres multi-longitud de onda y también, por primera vez, se ha modulado un laser random. Después, se han demostrado experimentalmente varias redes de sensores de fibra óptica teniendo en cuenta los principales desafíos que estas presentan: multiplexar varios sensores en una misma red y permitir su monitorización de manera remota. En primer lugar, se han multiplexado sensores basados en la modulación de la intensidad óptica utilizando técnicas de multiplexación en dominio del tiempo. En segundo lugar, se han multiplexado sensores basados en fibras de cristal fotónico. En tercer lugar, se presentan tres nuevos métodos para la medida remota de sensores. Por último, se incluye la demostración de un conmutador de fibra óptica tele-alimentado a través de luz. Éste se utiliza en tres redes diferentes para añadir robustez e incrementar la versatilidad en la multiplexación. Finalmente, se han realizado tres pruebas de campo para aplicaciones de monitorización de salud estructural.In this PhD work, different new photonic systems and subsystems for fiber optic sensing are presented. The aim of this thesis has been to contribute to the fiber optic sensors field using modern techniques, components and technologies such as random fiber lasers, photonic crystal fibers, slow light structures, add and drop multiplexers, powered by light switches, optical frequency and time domain reflectometry or reconfigurable optical filters, among others. New applications of traditional sensing structures or techniques have been also demonstrated. All of them focused on improving the performance of current sensors transducers, multiplexing networks and structural health monitoring applications. Thus, new point transducers have been developed: two of them are interferometric sensors based on photonic crystal fibers; and another one is based on a fiber ring resonator structure. Fiber optic sensor networks using commercial OTDRs have been also explored. On the one hand, different sensors have been successfully multiplexed in the same bus network. And, on the other hand, a FLM/LPG sensor was remotely interrogated at a distance of 253 km without using amplification. Random distributed feedback (RDFB) lasers have been explored for sensors interrogation. Two multi-wavelength Raman fiber lasers suitable for sensors interrogation have been demonstrated. Also, a random fiber laser has been internally modulated for the first time. Then, some experimental demonstrations of fiber optic sensors networks have been carried out taking into account the principal challenges they pose: multiplexing a number of optical sensors in a single networks, and enabling the possibility of remote sensing. Firstly, intensity sensors using TDM technology have been multiplexed. Secondly, PCF sensors have been successfully multiplexed. Thirdly, three new approaches to enable remote sensing are presented. Finally, a remote powered by light fiber optic switch have been included in three networks in order to add robustness and multiplexing versatility.Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo gracias a las aportaciones económicas recibidas de los siguientes organismos, entre otros: - Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España a través del programa de Formación del Personal Investigador y asociado al proyecto de investigación TEC2010-20224-C02-01. - Universidad Pública de Navarra mediante las ayudas a tesis doctorares. - Acción Europea COST- TD1001: Novel and Reliable Optical Fibre Sensor Systems for Future Security and Safety Applications (OFSeSa) - También se ha recibido financiación del Proyecto de Investigación de la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España TEC2013-47264-C2-2-R, de Innocampus, del Proyecto Europeo SUDOE-ECOAL-Intereg Project ECOAL-MGT y de los Fondos FEDER.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    Limits of performance of chirped- pulse phase-sensitive OTDR

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    Distributed acoustic sensing is an emerging field of research which aims to develop methods capable of using a single optical fiber as a long, dense, and high-sensitivity sensor array. Currently, the most promising implementations measure the interference of Rayleigh backscattered light, obtained by probing the fiber with light from a source of high coherence. These methods are known as Phase-sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers (φOTDR), and are currently undergoing a period of active research and development, both academically and industrially. One of its variants, known as the Chirped-Pulse φOTDR (CP-φOTDR), was developed in 2016. This technique has proven to be remarkably sensitive to strain and temperature, with an attractively simple implementation. In this thesis, we delve into the intricacies of this technique, probing its fundamental limits and addressing current limitations. We discuss the implications of estimation on the performance statistics, the impact of different noise sources and the origin of cross-talk between independent measured positions. In doing so, we also propose methods to reach the current fundamental limitations, and overcome the upper bound of measurable perturbations. We then demonstrate new potential applications of the technique: in seismology, by exploiting the high spatial density of measurements for array signal processing; in the fast characterization of linear birefringence in standard single-mode fibers; and on the measurement of sound pressure waves, by using a special flat cable structure to embed the fiber under test. Finally, we summarize and comment on the aforementioned achievements, proposing some open lines of research that may originate from these results.Distributed acoustic sensing is an emerging field of research which aims to develop methods capable of using a single optical fiber as a long, dense, and highsensitivity sensor array. Currently, the most promising implementations measure the interference of Rayleigh backscattered light, obtained by probing the fiber with light from a source of high coherence. These methods are known as Phase-sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers (φOTDR), and are currently undergoing a period of active research and development, both academically and industrially. One of its variants, known as the Chirped- Pulse φOTDR (CP-φOTDR), was developed in 2016. This technique has proven to be remarkably sensitive to strain and temperature, with an attractively simple implementation. In this thesis, we delve into the intricacies of this technique, probing its fundamental limits and addressing current limitations. We discuss the implications of estimation on the performance statistics, the impact of different noise sources and the origin of cross-talk between independent measured positions. In doing so, we also propose methods to reach the current fundamental limitations, and overcome the upper bound of measurable perturbations. We then demonstrate new potential applications of the technique: in seismology, by exploiting the high spatial density of measurements for array signal processing; in the fast characterization of linear birefringence in standard single-mode fibers; and on the measurement of sound pressure waves, by using a special flat cable structure to embed the fiber under test. Finally, we summarize and comment on the aforementioned achievements, proposing some open lines of research that may originate from these results