10,556 research outputs found

    Analysis of adaptive walks on NK fitness landscapes with different interaction schemes

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    Fitness landscapes are genotype to fitness mappings commonly used in evolutionary biology and computer science which are closely related to spin glass models. In this paper, we study the NK model for fitness landscapes where the interaction scheme between genes can be explicitly defined. The focus is on how this scheme influences the overall shape of the landscape. Our main tool for the analysis are adaptive walks, an idealized dynamics by which the population moves uphill in fitness and terminates at a local fitness maximum. We use three different types of walks and investigate how their length (the number of steps required to reach a local peak) and height (the fitness at the endpoint of the walk) depend on the dimensionality and structure of the landscape. We find that the distribution of local maxima over the landscape is particularly sensitive to the choice of interaction pattern. Most quantities that we measure are simply correlated to the rank of the scheme, which is equal to the number of nonzero coefficients in the expansion of the fitness landscape in terms of Walsh functions.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Greedy adaptive walks on a correlated fitness landscape

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    We study adaptation of a haploid asexual population on a fitness landscape defined over binary genotype sequences of length LL. We consider greedy adaptive walks in which the population moves to the fittest among all single mutant neighbors of the current genotype until a local fitness maximum is reached. The landscape is of the rough mount Fuji type, which means that the fitness value assigned to a sequence is the sum of a random and a deterministic component. The random components are independent and identically distributed random variables, and the deterministic component varies linearly with the distance to a reference sequence. The deterministic fitness gradient cc is a parameter that interpolates between the limits of an uncorrelated random landscape (c=0c = 0) and an effectively additive landscape (cc \to \infty). When the random fitness component is chosen from the Gumbel distribution, explicit expressions for the distribution of the number of steps taken by the greedy walk are obtained, and it is shown that the walk length varies non-monotonically with the strength of the fitness gradient when the starting point is sufficiently close to the reference sequence. Asymptotic results for general distributions of the random fitness component are obtained using extreme value theory, and it is found that the walk length attains a non-trivial limit for LL \to \infty, different from its values for c=0c=0 and c=c = \infty, if cc is scaled with LL in an appropriate combination.Comment: minor change

    Adaptation in tunably rugged fitness landscapes: The Rough Mount Fuji Model

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    Much of the current theory of adaptation is based on Gillespie's mutational landscape model (MLM), which assumes that the fitness values of genotypes linked by single mutational steps are independent random variables. On the other hand, a growing body of empirical evidence shows that real fitness landscapes, while possessing a considerable amount of ruggedness, are smoother than predicted by the MLM. In the present article we propose and analyse a simple fitness landscape model with tunable ruggedness based on the Rough Mount Fuji (RMF) model originally introduced by Aita et al. [Biopolymers 54:64-79 (2000)] in the context of protein evolution. We provide a comprehensive collection of results pertaining to the topographical structure of RMF landscapes, including explicit formulae for the expected number of local fitness maxima, the location of the global peak, and the fitness correlation function. The statistics of single and multiple adaptive steps on the RMF landscape are explored mainly through simulations, and the results are compared to the known behavior in the MLM model. Finally, we show that the RMF model can explain the large number of second-step mutations observed on a highly-fit first step backgound in a recent evolution experiment with a microvirid bacteriophage [Miller et al., Genetics 187:185-202 (2011)].Comment: 43 pages, 12 figures; revised version with new results on the number of fitness maxim

    Universality classes of interaction structures for NK fitness landscapes

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    Kauffman's NK-model is a paradigmatic example of a class of stochastic models of genotypic fitness landscapes that aim to capture generic features of epistatic interactions in multilocus systems. Genotypes are represented as sequences of LL binary loci. The fitness assigned to a genotype is a sum of contributions, each of which is a random function defined on a subset of kLk \le L loci. These subsets or neighborhoods determine the genetic interactions of the model. Whereas earlier work on the NK model suggested that most of its properties are robust with regard to the choice of neighborhoods, recent work has revealed an important and sometimes counter-intuitive influence of the interaction structure on the properties of NK fitness landscapes. Here we review these developments and present new results concerning the number of local fitness maxima and the statistics of selectively accessible (that is, fitness-monotonic) mutational pathways. In particular, we develop a unified framework for computing the exponential growth rate of the expected number of local fitness maxima as a function of LL, and identify two different universality classes of interaction structures that display different asymptotics of this quantity for large kk. Moreover, we show that the probability that the fitness landscape can be traversed along an accessible path decreases exponentially in LL for a large class of interaction structures that we characterize as locally bounded. Finally, we discuss the impact of the NK interaction structures on the dynamics of evolution using adaptive walk models.Comment: 61 pages, 9 figure

    Critical properties of complex fitness landscapes

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    Evolutionary adaptation is the process that increases the fit of a population to the fitness landscape it inhabits. As a consequence, evolutionary dynamics is shaped, constrained, and channeled, by that fitness landscape. Much work has been expended to understand the evolutionary dynamics of adapting populations, but much less is known about the structure of the landscapes. Here, we study the global and local structure of complex fitness landscapes of interacting loci that describe protein folds or sets of interacting genes forming pathways or modules. We find that in these landscapes, high peaks are more likely to be found near other high peaks, corroborating Kauffman's "Massif Central" hypothesis. We study the clusters of peaks as a function of the ruggedness of the landscape and find that this clustering allows peaks to form interconnected networks. These networks undergo a percolation phase transition as a function of minimum peak height, which indicates that evolutionary trajectories that take no more than two mutations to shift from peak to peak can span the entire genetic space. These networks have implications for evolution in rugged landscapes, allowing adaptation to proceed after a local fitness peak has been ascended.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, requires alifex11.sty. To appear in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Artificial Lif

    Set-based Multiobjective Fitness Landscapes: A Preliminary Study

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    Fitness landscape analysis aims to understand the geometry of a given optimization problem in order to design more efficient search algorithms. However, there is a very little knowledge on the landscape of multiobjective problems. In this work, following a recent proposal by Zitzler et al. (2010), we consider multiobjective optimization as a set problem. Then, we give a general definition of set-based multiobjective fitness landscapes. An experimental set-based fitness landscape analysis is conducted on the multiobjective NK-landscapes with objective correlation. The aim is to adapt and to enhance the comprehensive design of set-based multiobjective search approaches, motivated by an a priori analysis of the corresponding set problem properties

    Fitness landscape of the cellular automata majority problem: View from the Olympus

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    In this paper we study cellular automata (CAs) that perform the computational Majority task. This task is a good example of what the phenomenon of emergence in complex systems is. We take an interest in the reasons that make this particular fitness landscape a difficult one. The first goal is to study the landscape as such, and thus it is ideally independent from the actual heuristics used to search the space. However, a second goal is to understand the features a good search technique for this particular problem space should possess. We statistically quantify in various ways the degree of difficulty of searching this landscape. Due to neutrality, investigations based on sampling techniques on the whole landscape are difficult to conduct. So, we go exploring the landscape from the top. Although it has been proved that no CA can perform the task perfectly, several efficient CAs for this task have been found. Exploiting similarities between these CAs and symmetries in the landscape, we define the Olympus landscape which is regarded as the ''heavenly home'' of the best local optima known (blok). Then we measure several properties of this subspace. Although it is easier to find relevant CAs in this subspace than in the overall landscape, there are structural reasons that prevent a searcher from finding overfitted CAs in the Olympus. Finally, we study dynamics and performance of genetic algorithms on the Olympus in order to confirm our analysis and to find efficient CAs for the Majority problem with low computational cost