6 research outputs found

    Distributed shape control of homogeneous swarms of autonomous underwater vehicles

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    In this paper, we study large formations of underwater autonomous vehicles for the purposes of exploration and sampling the ocean surface. The formations or aggregates we consider are composed of up to hundreds of robots with the capability of forming various complex shapes dictated by the shape of the region to be explored, as well as special shapes suitable for migration. The shapes are determined through bathymetric maps and described with reduced-dimensional representation techniques. The approach we propose is that of breaking up the control and coordination strategy into two decoupled problems, i.e., partitioning the aggregate into two non-overlapping sets: its boundary and its interior. The boundary uses general theory of curve evolution to form shapes while the interior passively complies, using attraction-repulsion forces, to form a uniform distribution inside the boundary. This makes the problem much more tractable than previous methods. Decision making by individual robots is entirely based on local information, autonomous underwater vehicles, formation control, swarm control

    Distributed Communication in Swarms of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Effective communication mechanisms are a key requirement for schools of submersible robots and their meaningful deployment. Large schools of identical submersibles require a fully distributed communication system which scales well and optimises for ”many-to-many” communication (omnicast, also known as gossiping). As an additional constraint, communication channels under water are typically very low bandwidth and short range. This thesis discusses possible electric and electro-magnetic wireless communication channels suitable for underwater environments. Theoretical findings on the omnicast communication problem are presented, as well as the implementation of a distributed time division multiple access (TDMA) scheduling algorithm in simulation and in hardware. It is shown theoretically and in simulation that short range links in a robotic swarm are actually an advantage, compared to links that cover large parts of the network. Experiments were carried out on custom-developed digital long-wave radio and optical link modules. The results of the experiments are used to revisit the initial assumptions on communication in multi-hop wireless networks

    Cooperative control for multi-vehicle swarms

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    The cooperative control of large-scale multi-agent systems has gained a significant interest in recent years from the robotics and control communities for multi-vehicle control. One motivator for the growing interest is the application of spatially and temporally distributed multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems for distributed sensing and collaborative operations. In this research, the multi-vehicle control problem is addressed using a decentralised control system. The work aims to provide a decentralised control framework that synthesises the self-organised and coordinated behaviour of natural swarming systems into cooperative UAV systems. The control system design framework is generalised for application into various other multi-agent systems including cellular robotics, ad-hoc communication networks, and modular smart-structures. The approach involves identifying su itable relationships that describe the behaviour of the UAVs within the swarm and the interactions of these behaviours to produce purposeful high-level actions for system operators. A major focus concerning the research involves the development of suitable analytical tools that decomposes the general swarm behaviours to the local vehicle level. The control problem is approached using two-levels of abstraction; the supervisory level, and the local vehicle level. Geometric control techniques based on differential geometry are used at the supervisory level to reduce the control problem to a small set of permutation and size invariant abstract descriptors. The abstract descriptors provide an open-loop optimal state and control trajectory for the collective swarm and are used to describe the intentions of the vehicles. Decentralised optimal control is implemented at the local vehicle level to synthesise self-organised and cooperative behaviour. A deliberative control scheme is implemented at the local vehicle le vel that demonstrates autonomous, cooperative and optimal behaviour whilst the preserving precision and reliability at the local vehicle level